• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. cedwards105's Avatar
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      You realized you were dreaming before the walls started closing in? Sounds like you were dreaming lucidly at that point. In that I case I would probably call it a DILD.
    2. WanderingGhost's Avatar
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      Thanks shire! Yeah WILD is hard and I've never really successfully had a real WILD before. I find DILD methods to be easier to grasp, although this morning I did have what I guess would be considered a WILD, but I'm not really sure. I'll make a post about it in my DJ in a little bit.

      Anyway, thanks again for the encouragement and happy dreaming my man
    3. theshirecat's Avatar
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      Stabilization stumps me too. I haven't really found something that works reliably. I'm told that a WILD success yields a stable dream but I've yet to actually make it through to a lucid dream through the WILD process.

      I was thinking the other day though...while I've seen progress during comp, I really wish there had been more in this timeframe. But the thing is, progress doesn't have to stop after comp. We get to keep trying every night

      So don't be disheartened! Anyway, that's my unsolicited advice of the day.