Sorry if this has been said before but I am having trouble with it so I am looking for help. I believe this arose from going lucid, and just observing the dream, instead of taking control (but i may be wrong). I have no problem with dream control, dream signs, etc, but recall and lucidity has been an issue more recently. I almost always enter a lucid dream upon first going to sleep, but it often fades away into a void like, black out state. I wake up in the morning with the feeling I had a lot of dreams, some times I can even recall images of really vivid/intense dreams. But I still remain in that black out like state where I can't remember, or even tell what I was dreaming about. I can even be fully lucid, and everything will just fade away.

Could this be a comfort thing? maybe i just slip off into a very relaxed sleep state? All I know is that I am having many, many, many dreams that I am not remembering, or able to become aware of while sleeping.

I am having trouble explaining this sensation, but I will try to elaborate more if I can.