I'm starting to wonder more about this, whether when we sleep we might actually leave the physical plane in some way and mingle with people on a spiritual level.
I hardly ever dream about my boyfriend, despite thinking about him all of the time, (the relationship is long-distance at the moment) but I've noticed that when I do dream of him, it is always either on a significant date when he would likely have been thinking about me a lot rather than I him, or he has phoned the next day out of the blue just to say that I was on his mind. I can only recall 4 dreams that I've had about him in the whole of the 15 months I've known him, so the dates do stand out. The dreams are very realistic and down-to-earth rather than symbolic. He's always in character and we engage in normal conversations and activities..it's just like being with him in real life.
Maybe it's only wishful thinking with the relationship being long-distance and me looking for anything that could connect us. But it just seems like too much of a coincidence. Does anyone else wonder about this?