• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    The Labrynth of the Mind

    Here you will find the accounts of my para-conscious exploits. You will find that some are incredibly dull, and appear to represent an almost automatic screensaver of my mind. Others are rather interesting. It rather depends upon my waking life.

    Lucid dreams are the only ones in which I use a color scheme. I use the conventional Blue for Lucid and Red for Nonlucid in such cases.

    1. 01/21-22/2012

      by , 01-22-2012 at 04:41 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)

      I am on a flying object with my brother. Apparently, I have won a trip for two on this flying object, whatever it is. I decided to take my brother along. It seems to be a huge structure, thousands of feet high, with a flat platform at the top and two legs stretching to the ground below. As it glides, the legs pass through wooded hillsides. I wonder about the possibility of the legs breaking the trees, or something.

      I seem to know that I am dreaming without becoming lucid. I am able to change the arrangement of the structure's platform by thinking about it, and try to arrange things so that we have a good view of the landscape below us. We walk towards the middle of the platform, where there is a large opening. I try to widen the opening so we have a nice view, but seem to have difficulty doing so. I move half of the floor up at an angle, but we still don't get a great view.

      At some point, we end up on the ground in the woods. It seems that this is our destination. Now there are a few of us travelling, and it is getting dark. We can hear things in the trees around us, and a large creature moves above. The creature swoops down a few yards off to the left from us, and I see that it is a prehistoric "Terror Bird". In reality, Terror Birds were flightless, while in my dream this one had huge wings and flew rather well. It was a pretty bird, although somewhat menacing. It also appeared to have human characteristics, and possibly a face. I theorize that this creature is the origin of the Moth Man sightings, although my scientific explanation for the apparition doesn't lessen our danger any. The bird is a predator, and doesn't look very friendly at the moment.

      We decide to seek shelter. I duck behind a tree, thinking that perhaps this will make it more difficult for the bird to swoop down at me. Someone decides to light a fire to frighten the bird away. I seem to recall this working, at any rate the bird leaves us alone...

      ...I have a fuzzy recollection of a train that I need to get on. There is disaster coming, and the train is like Noah's Ark. People are flooding to get on it, but some people who look religious/important are deciding who gets on and who doesn't. The people who can't get on run away very fast, and I have a feeling that despite the urgency of the important looking people they may still be able to save themselves. As things progress, it turns out that the important Pharisees are actually some sort of scam, and the train won't save anyone. In fact, it may be the opposite...

      ...It seemed like this dream went on for hours. After much travelling, we end up "home" in something like an office building of my old college (which I dream about sometimes) and the hospital I now work in. I am making rounds of some sort, seeing people who were part of the big adventure. We are all exhausted, perhaps some of us are injured, and we have lost everything. It seems like a not so good ending to such an experience, although we are happy to be alive. I and my wife (? I'm not married in RL) have lost our money, and our farm (?). We had hoped to have some kind of a return on our investment through this trip, but now we have nothing. But a letter comes through the mail. It turns out that back in the woods I had a theory that there was lots of gold. It turns out that there was, just where I said. Someone has stumbled across it in the very spot where we were dealing with the Terror Bird. That somehow makes our journey a success.

      Happily, the man is friend or family, and is going to share his white gold (which looks like cottage cheese) with us. We will have all the money we need now.

      Phlebotomy Phragment

      I am in the hospital. I am apparently supposed to either give someone a vaccination or draw blood from them. Heading towards the patient's room, I realize that I have never done this before. The phlebotomist that I am with assures me that it is easy to do, and that people are tougher than I think. Even though my hands are shaky, they won't care if I shake the needle around during the procedure.
    2. 01/10-11/2012 (missed class)

      by , 01-12-2012 at 12:03 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Missed Class

      I go into a college office for some reason or other. I come across a professor that was teaching a class that I was going to take this past semester, but ended up not needing. In the end, I forgot to drop the class. It didn't count against me, but I feel bad because I think it caused my professor more work. I tell her I am sorry, and offer to make it up to her by doing some work.

      She (in real life one of my new coworkers) thinks a bit, obviously hurt by me not telling her I was quitting the class. "I could pay you for the work..." she mumbles. Clearly she wants me to do something but also feels bad about making me do too much. She goes behind some structure to think about it. I wait for a while, but start to get annoyed because she is taking so long. And besides, I start to think that I didn't do anything really bad. Maybe I was too hasty in offering to work. I decide that if she doesn't say something in a few minutes I will just leave.
      Tags: college
    3. 12/10-11/2011

      by , 12-12-2011 at 02:00 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Once again I was unable to journal when I woke up this morning. I had a lot of dreams last night, but I can't remember so much of them.


