50 Week RV Experiment: Week 8

Hello Everyone.

The Main Chat Thread for this Experiment is here:
Fifty Week Remote Viewing/Telepathy Experiment

The deadline for this week's experiment is Saturday at Midnight, Hawaii Standard Time.

There are now two new targets in the black box.

1. Get two sheets of paper and a pen. Write the code for your target at the top of the paper. Draw whatever lines you get impressions of. Do not concern yourself with trying to draw a certain shape or object. Focus on the lines. Keep your eyes open. This should take about 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

2. Write a word list next to your drawing (on the same sheet of paper) of any impressions you get color, texture, size, shape, sounds, smell, light, shadow. Do not concern yourself with guessing what the target is. This should take about 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Now, do it again with the next target.

3. Take photos of your drawings, and upload them to this thread before 2/01/2014 midnight Hawaii Standard Time. (If you have poor penmanship, then please type your word list.)

Please only post photos of your results in this thread, one post per participant. All chat regarding this experiment may be posted here: Fifty Week Remote Viewing/Telepathy Experiment

After the deadline, feel free to comment on the results, but please only post photos of your results before the deadline.

These week's targets are locations on earth. The latitude and longitude will be revealed on Sunday, Chronos permitting. I wrote down the name of the place, the coordinates and the codes on a piece of paper which I will now place in the black box. This week I generated the codes with a random fantasy name generator which offers a grid of many names. The names were both the 23rd names on the first and second grid I generated.

The codes for the two targets are:

Target A: Kiml
Target B: Shy'endy