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    Thread: Too tired to try.

    1. #1
      Daydreams of Lucid Dreams
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      The Middle of Nowhere.

      Too tired to try.

      hello! just asking for some help.
      thing is, most techniques rely on waking up in the middle of the night. whether it's WILD, VILD, DEILD, FILD, and even MILD and DILD want you to record dreams immediately after having them.
      i find this all well and good during the day, but when im in bed, i've just woken up, its warm, its comfortable...and i am NOT in the mood to visualize, stay still and twitch, or scribble in the dark, i never actually try.
      is there an easier way to lucid every night? other then the wholly un-reliable "RC every .0000000001 seconds" methed. am i just being a lazy bum? or is there a learning curve to this thing? has anyone else had difficulty with this? how did they get past it?
      Sorry for apologizing...

    2. #2
      Daydreams of Lucid Dreams
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      also, i know they say not to try things in the WILD family at the beginning of the night, REM cycles and whatnot, but could it work? it's the only time i have mental energy for that sort of thing. compared to middle-of-the-night/late-morning, where all i honestly want to do is roll over and think about how nice the bed is, how comfortable i am, and put WILD techniques off until tomorrow night.
      Sorry for apologizing...

    3. #3
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      There is no easy way to lucid dream every night, it takes years of practice to have multiple lucids per night.
      By the sounds of things you want to be able to DILD, lucid dream while dreaming already, so you can go to bed at night - uninterrupted.
      If you really want to consistently have lucid dreams every night, you need to change your lifestyle. Good/great recall, awareness throughout the day. Experience is also a big contributor, so the more lucids you have the more frequent they will come. So I recommend reading around DILD/MILD techniques as much as you can, find something that works for you, fine tune it to suit you perfectly and work with it for a decent period of time and you will see some great results! Good luck!!!

    4. #4
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      WILD is usually performed after a few hours sleep at night when REM periods become longer, more frequent. Or as Stephen LaBerge tried as an afternoon nap.
      If you try at the start of the night when you first go to bed then the average person would hit their first REM (dreaming) phase after 90min. That is why it is not recommended.
      Unfortunately LD is a skill which takes dedication and practice. As you point out, quite rightly, that filling out a dream journal, waking up early or doing endless RC's can seem too much, especially at first.
      If WBTB is not for you then (as Arch says) you could always try MILD:
      MILD - Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views
      This relies on you saying or repeating to yourself something to the effect of: "I will wake up after every dream period and I will remember my dream", etc.
      However, the technique does rely on you recording the dream in the morning when you wake up, as most of the well known techniques do. Although you could try writing keywords down that relate to your dream(s) to write down later.
      If you don't like writing then you could always use a voice recorder either on your Mobile 'Phone, or Mp3 player, as most of these devices have a recorder as standard.
      Try your PC or an App to type in your dreams?
      It is worth it. Even a vivid dream, or some insight when learning can be a great experience.
      I can remember one of the most memorable dreams I ever had when I was a teenager was not necessarily a lucid one, but it opened up a whole new world for me. I wanted to find out more.

      Good luck.
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    5. #5
      Lucid Shaman mcwillis's Avatar
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      I agree with Arch. But then you could read 'Silver Bullet's Newly Revised Key to Lucid Dreaming' thread. He went from bad recall to a multi lucid dreams per night oneironaut virtually overnight. However it won't work for everyone as I believe it only works for people that have a certain psychological make-up.

      Please click on the links below, more techniques under investigation to come soon...

    6. #6
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      I would study self-hypnosis and apply some of those principals to your sleep pattern. Progressive muscle relaxation and visualization.

    7. #7
      Daydreams of Lucid Dreams
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      WOW! i honestly didnt expect this many replies! you are all quite the helpful bunch!
      i considered MILD after epically failing many a WILD, but im somewhat of a skeptical person, and its kinda like i have to catch my mind when its not looking :/ but i will keep trying it.
      i also understand that its not likely i'll have LDs everynight, overnight. but i would like to get to the point where i could have them at will.
      Sorry for apologizing...

    8. #8
      Member Simplicity0's Avatar
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      The one thing that seperates my own will for WBTB stuff and MILD efforts in the day is that I have more important things to focus on during the day right. I can't subconsciously be self-aware and mantra repeating ontop of my daily routine unless i need to get around that.

      When Pikachu is in doubt he does a reality check.

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