      I am in a big building, which I think is my former college. I go to a little cafe to buy some supper. I get a pizza or something. It seems to be a big decision.

      More food

      My family and I are somewhere, in a hotel or something. My parents want to buy a trailer/camper. They spend a lot of money on something, and we go to check it out. It turns out that what they buy is a little box, or a microwave, or something like that. Meanwhile, we look at a girl's pickup truck. The paint job on the pickup truck is weird, and has a strange texture that looks really weird close up.

      We go to a tire store. In this store, there are cookies for sale. The cookies look really good to me, so I pick a few up. We go to check out, and the person behind the counter starts to add up the total. With each cookie (I only bought about 4) the price gets higher. The total comes to about $30, at least. It may even be more like $100. I get a little annoyed, but there isn't much I can do. I don't have the money, so I leave the cookies at the counter until I can come back with it.
    4. Another Sucess with Valerian+Melatonin

      by , 03-10-2011 at 03:18 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Before bed I took 800mg of valerian and 0.25mg of melatonin.

      Fragments from early REM period

      I am walking around the halls of my university. There are a lot of people in the halls with me. I believe that I am on my way to class...

      ... I am part of Uru again. There is a linking book somewhere, I think...

      ... I am looking at a computer screen. There is a picture of something entitled "dreamsign". It looks like the logo for one of the filmmaking companies. The kind of Celtic looking thing. As I look at it, it looks more like the Yeesha symbol from Uru...

      Going to my Grandparents'

      I am on my way to visit my Grandparents' house. There seems to be a time constraint on this, and my mother and I are trying to figure out the best way for me to get there. In the end, we decide that I will drive part way there, and when I am almost to their house to park the car and take a ferry across a small lake along the way. Somehow I think that this will be cost effective and possibly save time. I will call and schedule the ferry while I am driving.
      Former Workplace

      My mother and I are at my former workplace (a toy store) looking for a specific toy. We look in a few places for this thing (some kind of military hovercraft) but can't find quite what we are looking for. Then I remember that it is probably in the action figure section. I take her over to that area, but when we get there we see that all but one of the shelves are missing. I ask one of the current stockers what happened to the other shelves. He doesn't know (he is new). I ask another employee, but he doesn't know either.

      Lucid at the Fair

      I am walking down the road in the middle of our county fair. It is late in the season, and there are not many people visiting. Many of the stands are closing up for the year, and I look as I walk for familiar games and people. I am in my uniform (as though I were there to staff the public relations booth as I did when I was a park ranger). I am not there as a park ranger, but I have some other reason to go to the fairs. I think how nice it is that I get to go back to these old familiar places, and walk down the road feeling at ease.

      I try to think of why I am at the fair. I can't exactly remember. Then I remember that being at the fair is a dreamsign. I stop walking, and turn to look behind me. Things look OK, but I am beginning to realize that I am dreaming.

      I try to justify my being at the fair, but I can't. "So this is a dream," I say.

      I look up at a concession stand to my right. As I do, I become aware that the dream is losing realism. I am in danger of losing the dream, and consider either preparing for a DEILD or hoping to WILD when I wake up. Then I decide to try my Dream Posession technique to stabilize it, and attempt to summon Monk. I am vaguely aware of somebody's presence at my side, and try to take posession of their body. This is partly sucessful, and I blink a few times to try to get the vision clear.

      I decide to fly, hoping this will further put me in the dream. I float up into the air, and then come down through the top of the concession stand. There is a woman working in there. She is not overly beautiful, but she is pleasing to look at. I decide to kiss her, and do so. Around here I loose the dream.


      I am with one of my colleagues at an archeological excavation. We are back at a rockshelter where we were two years ago, and are at first digging through snow. My colleague, Dr. B., points to a birdbath in the middle of a field and tells me how much he dislikes it. Then he describes a statue that used to sit in it, and how much he hated that. I think the birdbath is kind of attractive, and like the idea of the statue.

