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    1. #1
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      Still Can't Progress!

      Hey guys, I'm looking for some inspiration.

      I started tring to LD back in June last year. In July I had my first LD- very brief, only about 10 seconds long, but I know what it all means now!

      Then about a month later I had another 2 LDs, again very short. Every time I was shocked awake by how amazing it was.

      BUT, since then I just can't get it.

      I took some time out thinking maybe I was trying too hard, and stopped doing my DJ and didin't try, but my dream recall just worsened.

      I've tried WBTB and WILD, but just end up staying awake for ages and then falling asleep.

      Then more recently I've tried going back to increasing my day time awareness and doing a different RC (checking all signs and text during the day).

      About a week ago I had a very vivid dream where I could see a notice board which had my name on it, and I very clearly thought "that text is all wrong", but didn't quite become lucid.
      However I knew I was close.

      I've been doing my DJ again, and usually remember at least one dream every night, sometimes 2 or 3, although I do struggle to remember the early ones as I don't write them down immediately, just in the morning. My dreams are usually quite vivid.

      Maybe I'm just not being disciplined enough?

      I do struggle to get enough sleep I suspect - usually in the week I am going to bed at 10:30 - 11:00 and waking at 06:00, except I often wake for a short period at between 03:00-04:00 immediately after a dream. That's when I try a WBTB but maybe the REM period has passed and that's why I fail?

      Any other tips?

      I'm staying positive, and trying not to get too frustrated, especially after the near awareness of the wrong text last week, but really would like to progress!

      Thanks in advance.

    2. #2
      BiPolar means I'm FUN!!! kevinmwhm's Avatar
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      I had to RC reading your post. It seemed too strange that you are in the exact same spot as me. (the only difference is that I'm on a 3rd shift schedule and you started before me)

      Good Luck!!

      If you're ever fed up with life, try having kids. It'll never be the same...
      Plus you can do all that cool kid stuff again without looking like a creep. Bounce House, here I come!!!

      Everyone else has a picture down here so here's the best band ever...

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by kevinmwhm View Post
      I had to RC reading your post. It seemed too strange that you are in the exact same spot as me. (the only difference is that I'm on a 3rd shift schedule and you started before me)

      Good Luck!!

      im having all the same problems too, ive tried everything.. some things actually used to work, but now they have no effect at all. my dream recall is flawless and always has been, but realizing i am dreaming is usually next to impossible for me

    4. #4
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      My dream recall is getting worse again, and I fully expected to be much further along by now especially since I used to be a proficient lucid dreamer about 20 years ago, so I know I can do it and shouldn't it be like riding a bike, but all I can think of is that dreams work in mysterious ways and sometimes the more one tries the harder it is, but I am not willing to risk trying less, and what if I am not trying hard enough after all?

    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by JoannaB View Post
      My dream recall is getting worse again, and I fully expected to be much further along by now especially since I used to be a proficient lucid dreamer about 20 years ago, so I know I can do it and shouldn't it be like riding a bike, but all I can think of is that dreams work in mysterious ways and sometimes the more one tries the harder it is, but I am not willing to risk trying less, and what if I am not trying hard enough after all?
      we are obviously genetically tampered with, lucid dreaming and realizing our true inherent spiritual potential should not be the big struggle that it is. after the first few major lucid dreams i have i felt as if something was "changed" within me so it was harder to achieve lucidity and I believe it came from an alien source, also due largely in part that i have precognitive dreams of ufo encounters which i had, and also documented on video, there is something larger than we are aware of at stake, that is im belief and understanding.

      Also every time after that that I ever had a sleep paralysis experience i had multiple instances where an alien appeared and told me it was an invasion and i could go no further, this happened multiple times, i believe some people may be blocked

      i have also had multiple abduction experiences growing up and implants.

    6. #6
      Dragon Scionox's Avatar
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      It is better to write dreams right after waking up, we engage dream memory at the moment of making entry in the dream journal. Though recalling 1-3 dreams per night is actually quite good for beginning as far as i know.
      The fact that you are getting more vivid/almost lucid dreams is a good sign too, keep trying, be confident, and you'll get there.
      Quote Originally Posted by Goldenspark
      I've tried WBTB and WILD, but just end up staying awake for ages and then falling asleep.
      The goal of WBTB/WILD is to fall asleep while being aware, not to stay awake, i suspect that's what you were doing wrong.
      Quote Originally Posted by JoannaB
      My dream recall is getting worse again
      Dream recall is pretty unstable thing by itself, sometimes it's amazing, sometimes it goes downhill for smallest reason or even unknown reasons. Has anything changed in your life, especially sleep related, when it went downhill? If yes, try changing it back. If no, then it might be just random thing, don't worry about it and keep trying, it'll be back.
      Quote Originally Posted by venn99
      but realizing i am dreaming is usually next to impossible for me
      No, it is completely possible! Think positive, as with everything in dreams, if you think it is impossible, it will make things harder. Also have you tried all day awareness? I have heard some people having success with it. http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...kingyoshi.html

    7. #7
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      my dream recall is pretty stable aside from drinking and smoking pot. ive never really found any benefit from dream journalling. its really the oddest thing cause i can will myself to recall my dreams in detail, i can usually will myself to dream about something by day dreaming about it, but when it comes to getting lucid, it just doesn't happen. i am believing it is like you said an attitude and i have to be positive about it and it should start to happen i feel it is moving in that direction anyways.,

    8. #8
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      Wbtb wild


      The goal of WBTB/WILD is to fall asleep while being aware, not to stay awake, i suspect that's what you were doing wrong.

      Yes, I understand that. I used to get very definite SP and HH/HI, but that doesn't seem to happen so much now.

      I still get SP I think, but If I try too hard I just don't fall asleep for ages, and Iif I relax more I just end up waking in the morning.

      I've tried counting down, but that, including mantra of "I'm dreaming" between slow breaths just keeps me awake.

      I did have a period where I was convinced I had had some false awakenings, but they were effectively just dreams, so still no RC and / or awareness!

      I know I am close, but just can't quite seem to cross that threshold.

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