Don't worry. this drains me too, and I forget what we wrote way back haha, here some other thoughts, starting by responding to you:

I guess let me define what I mean by objective world and subjective world.

The objective world is the world that contains matter and energy.
The subjective world is our perceptual world.

I have my subjective world, you have yours but we are both in the same objective world. A material chair is in the objective world. If I perceive it, the perceived chair is in my subjective world. If I visualize a chair, the chair is in my subjective world, but not in the objective world. It's also not in your subjective world. And it doesn't have a subjective world of its own. If I visualize a person, it's the same. In dreams, people are the same: they don't have a material version in an objective world. They aren't in anyone else's subjective world, and they don't have a subjective world of their own.

When I talk to you, I am talking to a person with a subjective world. When I talk to a convincing dream character, I feel no different from talking to someone like you.

But ultimately, I think it's fine. It's probably good to have that feeling in dreams.


I had an interesting dream last night. I practiced nondual experience. Let's define two more words: ME experience and OTHER experience.
ME experience is any experience I identify with: ex. I think MY thoughts, I rise MY hand.
OTHER experience are experience I don't identify with: ex. I'm hearing YOUR voice, your shaking my hand with YOUR hand.
Because our subjective world is completely constructed by our mind, ME experience and OTHER experience are both constructed by my mind. If my mind is me, then, even OTHER experience is ME experience. If my mind is not me, then, ME experience is also not ME experience. I think both are true to some extent.

So for me, nondual experience is removing the feeling of ME vs OTHER experience and making it all feel one way. Step 1: feeling like ME experience is equal to OTHER experience in the sense that they are my mind (perspective: I am not my mind, I am the consciousness perceiving my mind). Step 2: feeling like OTHER experience is equal to ME experience because it is also constructed by my mind so it's also ME experience. When doing this, it feels like the center of consciousness is no longer in your skull behind your eyes.

I did this in the dream and it felt much like when I do it in waking life. I didn't conventionally become lucid from this but my dreams were very intense and I resolved one problem in a particularly lucid way. Not in the way that interprets the dream as not real (all of it is actually me) but in a way that I interpret the dream as being symbolic (maintaining a certain distance from the mind). So, I kind of feel like practicing nondual experience helps find the right balance.