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    Thread: Precog Dreaming, an example.

    1. #1
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      Precog Dreaming, an example.

      Hi guys, I know many of you have wondered about the many supernatural things I claim to have experience in. I in no way am trying to convince anyone here. I had another dream I would think of as a precog dream, and wanted to share it with you all, just so you can see what I mean.

      Ok here is a copy of the dream from my DJ ( 07-21-13 Sprinkeler at Work DILD - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views)

      ++++++++This small stupid DILD took me way too long to get lucid. I was dreaming about work, which I normally can prevent. I had to go through a scene where the fire suppression system was on and ruining my stock, and then the line was much longer than every is normal, realizing I had not shaved, trying to shave and finding the razor dull but having removed half my facial hair. When I saw large water pipes that should not be there, I finally became lucid. My recall is poor on what I did after that. Mostly I just told myself I am not allowed to dream about work. ++++++++

      OK, here is the precog part. The dream was the nightof the 21. On the night of the 22, I was busy working on my attempt to start a home buisness. I have set up a room with huge fish tanks to grow out coral (the sea animals). In a sense this is being at work, but the dream happened at my salaried normal job. I had a shipment coming in the morning and had to do a large water change to get ready. I was up until 2am. I was tired and forgot to remove a hose that was draining the largest 250 gallon tank. I went to bed. At 10 am I get a call to go get the stock from the airport.
      I see the 250 gallon has drained out about 200 gallons of sea water and is almost empty. I panicked as it had held almost all of my stock. I was just sure a huge part of my investment and almost a year of grow out time had been destroyed. I rushed to steal water form the large tanks above it and got electricuted! A cheap pump had failed after running dry for hours and zapped me very very hard. Next I realized that having drained a tank above that, the heater was needing unpluged. It was not coming free of the extension cord. I saw that when the tank was at a certain level a pump sprayed salt water over some electrical cords and they burst into flames. It went out on its own, but a six inch section of the tanks stand had been burnt black and the cords had melted.

      Precog analysis: The dream was the night prior to this. The dreamwas of a nature I remembered clearly and bothered to document. In the dream water was spraying and the water was related to a fire. The water spraying was going to destroy my stock, that is true in the dream and real life. A sequence of three bad things happened in a row, in the dream and in real life. One of the 3 things was caused by cheap equipment in the dream and real life. In the dream one of the problems also happened because I forgot to do something basic (shaving vs removing the drain hose). In the dream the thing that maked me lucid was a water pipe being where it should not be. In real life a water hose being where it should not be caused the chain of events.

      I am at work now, so please forgive the rambeling approach to explaining this. I am not trying to sell anyone on my ability to have precog dreams, but having a good example fresh at hand I figured I would share it. Please feel free to comment in any way. Nay sayers are welcome, as are any spin off conversations that may arise or telling your own stories.
      Last edited by Sivason; 07-25-2013 at 08:48 PM.
      Peace Be With You. Oh, and sure, The Force too, why not.

      "Instruction in Dream Yoga"

    2. #2
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      A couple of observations:

      Since it was you who forgot to remove the hose, from the outside this wasn't a precognitive dream so much as a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm not doubting that you have precognitive dreams, just pointing out that you had a hand in making this one come true.

      It seems to me there must be some sense in which future events are 'caused' by fate or karma or providence or something, and when we foresee them we're tapping into the subconscious mechanism that causes them. This seems to imply that there's some way for 'spirit' to influence matter. And maybe that's what we're doing every minute when we control our own bodies. Having experimented with this quite a bit, I think that when I throw a coin, the outcome is not 'random', that its influenced somehow. A coin toss is sensitive to that, since a tiny perturbation produces a different outcome. But it doesn't have a lot of very interesting states, just heads or tails. The brain on the other hand is both highly sensitive, and highly complex and connected in a way that allows a lot of interesting behavior. My example is flawed in that the coin toss is also controlled through my body, but I'm pretty sure that it still works with any other sufficiently sensitive control. And I guess this leads to the point I'm getting to, that the body is a major mechanism that providence uses to produce destiny. So although the hand you had in your water disaster may invalidate it for a skeptic, to me it fits because the same subconscious muse that produced the dream also used you to produce the event. And it did it in the same way in both cases, by influencing your imagination, attention, and muscle control. I'm sure my 'muse' description here isn't quite what's really going on, but its something in that direction.

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by shadowofwind View Post
      A couple of observations:

      Since it was you who forgot to remove the hose, from the outside this wasn't a precognitive dream so much as a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm not doubting that you have precognitive dreams, just pointing out that you had a hand in making this one come true.

