Someone posted this on another site, today, (the one I got banned from) and I like it. He/she wrote:

Pretty far out stuff, but this movie is a great watch for those interested in dream sharing.

Paprika Movie Full (English Dub)
Paprika Movie Full (English Dub) - YouTube
(1:30:32) Uploaded by KiraC91 on Oct 14, 2011
15,539 views so far.

1st dream sequence (0:00 to 3:33)

Your were the one in my dream

Everyone is startled the first time they try it. This little device is called the DC mini. It’s the scientific key that allows us to open the door to our dreams.


Then captures them on a computer? It’s a perfect Dream Machine.

Actually, to tell the truth the DC mini hasn’t been completed yet. Once it is complete you’ll be able to enter your dream even while you’re wide awake.

(Looking at a computer screen) Didn’t you say he was a friend?

Yah, I did. We used to work together a few years ago.

Why did he go after you and put you in a cage?

I don’t know. He’s just not the kind of person who would execute that kind of trick.

Looking at the computer screen and clicking the video of the dream forward he says:

Why do they all look like me? That’s really disturbing.

Here you are as Tarzan, right?

This looks like a scene from some spy thriller and I have to admit that the fighting was kinda fun. Any REM sleep that occurs later in the sleep cycle goes a bit longer and is a bit easier to analyse. If we were to compare dreams to film the earlier cycles would be artsy shorts, a later cycle would be a full length feature.

Well then I guess that would make you, mmm, my own discovery, a movie starlet.

You’re upset. I guess movies aren’t your thing?

No, it’s not that. (Looking at more on the computer screen the mans says hmmm)

Who’s that man?

The victim in the homicide case I’ve been working on for some time. I’ve been trying to find his killer. I know the purp’s still out there. Maybe that’s why I can’t seem to concentrate lately.

Anxiety neurosis.

You think this case could be causing it?

We don’t want to jump to conclusions. The therapy is just getting started. (she walks to the door to leave) Take care of your self Detective KornerKeller (she walks out the door)

Man runs to catch her



When will I see you again for my treatments?

And she gives him a card and leaves

Opening film credits roll with woman lucid dreaming in real-time world.

Film begins at (8:00)

Better watch it while you can. I have found over the years that full-length movies often disappear off YouTube citing copyright issues