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    1. #1
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
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      Please help. My niece "attracts" paranormal things to her

      This is long, but if you believe in the paranormal, please read it. Please.

      O.K. So I don't usually talk about freaky stuff. I always was of the mind that while paranormal things existed, they could be explained. My mind is logical, science-y. You can predict the future? No you are just more keen on your surroundings and... well you know the type. Recently I moved in with my sister for a while, and her daughter e.g. my niece, well, I can't explain some things.

      My niece is 10 years old, raised in a reasonably normal household. She is ridiculously sensitive to emotions and things, and holds the utmost respect for life. She once walked up to me when I was upset and said "You are feeling alone. But you don't have to. Because I love you." Talk about cheering a person up. She is awesome. But it goes beyond that. I have experienced and seen things... I cannot explain.

      In all my life I never experienced anything I could not reason through or otherwise. Still haven't, except regarding her. The very first time it happened, well we were outside, it was very late, dark. Sitting on the step of her house and talking. Her dog was barking at something in the night and she started acting scared and I figured, you know she's 10. Kids get scared at night. Well I thought I would tease her. And expected she would act frightened and well you know. I mentioned something regarding ghosts and she said "Please don't say that." I said "Why will that make them come?" and she turned to me and spoke in a voice that was like you would use when you were very seriously warning someone they are in mortal danger. She said "Do NOT say that again." It was totally her voice, but the tone was just, commanding. It sent chills down me, and I shut up.

      I asked my sister later and she told me a story. Late one night they had walked down there decently long driveway to get the mail. Why at night, IDK. She told me how when they got to the middle of the main road, 5 feet from the mailbox, my niece stopped and spoke it that same voice. Like from a scary movie. "We have to leave now, it's not safe" It's an extremely powerful voice, I don't care if you are skeptic or not, anyone uses that tone with you, be they an adult or a 10 year old girl, you listen. They got back to the house and my sister asked her what happened. She replied "It's okay, we are safe now." and that's all she would say. Well I'm thinking at this point, okay she can speak in some weird commanding voice when she gets scared. That same night, my sister and I talked forever, my niece fell asleep on the couch. I was telling my sister how we had heard this "phantom cat" earlier, well as my niece had called it. They have like 8 outside cats, and one that comes inside to eat. I had attributed it to you know, one of those cats in the dark. While speaking about it, both of us heard a meow and the sound of a small animal running upstairs and fell silent. My sister said "Please tell me we forgot to put the momma cat out" and I said "We must have". We looked, there was no cat. Not inside, not a "real" one. We looked outside, there she was. Could the cat have been on the roof? No, they live in an A frame. Outside is only cement or grass. Inside is carpet. There should not have been footfalls ANYWAY, real cat or not. Slightly spooky, but I'm still trying to logic-ify it.

      A few weeks later, I was sitting on the porch again with my niece, my sister and her husband were outside and one of the neighbors came up. My niece immediately starts acting weird and I asked why. She says I would think it was silly. I promised I wouldn't, I'm thinking if this guy did something to her I'm gonna go beat his ass. This is what she said "Everytime, right before he comes here, a bell rings and a girl screams." Which did shock me, but by now I certainly didn't think it was silly. I asked her why, and she said "because he is bad." I asked if she had ever witnessed him doing anything bad and she said "No, I just know." That's all I got, but more importantly, I gained her trust and she openly talked to me about her "paranormal" experiences. Not too much later, a few days maybe, she tells me sometimes in the dead of the night she hears a girl scream. "But you probably don't believe me." I stated I did. In reality, I believed SHE heard a girl scream, but it wasn't real. That would change. Roughly a week later I was laying in bed trying to sleep at roughly 3am. The absolutely most terrifying scream I had ever heard pierced through the night. Not thinking and more shocked than anything I burst out of my room only to find, everyone was asleep. Everyone. I remembered what she said and got scared. I looked at a window, honestly terrified at what I'd see when I pulled back the blinds. Nothing. No one. Their closest neighbor is half a mile. I turned the light on and slept none that night, literally as terrified as I've ever been. In the morning, I asked her if anything odd happened last night. She said no, and I looked at her. And then she said "You heard her." That was it. I believe. There is something real there. There are countless more similar experiences, all of them when she is around. My sister tells me that she can recall vivid memories of things before she was born. I said maybe she's heard you talking about them, and she said "No, private things, that no one was present for but me" Never have I experienced anything unexplainable that wasn't in her presence. The more she told me of her "paranormal world" the more it revealed itself to me, and scared me. But she seems to know when it's safe and when it's not. I believe she does. If I didn't I wouldn't put myself in her presence. I believe by her being "in tune" with this somehow, she either draws it to her, or reveals it to those around her.

