
A couple of days ago I remember exiting a dream into consciousness. I didn't attempt to recall it but I remembered DEILDing so I stayed still and kept my eyes closed. Instantly, I felt numbness and I heard a crackle in my right ear. I was sleeping on my stomach and I felt my feet floating behind me. The feet floating thing has happened to me once before in the middle of the night. This time I tried to float with them, tried imagining lights and images, and tried imagining spinning. Nothing worked and my feet were no longer floating after a while. I tried getting up but I was in sleep paralysis. I struggled and I did get up except I was staggering and the only thing I could see was a still image of my blanket. False-awakening I guess. I was in bed again in sleep-paralysis this time I could hardly move my hands. Suddenly I heard my alarm and instantly woke up.

I distinctly remember thinking I was conscious while my feet were floating but after I woke really woke up I'm thinking this might have been a dream.

Sorry if I included unimportant details. Hopefully someone can explain what I did wrong or if I actually have chance with this.
