Vivid : 9
Hearing : 10
Feel : 9
I started out in a museum and instantly became lucid. I tried to summon people and it didn't work but I kept walking around and I went into a nurses room, the nurse kept looking for me after I summoned a girl in her room, (I was planning to do her, but she looked sick) I think she told me to get a job. I walked into the next room, it was dark. Now after that I just tried to summon a ton of people but it failed. *I do not know when this next part took place* I went up on stage and started to have it with some lady ~30 yrs old. I tried to jump into the ground* After I tried to summon a ton of people I left the museum and went to a bridge, but before I got there I tried to fly, didn't work so I remember a post I read about jumping off something and you'll fly. So I jumped off the bridge and right before I hit the water I was flying, the wind was blowing in my face, it was awesome. After I got to the center of the water it was dark, and I yelled "Show me my biggest fear" twice since it didn't work the first time. All that happened was a giant black cloud formed. I then flew back to a stone slab by the bridge and I saw a 18-25 yr old, pretty hot. I asked her if I could "eat her" and she said yes. I told her the water was shallow and she stepped in. Not going to say what was next. But after that I flew back up to the museum, the dream was getting blurry and I RCed to make sure this was a dream and to keep my lucidity. I then went to a door and felt the walls, and heard everybody talking to stabilize. After this I went to another room in the museum to summon some more people, but it never worked. The end