Here's a link to a radio show about SP and supernatural assaults.

While not the most informed people, there are still some interesting parts.

In particular I like the story they told of some cocky guy who challenged one of those bodiless evil entities people sometime sense in their room during SP. While the guy was still scared, he was a cocky individual and pretty much told the thing "Bring it on! Show me what you got!". His house mates asked him if he had rearranged his furniture at 2 in the morning because of the racket coming from his room. Apparently the thing threw him around the room, threw him up against the wall, ect.

I really admire that guy's guts. I try to literally tackle shadow people, but I seriously don't know if I could challenge the bodiless types like that. They really scare me. I'm going to have to try it anyways, even if I do get my butt kicked.

Another interesting topic they covered was how to go about seeing things like that. Basically they say to deprive yourself of sleep, and to sleep very lightly, waking yourself up constantly. But they don't recommend people do that, too freaky. Anways, that's very similar to how I used to do it unintentionally. I would meditate before bed to facilitate entering the HI stage, then wake myself up to record the HI. It was at those times I would see similar things. I stopped doing it because it was too scary.

But now I'm ready for a rematch! Anyone else with any balls care to join me in exploring this? Seems like there is a replicable way to induce those things, whatever you want them label it as. Would appreciate any help refining methods to induce those type of encounters. Pussies need not apply, as it's not for the faint of heart.