      We continue digging through the snow. We try not to make too many footprints in it, but Dr. B. seems to be making a lot. Now the snow is moss, and we are removing layers of it. Now we are no longer excavating, but pulling weeds. And now we are digging through dirt looking for trash.

      There is a lot of trash in the dirt, and we move down a line sorting through rubbish to throw away. I come across a pile of items, with some electronic equipment and stacks of old records. I am happy with this find, since I get to keep whatever I come across.
    5. Jumbled Dreams

      by , 03-09-2011 at 06:52 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Took 0.5 mg of melatonin before bed. Did a visualization MILD, visualizing my University.

      Lucid Fragment

      I am walking down the street near my university when I discover that I'm dreaming. I am able to change aspects of the landscape as I have visualized myself doing while awake.

      Beautiful Women (fragment)

      I am once again walking to class at the university. As I cut across a parking lot, a bunch of beautiful women show up. They are either African or African American, and look like models. I walk along with them, or they walk along with me, or something. Maybe this is even part of the above dream, but I can't remember.

      Kids in Danger

      I am in my own home (which also seems to be another place, maybe my old church). There are a bunch of kids with me. There is some kind of adventure going on, like a Boxcar Children story, or Tom Sawyer. I am a kid in this dream, named Taylor, or Huck, or Oliver or something like that. The other kids are out in our main living room, and there are bad guys outside. There is an adult with us, who leaves to do something that is supposedly important. I don't trust this guy.

      Upon leaving us kids alone, the man says "keep watching out this window. Don't go anywhere or do anything, just keep watching. If they come, this is the window they will come through."

      I know that there is a window upstairs that the villains may come through. I also have a feeling that the man is in with the bad guys. I decide to go watch out the back window. On the way, I stop in the closet to get a gun to take with me. I look in the closet, and see my 20 gauge and my father's 12 gauge shotgun. We have a couple of .22 handguns in there, but the shotguns are more powerful. I pick up my father's shotgun, and look for some ammunition. There is a box of shells on a kind of wooden ledge above the guns, but they seem to be fishing lures. I root through and find some shells I think will work, and drop them into the shotgun.

      I run back to the back door (also the front door of my RL home) with my gun. I look out the window, and apparently see something. I dash out the front door, snapping the shotgun shut. Then I run a little ways, in pursuit of the bad guys.

      While I'm running, I notice the shotgun seems awkward to carry. I look down, and see that it has more than the one barrell it usually has. As I look, I first count 2, then 4, and finally 6 or 8 barrells. Not only that, there are two triggers.

      "How strange," I say to myself. "I know that this gun only has one barrell. What could be going on?" Immediately the thought comes to my mind
      "I must be dreaming. There's no other logical explanation."

      I look around. Everything seems so real, it doesn't seem possible that I am dreaming. But there is no other explanation for the gun, and I know that I often think my dreams seem real. I turn around and head back for the house. "I'm dreaming," I say again, trying to grasp the idea. It just seems so real.

      On my way back to the house, the plot and the realism overcome my realization that this is a dream, and I loose lucidity again.

      Private Eye

      I am a private detective. I have an office in a large city, which is also my current university, which is also my former university. Inside this office, you can walk into a sort of screen which hides your image from the outside. While I am hidden like this, my partner goes out onto the front porch of our office with a beautiful woman. I know the woman is trouble, but it's his decision. I watch from the inside, hidden behind this screen, while the woman shoots my partner. Then she shoots a few witnesses.

      "We'd better shoot all the witnesses," her accomplice says.
      "I don't see anyboy else around," she says, "nobody is in the building. Come on, let's get out of here."

      I pick up my gun, and dash out the front door after them. They travel down the road, and turn left. I follow. They go down an alley, and I pull out my gun to be ready in case I come across them suddenly. Looking down the alley, I can see a house at the end that they are headed towars. It is one of the houses that I lived in when I was little. Apparently, this is their hideout.

      I inspect my weapon, and notice that it is not a gun at all, but my set of throwing knives. I guess that's better than nothing, so I pull one out in case I need it. I look again, and I see it is once again a handgun. Then I remember that I never put bullets in the gun. At first I think that I keep the gun loaded, but upon closer inspection I see that the chambers are empty. I grimace with disgust at my oversight. What kind of detective am I?

