Well I heard for the first time about lucid dreaming 14 months ago. I was always flying in my dreams but never lucid. I began reading about lucid dream I joined this forum 12 months ago more or less. After that I have my first lucid dream in one month. Since then I had a lucid dream once a month, but lately I have one a week and there was a night in which I had three in a row. Because I am 59 I thought that that was the reason for my poor achievement. Last night I wake up at three to go to the bathroom. I took cold green tea and went back to sleep. It took half a hour before I could sleel again. All of the suden I have a false awakening, but inmediately I realized that I was dreaming. I was in my room and it was snowing inside, As soon as I realized that I was dreaming I opened a door ( there is always a door) I saw like a enormous space in which I began flying. I was flying over my hometown in Cuba, I could see the river,and buildings from a top. I decided to do a reality check, not because I needed, It was just to practice. I looked at my left hand and I has 6 fingers, but then I mended that I it looked perfectly normal, I pinched my nose, etc. I have been practicing to be more aware of the environment. I do that when I am driving back home from work. Today I, said, I will pay attention 100% to every thing that it is in front of my car and I forgot about care to my left side. The result was that I almost was struck by a big truck entering to the highway. I need to be more aware then.