Not even sure why I posted this, or if it's in the right section, but really I'm just kind of over it, right now.


[Note: I have just found out that my buddy Marcus, the one who I'd "killed" in my "Surreal Tournament" dream the other night, has actually passed away, over the weekend.
As tragic as this is, I cannot help but notice the coincidences it raises. I've never focused too much on dream interpretation, but the synchronicities are kinda interesting, some of which may take a little backstory.]

1) Before my father died, last year, I had a dream in where I was on a plane. On the plane when I asked where I was headed, someone told me that I'd died in my sleep, and this was the "plane to heaven." This dream was followed by a false awakening in which I awoke in my bed, relieved that the news I'd received was just a dream, and then rolled over to find my "body" laying beside me. I was still dead, and back in my room as a spirit in this FA. My parents came in to the room and found me dead in my bed, and began to mourn over me while I could do nothing but stand over them as a spirit and watch them greive. This was probably the single, most powerful dream I've ever had, and the only dream specifically about a death in my home that I've had since I was a kid.
Significance: My father died, at home, in his sleep, while my mom and I were there, almost a month later, to the day.

2) I've only seen my dad in my dreams a handful of times after he died, and usually he's trying to hint something to me. I find out often that he tries to get me to guess that I'm dreaming, by asking me stuff like "don't you find it strange that you're talking to me right now?"
Significance: My dad just happened to show up in the only dream with Marcus in it, that I've ever had.

3) I ended up "killing" Marcus in the dream. This is somewhat significant in more than one way. Not only did the only dream I've ever had of him signify his death, and happen 3 days before his death, but in the dream, this situation was metaphorically similar to our relationship. I'd met him through his roomate, who I'd already become pretty good friends with. In my dream, they were both there, along with many of my other friends who aren't really a part of the circle involving these two.
In the dream all of us (basically everyone I know) were having a life-fire gunfight that was reminiscent (sp) of the only game that Marcus, his roomate and I ever play together on the 360, which was a first person shooter.
Out of everyone involved, it ended up with the three of us on one level of the multi-storied building. Before I'd gone up through the stairwell to the level above marcus, the other guy on our level (who I'm assuming was Marcus's roomate, because he had the exact same build, though I don't remember seeing his face) did something that I remembered after writing the dream in my journal, but didn't feel was significant enough to go back in and add, which was jump straight up to the next floor by standing close to one of the edges (there were very few walls in the building) and jumping straight up on the outside of the building and grabbing the floor of the next level, pulling himself up chin-up style.
Trapped in the stairwell, I'd taken the stairs and gone up to the same level to get away from Marcus who was shooting at me with his assault rifle. From above, I was able to get the advantage and shoot down through a hole in the floor to the level Marcus was on, killing him and getting the point.
Significance: This stands out because, in waking life, Joe and Marcus were good friends, and I met Joe first. Marcus had been going through hard times lately. Cause of death is not important, but I will say it was not suicide. Anyway, I find it interesting that, out of the three of us that were having the firefight, Joe and I both "ascended" to the next level, while Marcus stayed on the level below and, having that as his disadvantage, was killed.

I'll make no assumptions about this dream, but I do find that there are enough coincidences to remember it, in light of what's happened, and I figure it belongs here as well as anything else.]