      I turn back towards the office. As I walk, crowds of people fill the street. The street is also a hallway now, I am at one of my colleges and classes are just letting out. I turn towards my office, which is now the maintenance section where I used to work. I need to get back, but some girl I know comes up to me. She wants me to look at her pictures, by which she means she wants me to go to her adult website. I don't really want to do this, but she keeps insisting. She shows me some rather obscene pictures of herself, but I manage to push past her to my office. Around here the dream ends.
    6. Dream Avatar Technique

      by , 02-22-2011 at 12:53 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Before bed I took a vitamin b supplement, as well as some vitamin b-6.

      Dream Avatar Technique
      I am walking from my car to the university in Cleveland where I take classes. I am following a girl who is talking on her cell phone. Even though I am following her, I can see her face. I look at this for a while, as she is nice looking and since she is turned away from me she won't be able to see me. I wonder how this can be, since I can see her face. I then realize it is because she is walking while turned a little to the side, moving forward with her head turned so as to see me.

      False awakening (?) I continue walking, and thinking about the dream I had "last night". Then I realize that I haven't done an reality check yet today.
      I question whether or not I am dreaming, and find that I am dreaming. When I realize this, the dream begins to fade, and I either drift into waking state and then WILD back to the dream, or hang on even though things black out a bit. It isn't so much a matter of stabilizing the dream now, it is just that the dream is more like a daydream, or I am only half asleep. I remember something I read somewhere about trying to identify with your body in the dream. I attempt to do so.

      I am still walking to class. I reach the building, and find myself outside the building and walking next to some large stone pillars. The girl is still with me.

      "Transport yourself to your dream body", she says. I know that she means another DC, which represents myself. I also know that this DC is Monk (the detective. I have dreamed a couple of times now that I am Monk. It is kind of a dreamsign.)

      "How am I supposed to find him? There are so many people, and he could be anywhere." I say.

      "It's your dream," says the girl. "Put him where you want him to be."

      I imagine Monk around the next pillar. Sure enough, when I reach the pillar, he is standing there. He is around the corner of the building, standing still in the street as though he is examining something. I approach him, and study him for a moment. In doing so, I assume a Monk-like attitude. Then I turn around and walk backwards so that I am standing in the exact same spot as him, facing the same direction. This is not hard to do, as Monk and I are one and the same anyway, just in two different places. Then I will myself to take his place.

      Suddenly, everything becomes vivid. It is amazingly vivid, as I have often seen people describe their LD's. I look up at the sky, and see how vibrant and real the color is. Everything around me seems so real, and there is none of that "tunnel vision" that I often get in lucid dreams. Along with this comes a sense of exhilliration.

      "Wow!" I shout with amazemet, "This is really vivid!" A guy walking by me in a suit and carrying a briefcase looks over at me, a little startled and amused. "Sorry," I say.

      It is so vivid that I begin to wonder if I am really dreaming. I know that I am, but it all seems so realistic. I do a "finger through hand" and "nose pinch" reality check. Niether of them work, as RC's don't seem to work anymore in my dreams. Still, I know that I am dreaming, even though there is a tiny doubt in the back of my mind (small enough of a doubt for me to still consider this to be lucid).

      Intoxicated with the exhilliration that seems to have come with the vividness of the dream, I race up a set of stairs on my right. There are lots of people around, but I don't care. I run about about 3 or 4 flights of stairs, and pause at the top.

      "Paging Dr. S____," I hear a voice saying over a PA system. I begin to get confused now, thinking that I am supposed to be a doctor but at the same time thinking it is a dream. I know in order to perform surgery I need my backpack, which I left down on the street. "Even if I am dreaming" I think, "I don't want to take the chance of not responding to this page". I turn to go back down the steps, and
      open my eyes to find myself in bed.

      At this point I look at the clock and realize it is past 9:00 am, and I had an engagement this morning. I feel like I could have returned to the dream, but I had to get up. I did a few RC's, but I was awake.
      Tags: college, monk
      memorable , lucid , false awakening
    7. Tunnels

      by , 02-20-2011 at 04:13 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Geology Trip

      I am on a geology trip with some other students. There is much that I cannot remember, but we end up on a ledge looking out over a ravine. There is a rainbow that can be seen caused by some spray coming off of a waterfall. Some students believe that at the end of this rainbow, there is a great mineral specimen. I realize that the rainbow is just an illusion, as you can move it by walking backwards.

