• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. VividDreams's Avatar
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      Dream journal entry 5/4/16

      Just trying to get my latest most vivid dream down before I forget..I dreamt that I was living in a tower block and my gf was there but she had gone off to another floor to visit an old friend (her ex I do believe) I think she was trying to get weed from him possibly. For some reason I had access to either the intercom or one of thier phones like I Was using it to bug them and was listening in to thier conversation about guns and drugs so pretty serious!
      Fast forward to another part of my dream where I'm at some kind of mixed Muslim/ Catholic wedding and the priest is joking about the differences between the two faiths saying in Catholicism Israel is recognised but not in Islam I was spying on people using thier phones as transmitters bugs here btw and had got some important info from the discarded phone of a Muslim attendee.

      Fast forward again and I'm outside a flat (another tower block) and it is painted blue with like the golden stars of the European flag on it aswell as some crude anti semitic graffiti of Nazi symbols and the phrase 'kill the Jews'..skip forward again and there are some Muslim youths chasing another none Muslim white youth on the street but he manages to evade them and they turn thier attention to some Muslim women who are carrying assault rifles. It was about here that I had to wake needing the toilet and eager to make my first dream journal entry since October 2012 a full 3 and a half years ago!
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Very good, I'm glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery! I know it feels weird being a little out of practice, but I'm already seeing great evidence in your dream journal that the vivid, interesting content is back, along with a tendency to be aware that you might be dreaming. It'll be fun getting it all back!
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Congratulations on the lucid! It's cool that this napping pattern works for you. That would definitely be something I'd try again on days where you've got the freedom to take a little catnap in the early afternoon. I haven't had more than 1 or 2 LDs from naps, but DJ entries like this give me hope.
    4. Unbound's Avatar
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      Ahh, now I understand! Damn, going from a party and three nice girls to that...it sounds pretty horrifying!
    5. VividDreams's Avatar
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      No I was seeing it in third person like I was in the movie but the comparison came from the nature of the dream being horrific with the hung family and one detail I left out was that they found them in the attic and were carrying the bodies out the loft entrance & they were like wrapped in bloody sheets!
    6. Unbound's Avatar
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      Three girls!? Lucky bastard! Interesting, I don't think I have ever watched a movie in a dream, what was it like? Did you see like a screen or did you just see everything in third person?
    7. VividDreams's Avatar
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      Hey thanks for your comment I didn't really think of it as a near lucid trigger at the time, thanks for pointing it out! I'm slowly but surely healing from my operation now, it's a long frustrating road to recovery though so while I wait I'm trying to get back into my lucid dreaming training & general vivid dreaming recall. I'll be starting with updating my dream journal with a few dreams I've recorded into my phone.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      I was telling him that I wouldn't go back on the boat because of dreams I'd had about water!
      Wow, close call there, man! It may be frustrating to come that close to realizing you're dreaming but that sort of awareness is a very good sign. It may pay to recall this dream moment from time to time throughout the day and gently remind yourself that next time you will make sure that you're not dreaming.

      I wish you a speedy recovery from your operation! Your dream recall is bound to return as the waking life stresses you're currently facing begin to settle down.
    9. gab's Avatar
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      Hope you heal fully soon
    10. VividDreams's Avatar
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      Ha it's strange because I'm off sick waiting for an operation at the moment!
    11. Skygerobrian's Avatar
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      Work dreams.. I know that feel.
    12. VividDreams's Avatar
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      And suddenly there's a massive hurricane causing floods out in America where I've got friends & family, a couple of weeks after I'm dreaming loads about floods & people drowning. Eerie.
    13. VividDreams's Avatar
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      Hi paigeyemps, thanks for your reply and the information about editing my journal. Wow seems I'm not alone in dreaming about water. My most recent dream regarding it was that I was in a house where rain seemed to be leaking through the roof and dripping down the stairs but it seemed to get everywhere but the living room and I remember some splashing near the living room & me being anxious because my Dad was in there & I thought he'd get angry if any water got in there.
      A time before that I dreamt I was in some sort of coastal town where there was a cliff edge in which the land had eroded creating like a vacuum that the sea waves would wash in and out of & people were just standing on the cliff edge throwing themselves in there for a thrill. The thing is some survived & many didn't & I remember seeing their bodies washed up below. Strange & disturbing dream!
    14. paigeyemps's Avatar
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      Ooh cool dream. I hope it's not a premonition either! Lol also, water is one of my prominent dream signs as well.

      Congrats on creating your DJ, you can edit it (change the title, description, etc) by clicking the "DJ Settings" button somewhere below the DV logo.

      Happy dreaming!