I had to RC reading your post. It seemed too strange that you are in the exact same spot as me. (the only difference is that I'm on a 3rd shift schedule and you started before me) |
Hey guys, I'm looking for some inspiration. |
I had to RC reading your post. It seemed too strange that you are in the exact same spot as me. (the only difference is that I'm on a 3rd shift schedule and you started before me) |
If you're ever fed up with life, try having kids. It'll never be the same...
Plus you can do all that cool kid stuff again without looking like a creep. Bounce House, here I come!!!
Everyone else has a picture down here so here's the best band ever...
My dream recall is getting worse again, and I fully expected to be much further along by now especially since I used to be a proficient lucid dreamer about 20 years ago, so I know I can do it and shouldn't it be like riding a bike, but all I can think of is that dreams work in mysterious ways and sometimes the more one tries the harder it is, but I am not willing to risk trying less, and what if I am not trying hard enough after all? |
we are obviously genetically tampered with, lucid dreaming and realizing our true inherent spiritual potential should not be the big struggle that it is. after the first few major lucid dreams i have i felt as if something was "changed" within me so it was harder to achieve lucidity and I believe it came from an alien source, also due largely in part that i have precognitive dreams of ufo encounters which i had, and also documented on video, there is something larger than we are aware of at stake, that is im belief and understanding. |
It is better to write dreams right after waking up, we engage dream memory at the moment of making entry in the dream journal. Though recalling 1-3 dreams per night is actually quite good for beginning as far as i know. |
my dream recall is pretty stable aside from drinking and smoking pot. ive never really found any benefit from dream journalling. its really the oddest thing cause i can will myself to recall my dreams in detail, i can usually will myself to dream about something by day dreaming about it, but when it comes to getting lucid, it just doesn't happen. i am believing it is like you said an attitude and i have to be positive about it and it should start to happen i feel it is moving in that direction anyways., |
[QUOTE=Checker666;2001213] |