      The professor points down into the ravine, and shows us a tunnel. We are going to go into the tunnel. Somehow, I am helpful in doing this.
    8. Inception at Niagara Falls

      by , 02-18-2011 at 05:27 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I watched Inception last night for the first time. Not realizing how long the movie was, I put it on at 11:30pm, and did not get to be until after 2:00am. This having been the last thing on my mind, I decided to use the movie as a target for a visualization MILD. By this time, I was awfully tired though, and it ended up simply being an incubation attempt as it was easier to just tell myself what to dream.

      Sleeping in Class

      I am in Chemistry class. The professor is really, really boring and students are nodding off and going to sleep. I nod off as well...
      ...After a time of what seems to be actual unconscious sleep, I wake up in class. Other students are waking up too. I feel a little bad for sleeping through the lecture, but it feels as though I couldn't help myself.

      Inception II

      This dream is not easy to follow. I don't even know if I was lucid or not. I was sort of the main characters in the movie Inception, so I would have been dreaming that I was lucid. Since most of the dream took place with me believing the plot was real, it probably wasn't fully lucid. But in parts all I knew was that the dream was just a dream. So, I'll make it purple in color for hald lucid and half non-lucid. I don't even know where this dream starts, but here goes.

      I am sitting on the couch, talking with my family. Someone is going to deliver a truck full of concrete. There is a snowstorm going on, which I had been lost in at one point.

      I am trying to convince my parents that this is a dream. I seem to be slipping from the couch into another dream, or dream level. I retain "lucidity" as I do so. Then I go back to the couch. I have a pair of pants that I think are too soft. I fill them with sawdust, and shake the sawdust out outside the back door. My mother thinks this is weird, but I explain that it will make the pants less slippery. I realize that that is not a normal thing to do, and see that it is more evidence that I am dreaming.

      We go into another "level" of the dream. Now we are at Niagara Falls. We are looking around the place, and are in some kind of a gift shop. In one room is a lot of candy, and I consider buying some. However, up a sort of a walkway is another building, and one I have not seen in over ten years since the last time I was in Niagara Falls in real life. I think that this may be one of my only chances to see it for a while. And besides, it's part of the mission.

      I walk up the ramp to the building. I know that it is just a dream, but I figure that it is drawn from memory, so there should at least be similarities. I don't really remember anything about the building in waking life, but I look around to take in as much detail as I can to compare.

      Some confusion here. We do some things related to our mission, possibly going into another "level". There is the old guy in the hospital bed, and some girl. The girl is part of it, and has to do something that makes her so upset that she almost vomits. We explain to her what we are doing, and she feels a lot better. Still, she goes back to the bathroom as though she is going to vomit again. We stop her from doing this.

      I think we return to the Niagara Falls level after this.
    9. Some Fragments

      by , 02-11-2011 at 05:13 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I haven't been journalling for a few days, and this in addition to staying up too late has caused my recall to begin to weaken again. I had a bunch of dreams the night before last, but I can only remember bits and pieces.


      I am at school. I am thinking about lucid dreaming, and decide to do a reality check. "How do I know if I am awake?" I ask myself. "I could be dreaming." I read a few lines of text on the powerpoint projector screen at the front of the class. Nothing unusual. I go back and read it again. Seems consistent. "Nose pinch RC has failed in the past," I think, "but reading text never fails. I must not be dreaming."


      I am at home, and also in the Fun House (in Uru). I am thinking of doing a hack, and contemplate what I should do. I don't think I am good enough, but people keep encouraging me so I decide to try something. In the end, I decide to make my avatar look like Teddy Roosevelt and show up in character.


      I am eating bologna. Lots and lots of bologna.
      Tags: college, food, myst
    10. A jumble of events

      by , 02-01-2011 at 04:27 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Another one of those nights, apparently. I dreamed about everything from the Dukes of Hazzard to Star Trek to being chased by lions. Much of it seems to be jumbled up in trying to remember it though.

      Big City Dukes

      We are watching the Dukes of Hazzard. The Duke boys are in a big city somewhere, out in front of a high rise hotel. I explain to the people watching it with me "this must be an episode where they go to the big city."

      Roscoe appears high up on a balcony watching them. He is about to arrest them for something or other. But Luke has the great idea of convincing him that there is a criminal in the swimming pool. He writes the name of the criminal on the edge of the pool. It starts with a "W" but the rest of it is a bit hard to read. Roscoe leans over to read it, and of course falls into the swimming pool. Bo and Luke take off running.