      I really know little to nothing about this sort of thing. I posted this in the hope someone could shed some light on it. Please tell me. I want to know why this happens. Why do these things seem to surround her? Why is a 10 year old girl capable of taking a tone that anyone who hears it will obey without question? Am I really not safe when she speaks like that, or does she really possess the ability to protect me from something unseen, if only I listen? I'm honestly scared now, talking about it seems to make it happen. I've not talked about it to anyone but her and my sister. Is it okay for me to keep talking to her about these things, they seem to reveal themselves the more I know. Am I going to eventually encounter something that will forever change things? I moved out of my sister's house, not for that reason. But I did stop talking to my niece about "paranormal" things. I'm terribly intrigued, she has shown me she has some vision, some ability, or some sense that I do not. Something that shatters my logical world. But what it reveals scares me. What should I do?
      Last edited by Leixor; 08-08-2008 at 11:23 AM.
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    2. #2
      Member Raijin777's Avatar
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      well first of all.. dont panic - panic results to no good and can make you just do worse things. Second - congratulations seemingly by your text your niece has her third eye fully open and fully functional - a gift not anyone can have , and if she was gifted with it , it means she is one of teh few people who can actually handle it. We are given no talents we cannot handle- explaining why very few people have it . Well I firmly believe that ghosts and paranormal are attracted to people with teh third eye because they are the only who can seemingly interact with them and maybe help them . When your niece does teh dominant voice its mostly her defence macchanism coming to function so i highly advice you to listen to her.If she truely has teh gift she will come up herself with how to solve these anxieties. But DO NOT force her to do anything SHE HAS TO COME UP WITH IT HERSELF. Stressing her to try harder can lead to no nice consequences. This is what I learnt through experiences. Hope I have been of better help ( and if maybe you are of christian faith (with all due respect if you are not and all the other formalities) prayer helps ) ( hope i didnt offend anyone and if you dont agree just ignore the post , this is just personal opinion)

    3. #3
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
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      No I certainly would not claim to tell her anything. She is far more knowledgeable about this than I. I wouldn't begin to know what to tell her, and she doesn't ask. She says what she says with confidence, I've only seen her afraid once or twice. Yes I am of the Christian faith, my interpretation of it anyway. Prayer can certainly bring peace to your mind. I am scared of what she can perceive, but also I am so interested. I don't wanna brag but I am generally knowledgeable. What I don't know, I know how to find out on my own. But here is someone who is on a completely different level, and my only chance to learn about it is from her. So that intrigues me massively. After I heard the scream, she opened up to me greatly, speaking about things as though it were just completely natural. But I think she sensed my fear, and stopped with some of the more "intense" things. Even forgetting the supernatural stuff, it amazes me how hyper sensitive to peoples emotions she is. You can't hide it. And because she is so genuinely honest and caring, it doesn't matter that she can see your fear or loneliness. Because I mean come on, when you are feeling alone and someone comes up to you and says "You feel alone. But you don't have to because I love you" that pretty much fixed it for me! I find it odd to talk like this, questioning myself and feeling silly. But it's no surprise I feel silly admitting I was quite wrong in my assumption that the supernatural was merely some sort of "better" perception of what I can already see.
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      Favorite Lucid Dreams : August 1st, 2006 (10 minutes), September 10, 2006 (8 Minutes)

    4. #4
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      Some children have the ability to percieve more than we do, thats for sure. Always remember they are children though. They are mental emotionally and immature compared to most adults. Although they can witness what we call the unknown, how will they describe it to you? Will it be with embellishment or extra drama?

      Often when young children find a way of manipulating the actions of others they test it to find the limits. Children have the innate ability to be cunning and manipulative. This is a primal trait that manifests before the sense of right/wrong and higher human concepts are learnt. You see this every day in classrooms, playgrounds, around the home. You see young children learn how to get the things they want by changing their behaviour, often without remorse or social conscience.

