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    1. 9/1 | First time using powers

      by , 09-01-2014 at 05:33 PM
      I started off in my car where I realized I was dreaming. I got out and immediately felt the sun's warmth on my skin. I then stabilized by touching the road and looked at my hands only to see a ton of little indents from the pavement. I noticed I only had 2 fingers so I looked at my other hand and it had 4 I believe. I started at my hands until they look normal (In the dream I thought that when my hands looked normal that I was fully stabilized).

      A guy then pulls a gun on me but doesn't shoot, he puts it away then pulls it back out again. I do some Dragonball Z hand shit and make him fly about 30 ft away from me. I then tried to set the grass on fire, and it worked. It was awesome. The dream ended shortly after since I always seem to become aware when my dreams are becoming close to ending.

      Time fell asleep : 11pm - 12am
      Time awoken from lucid : 7am
      Before bed : Had tv on until asleep, fell asleep on my right side, 40-50mg diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
      2 day LD streak now.
    2. 8/31 | Very cool lucid

      by , 08-31-2014 at 01:36 PM
      Non lucid : I started out in a car with 2 other kids, I was in the middle seat. One kid was talking about games non stop. We drove through a tennis court which I have no idea how we fit. We then drove through a field with a lot of people playing sports. I saw a little kid with crutches trying to 360 with them and he fell. So they see me laugh and start chasing and there is a roadblock ahead.
      I get out of the car and start walking and a cop comes over and tells me to put my hands up. He looked like porn stache from Orange is the New Black.

      Lucid : I realized this wasn't normal and became lucid instantly. It was very dark so I tried sticking my finger through my hand and I couldn't but I already knew I was dreaming. I tried rubbing my hands but it didn't work and then I tried rubbing the ground and it worked. I yelled clarity and stabilize and light and they all worked.

      I was on a paved lot next to a field of luscious grass that was about 10 in tall. I could see it sway with the breeze. My vision was kind of weird then I remembered to take my chemistry goggles off. Then everything was mind blowing.

      I stabilized some more then tried fo summon a person and they ran away so I turned around and found a person there who was dtf. We had sex for a bit but it felt dull, probably won't be doing that anymore and will do more fun things like flying.

      Vividity : 10

      Updated 09-01-2014 at 05:36 PM by 50709

      Tags: lucid
    3. 8/17/14 | Parking Lot Lucid

      by , 08-17-2014 at 02:45 PM
      In my previous dream I had just gotten shot in the head, I told the person to do it. I laid still afterwards and waited for the whooshing to start. I visualized myself in a parking lot and that is where I ended up.
      I felt everything around me, stabilized and looked at the fine hairs on my arm. It was raining a little bit I think and was a little windy. I had a really weird feeling in my legs, kind of tingly. I tried to summon somebody but they looked really weird. Like half of the normal face then half the face of Arya Stark from GoT. So I tried somebody else to summon and they had their head on a horse. The horse chased after me and kept nudging me and woke me up.

      I laid on my right side and waited for the noises, like the whooshing and tinnitus kind of things. Then I focus on them and make them louder, and then I visualized myself in to the dream and it worked. Was after around 8 hours of sleep and I had a dream right before it.
      I feel like I can enter into this phase really easily now after some sleep, going to keep working on it.
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    4. 8/11/14 | Notes for LD

      by , 08-11-2014 at 07:19 PM
      3 sips zzzquil
      Went to bed around 12pm
      Set alarm for 6hrs 20mins later
      Did SSILD
      lucid , side notes
    5. Notes for 8/6/2014

      by , 08-07-2014 at 09:31 PM
      5mg of Melatonin keeps me up, messes up recall completely.
      1.5mg of Melatonin makes me start dreaming earlier in the night and fall asleep within ~45 minutes.
      side notes
    6. 7/25/2013 | 20 seconds

      by , 07-25-2013 at 04:24 PM
      So it lasted about 20 seconds or so. I've recently started going to the gym so I've been 'mirin myself a lot. Well I ended up doing it in my dreams and my body was colored weird, like vains were yellow and I had a red tint. So I knew something was wrong and pushed my finger through my hand, took a bit of effort but I got it. So it wasn't very vivid but I rubbed my hands and in a couple seconds it was fully blown vivid.
      But here's where the weird part is that I have a question on, it was very hard to breathe in the dream, like I had just run a marathon and was struggling for air. Soon after I woke up.
    7. 7/1/2013 | Double Lucid

      by , 07-01-2013 at 04:24 PM
      Today I had 2 LDs. Started with a DILD and a dog biting my hand while I was trying to stabilize so I woke up. Went back to sleep and did a WILD practically right away. I flew up a bit and my awareness changed so I knew I was lucid. I tried opening my eyes or something and I woke up and fell asleep again.