      Meanwhile, Roscoe is clinging to the edge of the pool. "I can't swim!" he gasps, trying to keep his grip. Still, he inches his way along the edge trying to read the name that Luke wrote. Fortunately for him, somebody shows up in time to help him out of the pool to safety...

      ...We are walking in the big city (the whole Dukes thing seems to be over). We come to a castle. Or rather, it used to be a castle, but is now just integrated into the city. There is a row of shops in what used to be the keep, and the area surrounded by the moat is now sort of a downtown area. In order to get to this part, we have to climb down into a ramp that goes beneath the level of the rest of the town. It is a steep slope and I have a difficulty getting down in.


      (Maybe this is still part of the dream above. I don't know.) I need to get somewhere. In order to get there I have to cross a plain, much like a veldt in Africa. I see a large animal in the bushes near me that looks like a lion. I think to myself that it can't be a lion, since this is the US. It must be a large dog.

      The lion gets up from behind the bush, and starts to walk towards me. Yep, it's a lion allright. I walk quickly towards a steep ridge of some kind. I dash up the hill, and jump down the other side, safe from the lion. But there's another lion on this side! It starts towards me, and then runs into a clear plastic wall. I now see that the lions are kept in these plastic compounds. They look like they are running free, but they really aren't.

      Star Trek Dream

      (I seem to be unable to remember the first part of this dream at the moment.) I go downstairs to follow him [Picard, maybe? I don't quite remember.] He jumps through a portal at the bottom of the steps. I try to follow, but can't get the portal to work. It's the shape I don't understand. It appears to be made of a metal of some kind, that you have to bend into an opening and set in the right spot for it to work. Because he was a shapeshifter [?] I can't see it quite right. I bend it into what it looked like to me, which was twisted metal of some kind.

      He shows up again, and explains the trick. I look at the twisted metal in my hand and laugh. Then he takes it, presses a button or a switch in the chimney, and a hole opens up. He bends the metal to match the hole and jumps through.

      I am standing in the room, having just seem "him" vanish again. I get a wand of some sort. With this I can make lights go out. I have a bunch of stuff that I have collected. It is sort of like a computer game. I click on things that I have that have light. The lights dim. But they keep coming back before I can extinguish all of the light. I wonder what will happen when I do?

      Deanna Troi is watching me, and Tasha Yar is sitting on the couch behind me. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her. She seems to be unhappy, and I try to make her feel better. We both have something in common apparently. "We both know what it's like to be tortured," I say.

      I leave the building, because my parents are there to pick me up. At the same time, we are returning because I forgot something or they wanted me to check and make sure the doors are locked (or something). I go back in, and want to go back to the living room where Tasha is. I don't know if she is still there or not.

      School work/restaraunt

      I am sitting in class. It is a class I am taking for fun, so the school work doesn't matter so much to me. Still, when it comes time to copy weird phrases (like "Take Oyster Sea" and a picture of a buoy) I am a little concerned because I didn't copy it into my notebook. Instead, when the passed the sheet around with the phrases, I simply wrote another phrase after the one at the top. I thought this is what you were supposed to do, but I was wrong. When the sheet comes back to me I hurry to copy the phrases into my notebook. While I am doing this, a pretty girl in front of me starts complaining about her throat.

      "It's so dry, and I feel pretty bad," she says. "I have this cough, too."

      "That's what you said last week," the teacher says disapprovingly.

      "I know," she says. "It seems to happen whenever I am in this class."

      "Maybe you hate being here," the teacher says, getting angry now. "If you don't like this class, then stop pretending to be sick and drop it. I'm tired of you coming in here acting so sick every single day!"

      All this time I have been trying to concentrate on copying the weird phrases (which I can't read). Now I lift my head up.

      "It could be allergies," I say, "especially if you get it every time you are in this classroom."

      I contemplate buying out the other shares and owning the restaurant myself. (What, did I miss something? How did we get here? I don't know) I ask my boss what he would sell the business for. I know he wants to "get out from under it". He says he'll sell it for $500,000. I wonder if it would be a good investment. People buy semi-trucks as an investment. I think about that while I root around under the kitchen sink. "I'm paying for a truck driving education" says a future trucker, "it's an investment."
    11. Winston Churchill?

      by , 12-31-2010 at 12:07 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Winston Churchill

      Winston Churchill has come to live with my family. Actually, in my dream I think I am related to him. We get into some discussion with some people (I think we are at my old college, but I'm not sure). Churchill and I are arguing one side against some of the others. It is getting late, and we all decide to go to bed.

