Non lucid conversation with Waking Nomad for about 10 minutes. We are in a kitchen with 2 windows. He is cutting pineapple with a bear claw / 3 pronged scrapper. Talks about papaya and avocados that people cook and pour out the avocado liquid. My brother is there and he asks if we are friends. Asks where we are from? PA I tell him I'm WhiteWind from dream views. He says he doesn't really sense a connection / we don't really think the same.
Lucid, Spin teleport visualizing/ saying waking nomad. Walk out to a desert and he is there with a tan fedora in his hand. "Whats in the box?" "Stapler, the Pokemon building is coming in." I think that these were guesses from previous week. "Whats in the box? Really think" "Its a catego... (whisper)" I listen very closely but still cant hear. Someone walks up and asks him again. "It is a category that does not contain gas" I think I've heard that before.
Lucid. Enter a house by a dock on the ocean. Tried to find Waking Nomad behind the door but it took several tries. A voice says the party doesnt start until 8:00, meaning, he is not able to be found now. I keep trying until a man who could be him shows up. It looks like WN except he shaved the sides of his head and wore braces. I asked him to show me the object in the box. There was a posterr in the hall way that said "??pass" like an organization or fund raiser. He took me to a (bed?)room. A box was on a counter. WN reached to something mounted on the wall. He pulled out something paper like with bright orange waves on one corner. The paper was separated into sections. A later dream I see there are flowers and colored trinkets in the box. All many colors (mainly yellow and blue).
Dreaming of attempting to WILD. Dream created HI very brief. Enter dream in a tent. Try to get out form under it and come into another tent. eventually get out and I'm under my room outside. Fly up to check the card but can't get through window.
After a long lucid of failing to control psi and or getting to Giza, I have a false awakening. Raise the light levels in the room and check the card: 6 Hearts. Shows very clear and definitive. The card in waking life is 9 spades. I at first consider it a failure and think about trying to WILD into another attempt. I look again and the bottom right of the card catches my attention. The 9 of spades flipped is the 6 of hearts.
WILD typical HI. "You are entering the dream." There are soldiers in a room getting debriefed on a mission. I try to follow but lose focus. I recognize one of the people in the room and talk to him for a while.
My friend and I are waiting in the parking lot for his dad to come pick us up. Wait a minute, this already happened. This is a dream. James, we're actually asleep in your house right now, this is a dream. Are you lucid? You know we're dreaming.
I'm in my roommates room, reading the label of a bottle. The text is bizarre and shifting. semi-lucid. My best friend walks in with a pisspoor blunt. No one could make it that bad if they tried. "Dude, your not gonna be able to smoke that." He lights it up anyway and most of the cigar wrap burns off. "That is such a bad roll, this must be a dream." I slap him really hard across the face , he just looks at me and laughs. Ya it's a dream. Rachel walks in and smiles at me, I smile back. I go into my room to check a card I have laid out as a remote viewing test. It should be sitting on a table with the TV, but when I look, the table is empty except the television. I reach out and grab where the card should be, and I pick one up. When I turn it over, the front is the same as the back, no writing. I turn it over again, and another card shifts out from under the first, like 2 were stuck together. They are: Three of Clubs Two of Hearts I force myself to wake, and go to check the card. But it's not there. My roommate had cleaned and moved the card off the table. So I went back and lay in bed for a while, remembering the dream. Got up and looked around the room, I see a card laying on my dresser. It is the Two of Clubs. It's one of the cards value, but the other cards suit. Still, I could pass this up to chance and decided to try again for better results. Then I woke for real. ^ was a false awakening. I had fallen asleep again when I was remembering the dream. I was really awake before, and my roommate did clean the table. I found the card on my dresser with other things and checked it: Three of Hearts....
Updated 07-29-2011 at 08:38 PM by 30713
Yesterday: long day after short sleep. napping. SP. buzzing in the ears, my eyes are slightly open and there are hallucinations in WL. I see someone walking in the next room. Someone bends down and whispers in my ear. In and out of HI about 5-6 times. One time, I hear voice of myself: "I can feel the weight". One time, falling down tunnel, voices of fire and hellish things, usually force a wake from this but manned up this time. Still trouble with relax/awareness balance.