      This is sweet as I haven't had a LD for a long time, or 2 LDs in 1 night for that matter. Took me from 06/13/2013 to 07/01/2013. Which is pretty dang good for me.
      lucid , side notes
    8. 11/22/12 | First lucid after the break

      by , 11-22-2012 at 05:22 PM
      Last night was my first lucid after my break from LDing. Took me 6 days to accomplish, starting on 11/16/12. Basically involved me trying to summon people and flying but I didn't do any of them, I tried to fly but I just fell on the grass and it hurt..
      lucid , memorable
    9. 7/8/12 | First Good Lucid

      by , 07-08-2012 at 03:41 PM
      Vivid : 9
      Hearing : 10
      Feel : 9

      I started out in a museum and instantly became lucid. I tried to summon people and it didn't work but I kept walking around and I went into a nurses room, the nurse kept looking for me after I summoned a girl in her room, (I was planning to do her, but she looked sick) I think she told me to get a job. I walked into the next room, it was dark. Now after that I just tried to summon a ton of people but it failed. *I do not know when this next part took place* I went up on stage and started to have it with some lady ~30 yrs old. I tried to jump into the ground* After I tried to summon a ton of people I left the museum and went to a bridge, but before I got there I tried to fly, didn't work so I remember a post I read about jumping off something and you'll fly. So I jumped off the bridge and right before I hit the water I was flying, the wind was blowing in my face, it was awesome. After I got to the center of the water it was dark, and I yelled "Show me my biggest fear" twice since it didn't work the first time. All that happened was a giant black cloud formed. I then flew back to a stone slab by the bridge and I saw a 18-25 yr old, pretty hot. I asked her if I could "eat her" and she said yes. I told her the water was shallow and she stepped in. Not going to say what was next. But after that I flew back up to the museum, the dream was getting blurry and I RCed to make sure this was a dream and to keep my lucidity. I then went to a door and felt the walls, and heard everybody talking to stabilize. After this I went to another room in the museum to summon some more people, but it never worked. The end
      lucid , memorable
    10. Notes for 6/28/12

      by , 06-28-2012 at 11:18 PM
      Do not take 5-htp >6hrs before bed if you want to recall dreams.
      side notes
    11. 6/25/12 | Baseball

      by , 06-25-2012 at 09:28 PM
      I was in my yard playing baseball with my dad and some other kid, and he threw me the ball, I hit it and it went through my basement wall. The wall was in the wrong area but I didn't realize it. I went to the basement and I realized my dad and the kid could see me.
    12. 5/14/12 | Shock

      by , 05-15-2012 at 02:01 AM
      I had 3 dreams and a couple fragments but I'm not going to type it all, just one fragment.

      I was in a square room or was outside, not sure. But I was playing soccer and then I went to my clothes basket and somebody took some of my clothes and I was like "wtf" where the hell are my corduroys.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    13. 5/13/12 | Good Recall

      by , 05-13-2012 at 11:07 AM
      This time I did a WBTB WILD, failed but was ok in the end.
      4 1/2 hrs of sleep/Milk/Bathroom/Noise Meditation

      1. I was in a big room, sort of like a cave, and by taking a weird pill I transitioned into a LD like phase, but not really. I could fly and do all the LD stuff but I was not LDing. Next I asked a friend Noah if he knew anything about LDing and he said "I don't know".

      2. I was late for school even though I was already there.. I was worried and nervous. Some kid in my science class was playing a song on his/her's laptop. And I recall it being about Madonna wearing a condom.. Next I ran to the lunch room to get some food, and there was a lot of people there. There were dvds on everybody's seats it was weird, their was also a little packet of cereal on peoples seats too. I then ran out of the cafeteria after eating my food and took my DVD. Next I teleported and somebody was getting arrows shot through their head.

      3. I got caught writing in my DJ and some boring kid named Michael from my school came and stomped on it after he through it on the ground. (Weird thing is I got caught writing in it today and told my mom it was my science homework, she thinks I'm doing drugs or something)

      4. I was in a huge parking lot and I knew I was dreaming. I made the dream see through my waking like eyes and it worked, I had HD vision and I told my friends from my school bus I was dreaming, and I think one of them said "aw cool". Next I ran up some stairs for no reason, I guess I was excited. After that I ran back downstairs and tried to summon a girl, it failed the first 3 times but in the end I summoned 2 of the same girls but they were the wrong ones.. So I was like 'meh' you guys take these 2 I'll summon another one. I ended up waking up because I closed my eyes, maybe it was a FA but I'm not sure so I won't say it was.

      5. I was in BF3 and I found a little glitch where it allowed me to move a vase and climb to the top of the building and I could snipe people. I got up but I didn't kill anyone as my gun was not a sniper.

      6. I was in a different game, but similar to BF3. My team had to spray the other team with water until the time is up. My team won and I gave my teammate a high 5.

      7.My mom said "Do you hear your dad? You shouldn't have went downstairs" And I said "I only got milk"

      Updated 05-13-2012 at 01:43 PM by 50709

      Tags: crazy, lucid, school
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    14. 5/12/12 | Crazy small people

      by , 05-12-2012 at 04:21 PM
      This is a short one as I don't remember the whole thing as it happened awhile ago.

      But I was in a little lounge and there was 2 midgets (no offence) and they we're fighting, the girl was hitting the guy on top of the head with a trophy or something. It was very funny.
    15. 5/8/12 | Aware from the start

      by , 05-08-2012 at 08:05 PM
      This time in the dream I started out lucid. I was in a classroom, but it was sort of small. Anyway first I tried shooting flames out of my hands on to a person, but it didn't show up, only the mark on the person's shirt. Next I tried to move them a bit using the force, it worked. Now I tried to fly and Idk what I did the first try but I failed and then the 2nd try I got it. Next I went up to a door and tried to make a hot girl appear, it didn't work. So I tried again while knowing I could make them appear and then it worked. So I got to business. I'm guessing the dream was around ~3-5 mins. And I could feel things but it was minor, nothing much. I felt the flying part a bit and the sex part a little

      Updated 06-26-2012 at 04:12 AM by 50709

      lucid , memorable
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