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    • 1 Post By mimihigurashi

    Thread: Is this progress?

    1. #1
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      Is this progress?

      This morning I dreamt I was on a beach and there was a guy nearby. I thought "I want that guy to come here.. if this was a dream I could make that happen. I should do it in my next lucid dream". It was a bit frustrating because I thought about lucidity but didn't become lucid, but I'm thinking maybe it's progress because my mind is starting to internalize my intention and focus on lucid dreams? What do you think? I've been practicing mindfulness meditation, maintaining a self-aware state of mind throughout the day for as long as possible and doing reality checks as often as possible and whenever something out of the ordinary happens, for about 4 days. I also had a similar dream a few days ago, about being frustrated that I can't become lucid in a dream. Could these dreams about lucidity be a sign of small progress? I know it takes weeks for meditation and self-awareness to take effect in dreams as DILDs, a more long-term reliable LD method, but just wondering.
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    2. #2
      Dream dream dream... ParadoxOwl's Avatar
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      I believe you are close, this is how it all started to come together for me, first the thought of lucid dreaming then pretty soon I got my first WILD one early morning. Don't change anything just yet, keep going, your so close. Also try not to get frustrated, just don't think of it as a failure.
      ~~~~~{Lucid Dream Goals}~~~~~
      ~~{Look at my hands}-{Find a light switch}-{Eat something}~~

    3. #3
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      Anything you do while practicing lucidity is progress, and this definitely sounds like a major step in the right direction.
      You might not have become lucid in that dream, but you definitely had lucid dreaming on your mind, which is awesome.

      Try practicing MILD tonight, and tell yourself that you are going to understand that you are dreaming in the next dream you have.
      This would have an even better effect if you wake up during the night and tell this to yourself as you fall back to sleep again, since you enter REM much quicker when you fall back to sleep right after waking up.

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by jackc45 View Post
      I believe you are close, this is how it all started to come together for me, first the thought of lucid dreaming then pretty soon I got my first WILD one early morning. Don't change anything just yet, keep going, your so close. Also try not to get frustrated, just don't think of it as a failure.
      Really? Good, thanks. It's weird, I've had only 5 lucid dreams in about 2 months but 3 out of those 5 were induced via WILD. They say WILD is an advanced technique that beginners shouldn't think much of, but for some reason it tends to work quite well for me, assuming I get the right amount of hours of sleep, which is about 8.

      Quote Originally Posted by Laurelindo View Post
      Anything you do while practicing lucidity is progress, and this definitely sounds like a major step in the right direction.
      You might not have become lucid in that dream, but you definitely had lucid dreaming on your mind, which is awesome.

      Try practicing MILD tonight, and tell yourself that you are going to understand that you are dreaming in the next dream you have.
      This would have an even better effect if you wake up during the night and tell this to yourself as you fall back to sleep again, since you enter REM much quicker when you fall back to sleep right after waking up.

      I sometimes wake up during the night to try a WILD but it's not successful since I haven't gotten enough sleep yet, but never tried MILD, I'll give it a few chances, thanks, and thanks for letting me know I'm on the right track, it's really useful to know.

    5. #5
      Oneironaut Achievements:
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      I also think you are on the right track ! Mindfulness during the day is a very good bet, as it is how a lucid dream is supposed to feel.
      As Laurelindo said, it is good to wake up during the night, recording your dreams of course, and strengthening your prospective memory with MILD, like « Next time i'm dreaming, i will remember____(to recognize i'm dreaming)____»...
      Check your memory, did any suprising event happpen ? does the present make sense ? visualize what you will do when lucid, and how. Reality check as reminder of your intention to lucid dream tonight. Sleep as good as you can; when going to sleep, relax and invite whatever comes with curiosity. Grab your dream journal immediately as you awake and write everything you can recall (if only when you wake up for good). Keep calm, positive and persistent, and don't forget to have fun along the way

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