Just had my first longer LD - was quite concious for some time during different dreams. I'm sure they were quite vivid, too. (I usually have good recall, but i forgot most of the details the moment i woke up, probably has something to do with being tired?)

Anyway. I wanted to share how awesome the feeling was when i looked out a window and could see and hear a whole city outside.. I thought to myself, "there probably won't be any cars, since I don't know anything about the different models and stuff, my subconscious wouldn't be able to create them convincingly".. and there came down the road a 70s-style car (see, i can't even describe the type drew a sketch in my dream journal though..) and a truck in an altogether too cubical form

Also, I kept myself from making radical changes to the dream scene, just went along with things, noticing my surroundings, so that I wouldn't lose the lucidity - so, what is the best, safest way of changing the scene without the dream breaking apart?

The post is a little bit incoherent, sorry for that. My brain has gone to sleep, already, apparently.