Have you ever read about a disease or heard symptoms and started feeling like you had them yourself? Imagine that kind of power working for good instead of evil. It's not hard to imagine, most people's dream journals provide good snippets, which inspire and bring about new confidence in dreaming.

The idea: Constantly reading about how fun and easy lucid dreaming is will help develop the optimum mindset for LD success.

The challenge: Write a true or fictional story (a paragraph or two), with the focus being on the ease or joy of lucid dreaming. Keep it positive! Make up characters or do whatever you have to do so that I can live vicariously through your success! Put your story in another colour.

I am walking across the grass field next to my old school. I am thrown off balance by the pulsing of the wind as it kicks up the freshly fallen leaves from beneath the trees. One particularly high flying leaf is shot like a rocket into the sky. I follow its path against the violet sky. Violet... what a strange colour for the sky. No sooner do I process the thought than the pull of gravity from the dream state sucks me in. The transition is natural, effortless, expected, it is like a friend guiding me from the rocks of a stream to it's peaceful banks.

The more I realize how easy it was to become aware of my dream, the deeper my lucidity becomes. The air is cool and sweet. The wind dies and the trees become still as if waiting for new instruction. I stand with the universe at my fingertips in an open and beckoning field.