      As you watch them develop you see these higher social concepts take hold. Curiously it seems to coincide with the end of extra sensory perceptions for the majority of them.

      The thing to apply here is discernment. What are they actually experiencing? when are they acurrately describing? When are they inventing?

      Its just basic child psychology/parenting skills with an extra twist. Dont forget that you are the adult here. Yes you can listen to her descriptions of the stuff out there, but she is learning all the time about what this could mean to her from you. You are imprinting her with your reactions. What do you want to imprint her with in relation to this stuff?

      Just my thoughts on the subject.

    5. #5
      Member apachama's Avatar
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      Sounds like a good kid. Be someone she can talk to and see who she grows up to be, it'll be interesting. But I honestly don't think you or her are in real danger. She seems naturally good at looking after herself and those around her.

      Talk to her, listen and make sure to treat her normally.
      Apachama: Noun. Slimey things made of dust.

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    6. #6
      Member Raijin777's Avatar
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      well its normal that she is so hyper sensitive to emotions its her trait . Just make her feel that she is not alone whatever happenes and she will be fine. If she is gifted with such talent she is quite of a strong person.She feels very lonely due to the fact she hears and maybe sees things none else can see, she just needs someone to understand her and be near her .. everything will go just fine

    7. #7
      Member Raijin777's Avatar
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      with all due respect and humbleness.. if it is all a manipulation of teh child how come our guest here heard the scream like his niece and apparantly it was not hers he would have recognized the voice no? i am interested in your interpretation

    8. #8
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      Hi Raijin,

      I dont think My first post was very clear. I do believe that both the child and Leixor were experiencing supernatural/paranormal stuff. I dont think that it is a trick of any kind. All I suggest is that we remember who is the adult here.

      If i think of a child that has learnt they can scare adults whenever they want, I see problems ahead.

      I really like apachama's response to this. They said in fewer words what I would like to express.

      If you want my interpretation of this I would call it an encounter with the unknown. I think that would be a good concept to introduce to such a child. Trying to explain phenomena like this with any greater detail is fraught with confusing conotations. Keep it simple.

    9. #9
      Member dragonoverlord's Avatar
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      To the OP i think you should read "The Witch of Portobello"

      Once you've read it, you'll know why i recomended it to you. (It's revelant to the thread i think)
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    10. #10
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      Well, if you want to find any logical explanation, its mind trick. If your sure its not the case, then do what has been said here, treat her normally, because putting to much responsability on someone is always bad, especially with kids. Oh and if you experience things because of her, I would say she is drawing your natural abilitys.

    11. #11
      Member maxy126's Avatar
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      its strange.. interesting i wish u and ure niece the best im 15 i dont know what to say but its interesting i felt from ure descriptions the change in personality was kind of like shes being possesed or something how are things going now?
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    12. #12
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      I'm glad she's doing ok with all this cauz it would scare the heck outta me, but I wonder if these times when she says it's not safe, both times she was outside at night. Perhaps, like the bad man, there is someone that hunts or walks around at night who is not safe? I would listen to her. Her commanding tone is probably a god send.

    13. #13
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ADifferentKindOf View Post
      I'm glad she's doing ok with all this cauz it would scare the heck outta me, but I wonder if these times when she says it's not safe, both times she was outside at night. Perhaps, like the bad man, there is someone that hunts or walks around at night who is not safe? I would listen to her. Her commanding tone is probably a god send.
      I do not like that word hunt... too scary lol.

      I appreciate everyone's responses, I read this thread with earnestness every day.
      ~Follow your dreams~ ~Never give up~ ~No matter what anyone says~
      Favorite Lucid Dreams : August 1st, 2006 (10 minutes), September 10, 2006 (8 Minutes)

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by Leixor View Post
      I do not like that word hunt... too scary lol.

      I appreciate everyone's responses, I read this thread with earnestness every day.
      Ha ha, sorry! I don't know where you're from but I'm from the Mid-west and alot of people hunt (heretofore referred to as the h word) here. It's a given and we don't walk around in any woods or fields, especially at night, without wearing something bright, because it's just dangerous. People trespass here and they tend to h word out of season and without permits, usually in an illegal manner. Just thought she might be sensing actual physical danger as opposed to spiritual danger. She must sense spirits, but obviously they do not bother her as much as whatever is outside does. Hence the commanding tone.

