ok, ive ben trying WILD for a couple nights now. everywhere i read it always recommends yuo stay awake for a half hour to an hour before going back to bed. now, im not the best sleeper in the world and i absolutely cannot have any light (except for my red light) or i will have trouble falling back asleep. i usualy get up, go to the bathroom, grab a small snack, and spend maybe 10 mins or so straigtening out my mind and focusing on the task ahead. i do not see why it is so stressed that you need to stay awake for an hour or so. i really think if i made myself do this, i will not be able to go back to bed and feel that feeling where your body is completely relaxed like it feels when you're going BACK to bed. i guess for some people its best, but for me i find 15 minutes or so to be sufficient enough to clear my head of grogginess without waking my body up too much. does anyone else experience this?