      It seems to me there must be some sense in which future events are 'caused' by fate or karma or providence or something, and when we foresee them we're tapping into the subconscious mechanism that causes them. This seems to imply that there's some way for 'spirit' to influence matter. And maybe that's what we're doing every minute when we control our own bodies. Having experimented with this quite a bit, I think that when I throw a coin, the outcome is not 'random', that its influenced somehow. A coin toss is sensitive to that, since a tiny perturbation produces a different outcome. But it doesn't have a lot of very interesting states, just heads or tails. The brain on the other hand is both highly sensitive, and highly complex and connected in a way that allows a lot of interesting behavior. My example is flawed in that the coin toss is also controlled through my body, but I'm pretty sure that it still works with any other sufficiently sensitive control. And I guess this leads to the point I'm getting to, that the body is a major mechanism that providence uses to produce destiny. So although the hand you had in your water disaster may invalidate it for a skeptic, to me it fits because the same subconscious muse that produced the dream also used you to produce the event. And it did it in the same way in both cases, by influencing your imagination, attention, and muscle control. I'm sure my 'muse' description here isn't quite what's really going on, but its something in that direction.
      That all sounds very reasonable, and actually triggered a little bit of recall into the dream I had spaced off. I remember clearly now, that as I walked up to my work place and saw the fire suppression system running, there was a flash of a confusing manner that more or less made me think "this is my fault, because I spaced off something, now I am going to be in so much trouble" It was a super imposed image of a sandwich press style grill and fabric caught in it. It came with a sense of recall that I had left something where it could catch fire. I also just now recall that the same flash carried the concept "at least the fire went out."
      So thanks for the input. I actually remember those elements to the dream, but your post just made it relevant.
      Me being the cause of it was important. I feel that maybe in some way your muse idea can apply. I learned 3 separate valuable lessons from the experience, three lessons I may never have realized until a real disaster happened.
      1) Salt water is no place for cheap equipment. I will replace it all, as electricity and water are just too dangerous. 2) I must protect all outlets and extension cords from water, even if I do not see how they could get wet. 3) I need a fail safe device for water changes.
      My stock lived, this time. I did not burn down my house, this time. I did not die from electrical shock,,, this time. I am new to this trade and needed these lessons. According to what you suggest above (perhaps?) I in some way taught the lessons to myself.
      Peace Be With You. Oh, and sure, The Force too, why not.

      "Instruction in Dream Yoga"

    4. #4
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      For me, the lesson comes from somewhere that's a lot less than 'God' but still quite a bit beyond what I normally think of 'myself'. Although I'm in the first person in the dream, I think I'm experiencing it a little bit from that other perspective, its more than just a different interpretation of my human perspective.

      For me, in a case like this, the waking life experience is also a metaphor as much as a dream can be. For example, the sea water has a spiritual meaning, its like psychic atmosphere or something, such as is also symbolized by wine. Maybe 'electricity' also has an interpretation in that context, I don't know. The 'equipment' would be your intellectual constructs. The lesson would be don't fuck around carelessly with psychism using our cheap-ass esoteric religious ideas, approach it with a bit more caution and humility. And we're also limited by our physical bodies which are 'equipment' that aren't up to it either. Man is not the end of evolution.

      One purpose of the premonition is to give the same message from two complimentary perspectives. Maybe the dream perspective where the water ruins your merchandise is more how it looks from a 'higher' perspective', for instance, and the waking life experience where the water runs out and starts a fire is more how it seems from your human perspective.

      I don't know what this 'water' is, but I feel the absence of it in outward aspects of my personality. This is one reason I'm relatively good at drawing insight internally, but not artistically creative, or psychically perceptive in relation to other people, relatively speaking. I can get more up it into that part of my mind from interacting with other people though, and the effects of that seem to hang around for a few days. I guess I just said I'm a vampire, but hopefully its in a good way.
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    5. #5
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      This is a copy of a post I made on another thread: It is releveant here as well, here you go:

      I have had this happen a couple of times. I have even documented the results on my facebook.
      Check these face book status's out. I will continue doing more research on this and I will update in the future on Dreamviews if I can. I will also upload progress on my Face Book posts which will be open to the public.

      1. https://www.facebook.com/717hacker?v...55461831164346

      2. https://www.facebook.com/717hacker?v...61476787229517

      The first link details writing I saw in a dream on May 21st, 2013.
      The event described in that dream writing actually occured one day later on May 22nd.
      The incident was all over news headlines.

      The second link details a news headline i had seen during the end of my dream on June 3rd, 2013. I posted the status of the dream on June 4th. I then saw the news headlines 3 days later in reference to the Fl. incident.

      There have been many other instances but those were left unrecorded, I will post more of the results of my experiments in the future.

      - 7:17
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    6. #6
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      Dreams that show the future are few, and far between. - For me anyway.
      I have had quite a few in the past, and believed them all to be accurate. Then I joined D|V and realised most could have been down to how advanced our minds are.
      A person will notice something on a subconcious level, then dream the outcome. This is not precognition, just probabal outcome.
      I am not labeling your dream with this definition, but I do scrutinise every detail of my own dreams now.
      Your dream matches either definition.

      After all my negative talk, I know with 99.9% confidence that precognitive dreams are real.
      There is a " feel " to a precog' dream that is unusual.
      Also the details in one of my dreams were so strange that I put it down to a normal fictional, rambling dream.
      Then the news story a few days later showed me the dream was from a victims point of view.
      The unique circumstances could not have been guessed, and have never been seen before, or since.
      Sivason likes this.

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