    15. #15
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      Maybe it's some sort of evolutionairy thing. Some people are different. Perhaps she is just better at knowing dangers then we are. Maybe take her to the doctors to see if anything is wrong with her, eh? the screams could be anything, perhaps you heard it because you wanted to hear a scream? maybe she hears it because she's a child and their imaginations are always on. After my dog died during the night i heard the sound of my dog dragging her nail along the floor, and heard her breath. I probably just wanted to hear her again, so i made myself hear noises. I seen a "spirit" before, but before i did i was gawking into the darkness like 5 seconds before, then poof some dude is standing there smiling at me and fades into darkness from the next room. My imagination most likely made up some guy.

      People love to place things they don't understand under the paranormal topic.

    16. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by LucidFlanders View Post
      Maybe take her to the doctors to see if anything is wrong with her, eh?
      That won't be a good idea. They might end up pumping unnecessary drugs into his niece.

      Quote Originally Posted by LucidFlanders View Post
      After my dog died during the night i heard the sound of my dog dragging her nail along the floor, and heard her breath. I probably just wanted to hear her again, so i made myself hear noises. I seen a "spirit" before, but before i did i was gawking into the darkness like 5 seconds before, then poof some dude is standing there smiling at me and fades into darkness from the next room. My imagination most likely made up some guy.
      You must have quite a lively imagination if you can trick your mind into seeing something like that ^^. I'd say you just want it to be your imagination
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      Quote Originally Posted by DeathCell View Post
      The Earth Is Flat! We Are The Center Of The Universe!!!!
      And to think the majority of the population thought that was right...
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    17. #17
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
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      In regards to hunt. I don't dislike the word, just in this context. Tons of people hunt here in Alabama. And trespass. Hell a dude got shot in the back not too long ago cause he was in the woods and not in orange. You say hunt as indicating real physical danger, that's why I don't like it. I don't like admitting there are things I can't see that might could hurt me, or hunt me.

      In regards to LucidFlanders, yes that could totally be the case. But I've always believed well before this stuff happened that we lose a lot of important things when we grow older. Children are precious and much more... "correct" (bad word choice I know) in the way they approach the world in my opinion. Just as I may have heard it because I wanted to (which I would argue, scared the crap out of me, still does!) it's possible that other people don't here it because they don't want to. You have to admit one to admit the other. I don't know either way. Adults tend to take most things at face value and judge things by other things. Children question everything and ask why. It's this questioning of reality I think too many of us lose as we grow, well one of the things. We learn to behave as expected and that sort of things. Well I rejected most of that sort of thing in my growing up (and went through hell for it) and I still am confident it is better to believe everything is possible, than anything is not. If you notice in my original post, I never said nothing didn't exist. Just that I always felt it was in my capability to explain. I suppose one could definitely argue here that I want to believe this. And I do. That biases me I suppose. Lucid dreaming actually for me, lies on the border between the "real" world and the "paranormal" if you can see that. To me a lucid dream is a world of imagination, a world where all things are possible, and your feelings are everything. Beyond the obvious coolness of that, it serves as a nice stepping stone for "well if damn near anyone can LD, then whats above that that we can't?" I'm rambling a lot now. Like I said I'm kinda standing on a ledge here. One way leads to "believing" so to speak, the other to summing it up to over active imagination. I wanted further information to decide which way to fall. I know the logic, the science. I don't know this side of it.

      Oh and one last bit. Yes people do love to place things they can't explain under the paranormal or magic header. But to me, the can't explain part is the very definition. A commonly cited example being if I take a Bic lighter back in time far enough somehow, people there are gonna think I have some sort of fire magic. To me it's not magic, its a pressure vessel filled with flammable gas and a tool to make a spark. Perhaps in the future what we now call paranormal will be explained one way or the other.

      In the end it's all in the way you look at it. You believe you imagined a dude, I believe I really heard a scream. Two completely different approaches. Neither is more or less right. Beliefs can't inherently be right or wrong.
      Last edited by Leixor; 08-12-2008 at 08:42 AM.
      ~Follow your dreams~ ~Never give up~ ~No matter what anyone says~
      Favorite Lucid Dreams : August 1st, 2006 (10 minutes), September 10, 2006 (8 Minutes)

    18. #18
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ShadowmanX View Post
      That won't be a good idea. They might end up pumping unnecessary drugs into his niece.

