Okay, I’ve been trying to wild for the past 2 weeks. I had one night when I first started with a few very low level dilds, but since then, have been totally unsuccessful dilding.
So every night, I get up like 5 or so hours after going to sleep, move in bed a little, maybe even sit up, to get myself alert but not too awake so I can’t get back to sleep, then I lay on my back, arms at my sides, and start the breathing and counting. I usually lose count, but I shake it off and don’t focus on it too much and keep going from where I think I left off.
After a little while, I get vibrations in my neck, and sometimes shoulders, and in very rare cases the whole upper part of my body. These last for about 5-10 seconds, then stop, and then… nothing. I’m there lying in bed having to start over. I try pushing my tongue through my teeth, but it doesn’t work.
What am I doing wrong? One night I felt really strange, I guess like people describe, having butterflies like riding a rollercoaster. That only lasted a short time too, then I was back to square one again. I even did an rc to check if it was a fa.
Please help me, I’m pitiful.