Thinking how reality feels like a dream. hand RC lucid. DILD stability wears off quickly. fumble with stability techniques for a while. foggy many dreams after. such bad recall On a boat with my brother. water spouts are blowing us around
In my basement fighting Jamie Bell. We are rehearsing for a fight that we want to do in our dreams. He does a low spin kick and trips me, but I notice that I didn't feel much pain. Without reserve I throw a strong right hook and he goes down. I cross his arms behind his back and pin him. He laughs at my shoddy pin and stands up effortlessly. This feels off, I try to do a hand RC, but he has broken free and is grappling me. "Wait." I push him back and slowly observe my hand. lucid. I'm off to find Chichen Itza (lousy recall, don't remember the chronology) Lucid in the black, watching small images form and hearing music. I materialize outside in a park. It's dark out and I see a police officer walking near. After stabilizing, I go towards a street light, to illuminate the dream. I try to climb the pole but fail, so I bend in and sit on it, trying to use it as a catapult to get to the temple. Cant remember how I got from there to the pyramid I see Chichen Itza in the distance and come upon it quickly. I am with two others who I feel are dreamers, but I am only semi-lucid, and don't engage them directly. A battle is about to take place at the temple, and I am caught up in the moment of it. When we arrive at the top of the temple, we are joined by many painted warriors. I see myself in third person. I am in a pre battle rage. My body is covered in red and blue war paint, muscles flexing as I roar a battle cry. I am almost taken aback as I see my eyes, which are chilling and blood thirsty. Then I spot on my back a bow and quiver of arrows, and excitement takes over. The enemy is approaching, another tribe, which is more animal like and demonic than us. I nock an arrow and take aim at a chief like warrior, who has an elaborate garb. I fire and make a direct hit, but he is unaffected. A talisman around his neck is made of bone and magically repelled the arrow. The battle continues, but I've lost details from memory. recall picks up when we are back at camp. One of my two companions is mourning the loss of a woman. I approach him and tell him we must go back to the temple. Lucidity is very minimal here. There is an increased awarness. I know I can do magic, but not fully aware of dream. He doesn't understand why we must go. I want to see a certain warrior at the temple. "Our fates are entwined." I tell him. We walk through a forest, into a field. There is a village in the distance, and the architecture is similar to Chichen Itza, but I can't spot the pyramid. "Where is the temple?" I ask them, but no response. I take off from the ground, hoping to get a better aerial view. I fly above the village, and quickly leave the earth and enter space. Vision fades to white and I wake
On a laptop, hand RC 6 lucid. In aunts house. (this is a reoccurring setting for lucids, which I never understood the significance of. The only person I've contacted once in my dreams from the other side is my grandpa. My aunt inherited his house) Get up and notice the dream is very stable and vivid, so I skip stabilizing. Stability techniques haven't been working lately, so trying to just interact normally with the dream. Go upstairs, thinking about how to get to Chichen Itza and the stability loosens. Try turning on the lights, going toward lighter areas. I meditatively fight with the dream for a few minutes, but never settle. Wake
Moving the dream body in SP. The movement anchored into a dream of my room. Stabilized by touching and smelling various things. Went to go check the card in the other room, but not locked in the dream yet and fall to black. HI forms several times, always sped up by moving/ rolling out of my waking body. Struggle with balancing awareness and relaxation for a while. Get woken up
A hand RC and lucid. In a room, standing on flowing cloud like goo. Stabilize. Walk out of the room, trying to expect Chicen Itza. There is a long corridor of stairs surrounded by walls of goo. Walk up the stairs and turn the corner. There are many geysers of goo blocking my vision. They subside and reveal a scene that resembles the pyramid. It is a pyramid with stairs, but not Chicen Itza. There are many people here, like a village, and consider asking around for dreamers, but its not the right location. There is a woman at the top of the stairs with a baby. It feels like a ritual is going on with the child. The mood is spooky, like a sacrifice. When I climb the stairs, the woman and child have been replaced by a body, laying inside a funeral pyre. Decide to keep looking for Chicen Itza. May have waked or lost lucidity. Had several non-lucids after this before writing it down, so the recall is not completely fresh.
Breath meditation while lying down. Enter SP and feel consciousness shift. Full scene forms directly from black, no HI. (This happens often during meditation but the scene always fades the moment I notice it) I'm sitting on the bed which my waking body is in. It is a full dream scene, but incredibly unstable. Any thought or non meditative action ends the vision, which happened once, but the scene returned. Instead of looking 'past' the scene, observe the details of the scene without force. Body and vision is drifting, carefully redirect attention to where ever my eyes move to. Eventually it settles on a spot and I'm filled with an incredible trans personal feeling. Sucked through the spot into a dark black space filled with connected dots of light. A beautiful female voice is singing. "Don't worry. everything will be okay" A very peaceful experience