      You must have quite a lively imagination if you can trick your mind into seeing something like that ^^. I'd say you just want it to be your imagination
      You posted when I was typing so I made a double post :/
      On your first thought, yes doctor = bad in my opinion. After all, in that science, things we can't explain are mental illness. I went through that hell myself, well you don't "fit" so there is something "wrong" so we will "fix" you with drugs. Be careful who you tell you heard a scream or saw a dude, you might get some Thorazine for your troubles. Though my hell from that didn't stem from seeing or hearing anything, long story. Anyway yeah your second point summed up what I said too. Someone imagined a dude, I heard a scream. Someone saw a dude, I imagined a scream. That's a pointless back and forth.
      ~Follow your dreams~ ~Never give up~ ~No matter what anyone says~
      Favorite Lucid Dreams : August 1st, 2006 (10 minutes), September 10, 2006 (8 Minutes)

    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by Leixor View Post
      ... Well I rejected most of that sort of thing in my growing up (and went through hell for it) and I still am confident it is better to believe everything is possible, than anything is not...
      I wish I had done the same thing while growing up ^^, but at least I "know" better now.
      I was similar to you, if I saw something I tried to explain it, why it would work, even paranormal means (although I can't remember anything paranormal in my past, except for a few small shadows that past my sight really fast, could have been imagination), but a while ago I realized that this urge of trying to explain forms a mental block, because if you can't explain something you won't be able to do it (for example in LDing, some try to understand how something can be possible to do and therefor are unable to do it)

      Now I don't try to explain, I rather accept it (at least I'm trying sometimes I can't halp it but trying to explain, dammit mind)

      For you and your niece I want to say the following:

      Don't fear what you experience, fear leads to no good. You should have respect rather than fear, its much better. You should tell your niece too. If she gets afraid to much over time she might happen to block it all and lose her ability(es) which would be a great loss in my sight.
      Trying since: 06/23/2008 / First (DI)LD:07/29/2008
      Quote Originally Posted by DeathCell View Post
      The Earth Is Flat! We Are The Center Of The Universe!!!!
      And to think the majority of the population thought that was right...
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    20. #20
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      I got an idea, how about next time your niece tells you to go back inside the house with a demanding voice you stay outside and see what happens. Could be nothing, and if it was paranormal you may or may not pick up on a "feeling", or maybe it is someone walking that she does not have a good feeling about.

      As for paranormal, i don't know what to believe. I don't like ruling out things i cant understand, but if it sounds all made up then i mostly do. If a person makes what they are saying sound like a pre rehersed story then there is a good chance they are making it up, or twisting parts to make it sound more scarey. This does not sound made up though. Although if it's a girl i wanna ask out i pre rehearse what i am going to say before i say it lol.
      Last edited by LucidFlanders; 08-13-2008 at 01:16 AM.

    21. #21
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      Sounds like she's a psychic... probably picking up the bad vibes that guy is putting out.

    22. #22
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      I would pray and go to church more. Possibly consult a priest.

      (If you are a Christian.)

      Sh*t, now I'm gonna have a false awakening and hear a girl screaming. You were very descriptive...

      im back bitches

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      I think that you should now recognize that, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

      The things you experienced cannot be explained, and you should recognize that there is something beyond our physical realm. And, if your niece says, in that voice not to say something ...

      ****** I cannot finish this sentence****

      Please be advised, that, as I tried to repeat what you wrote, chills have appeared ...

    24. #24
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      As I said, when I tried to type that last post early that morning, chills appeared all over my body. My friend, I strongly suggest you take this seriously - there is a power or force out there, and your niece may be able to sense it better than others.

    25. #25
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      Have you looked into the history of that house? Is it old? Do you live in Amityville? LOL, just kidding. She would freak me out, too. My rational mind doesn't accept any of this, like you, but there is always that little bit of doubt.

      Could she could just be a little perceptive of individuals AND a very good actress who is taking great joy in freaking you out? Its possible that you heard the scream because it was suggested to you earlier. What does anybody else in the family have to say about her behavior?

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