This site has A LOT of techniques to become lucid |
I've been having trouble lately having lucid dreams. i've had about 3 or 4 and cant seem to have a technique that works for me really. i usually try to realize i am in a dream generally (which doesnt seem to be working lol) so anyway what would anyone else suggest? |
This site has A LOT of techniques to become lucid |
I usually start my dream BEFORE I fall asleep. This allows me to make a decision about what I will dream of and also I can continue dreams from previous nights or repeat a dream. |
I couldn't figure out why the frisbee kept getting bigger... and then it hit me.
That site has some really good info on it, MILD is a great tech for people starting out. |
"Do you believe in Karma?"
"Sutra? YOU BET!"
When I first started becoming lucid, one technique that I used was the "hyperspace" technique... As you're falling asleep, imagine the night sky, then begin moving forward while focusing your mind on maintaining a steady pace (If you accelerate too fast, you may simply fall asleep because of the hypnotizing effect this has) This technique would usually initiate a falling dream for me, which I eventually learned to control and turn into a flying dream. At first, it was frightening because there is a lack of control -as if you're falling into a void. My tendency was to want to pull out of it and make myself totally conscious. Eventually I learned to move left and right, turn around (as if falling backwards), and even do summersaults and begin identifying my extremities (hands, feet, arms, etc). |
This really does. I just discovered it on Altavista with this forum as well. |