It's in the tutorials section.... |
Does anyone know of a good WBTB and MILD combined tutorial? If so please post here. |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
It's in the tutorials section.... |
Those are two different techniques, and there are guides for both of them. |
~XeL's DJ~
~Adopted by Cygnus~
Well, Technically WBTB is not much of a technique on it's own but it's used to aid you (combine) with other techniques but I do get what you were saying. |
"The world is your playground. There are bumps along the way but this playground comes with a fully equipped toolbox with equipment out there to solve ANY disease,problem or issue out there. ONE problem. Some tools are harder to find than others. Lucid dreaming is just one of them."
- Marcher22
~XeL's DJ~
~Adopted by Cygnus~
I've gotten lucids from doing a WBTB where I fall asleep in like 1 min after I turn off the alarm. disrupting sleep without even using MILD seems to sometimes work. |
The burden of proof lies with the one making the claim
10 Lucids [X]
Look at my reflection [X]
Dream sex [X] with climax [X]
Thank you so much for the replies! |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
Thank you so much for the replies! |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
I guess so. I remember after having 1 lucid dream it was easy to get the rest. ( as long as I was still interested in Lucid Dreaming) |
"The world is your playground. There are bumps along the way but this playground comes with a fully equipped toolbox with equipment out there to solve ANY disease,problem or issue out there. ONE problem. Some tools are harder to find than others. Lucid dreaming is just one of them."
- Marcher22
I prefer to do my WBTB with somewhat of a WILD attempt. It does not always work and perhaps would be better to combine with DEILD instead of WILD, but yesterday the whole WBTB mixed with WILD technique worked. I did it twice and had 2 False Awakenings. Of coarse there could be a possibility that the only reason the WILD part worked was because I woke myself up enough to do so. Anyway, you should try WILD. I think everyone should because sleep paralysis is not really as scary as people make it out to be. I've about 4 WILDs in the past month and about a year ago I had alot(more than I wanted). You should try it because it is an interesting form of getting lucid. However if you wish to stick to WBTB and MILD, Marcher22 seemed to be on to something with his first post. |
Reality is what you make it. Why not make it a dream?
My very lucid DJ:
Yes, it will get easier! |
Last edited by acidlife; 06-09-2010 at 01:19 AM.
Wow, thank you for all the replies guys! And sorry for the double post. |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
Also, feist303, while I am RCing to, say, people with hats in the day; should I also be doing it to my dream signs too? |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
Ofcourse, keep RC'ing to your dreamsigns as usual! That's very important if you want to learn to recognize em in your dreams! |
Haha okay. Thank you |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
I use DILD's! I've had about 200 lucids in the past 2 years! Only one of em was a WILD! |
Last edited by acidlife; 06-09-2010 at 04:06 AM.
Whoops, sorry, typo. |
DILD - 0
WBTB - 0
- - - - - - - - -
[ ] Fly. [ ] Use my magical powers. [ ] Grow smaller. [ ] Sled down Mt. Everest.
[ ] Grow wings. [ ] See inspiring things. [ ] Play with fire.
Yes, i do! It's one of my favorite techniques and i would recommend it to everyone to try! Some people have mastered it and use it to LD at will! |
the best i think is to just repeat the phrase |