      I start up to my room, but then remember that I left a light on in the living room. I go back to turn it off, and Churchill says something really strange like "farewell, sweet feline". I just kind of stare at him, and then go back to my room, thinking what a weird thing that was for him to say...

      ... There is food. Shrimp, I think. Also, there were some books around that I was reading. I think in preparation for a class. Wait, I'm getting something more: I am studying for an exam that I am about to take. That's how it starts. Then I started reading Churchill's "Gathering Storm".
    12. Around Town (and french fries, again!)

      by , 11-30-2010 at 05:13 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I'm a little pressed for time today, so I will just make some quick notes and hopefully edit with more details later.


      Driving around a construction zone. An area where there's only one lane, no flagger. I enter and a RV enters at the same time. The RV scrapes against my new truck and keeps on going. I get out and try to find the guy. I think about suing the Department of Transportation.

      Around Town

      With my Grandfather at a country music concert. He stays only for 3 songs, then leaves. He is annoyed because it is at a university that is in the middle of a town (it didn't make sense to me in my dream, either). I argue a little bit about the immorality of having a university in the middle of a town, but he leaves anyway.

      My Grandmother shows up in her car, so I don't have to walk home. We stop at intersection, girl has broken down.

      A brass band is playing, and a new building is being built. I lobby to save the old building from destruction. They aren't going to destroy it anyway.

      There are some pirates in a torture chamber held captive by a rival pirate captain. The rival captain is trying to force them to accept him as their new leader. There are lots of people watching from stands. It is like a stadium of some kind. Now it isn't a torture chamber anymore, but a dance floor. We are watching a documentary about how the Japanese are saving energy by a new form of dancing. One person from each couple sits in a chair and only one person stands up and dances. They still hold hands, though.

      Big House

      I visit somebody's house. It looks small from the outside, but it huge on the inside. One room looks like a cafe` of some kind. Or a hotel lobby. I go in and order food. The people with me are impatient because I'm taking too long. Someone is overcharged. I order a jalepeno and pickle sandwich. And french fries (I seem to be having recurring dreams about french fries).
    13. Driving and Detectives

      by , 11-26-2010 at 04:42 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Driving to Class

      It is 2:00pm (I know the time because I have to leave home to make a long commute to college to take a class). A few things happen to delay me about 15 minutes, and I can finally leave. My father comes along, and decides that he is coming with me. We hop in my car and start the commute. A little way down the road I point out to him that my class goes until about 9:30 or 10:00 at night. He was going with me to do one little thing down the road from the school. I don't think he really wants to wait around for 6 hours or so until I am done with class. He realizes this isn't a good idea, so we decide to turn off the main road and go to a town called "Augusta", or something similar. Whatever the name is, it isn't there in real life though I think it represents a town that is.

      The plan is that my mother and brother will meet us in Augusta and pick up my father. It seems that much of the dream from here on consists of driving around in circles and gets a little monotonous and frustrating.

      The Detectives

      I am a little unclear as to the details of this dream. It just came back to my mind after journalling the last one. I am a detective. Also, I am with my family and we are trying to pick out a movie to watch tonight. There are four of them, two new movies and two classic movies. I can't tell the ratings on the new movies, but I don't know if they contain any objectionable material or not.

      Now I'm eating french fries. There is a lot of ketchup on the french fries. Way too much ketchup. However, an attractive lady is also eating the french fries. Then I realize I have been looking for her, because she is the one I have to arrest. But I'm also hungry (this dream took place in the early morning). The dream seems to be half about eating and half about arresting this woman. She is sad about being arrested and I feel a little bad about it.

      Skydiving (fragment)
      I don't remember much of this dream. It may have been the result of an incubation attempt. All I remember is skydiving.
      Tags: college, driving, food
    14. Broken TV and Scholarships

      by , 11-26-2010 at 04:45 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I am in class. My professor is the same guy who was my Invertebrate Biology teacher in real life. He is showing us some type of video on TV, but there seems to be a problem with it. There is some kind of a picture, like a menu with options in rectangular boxes, but it can hardly be seen amidst the static on the screen...

      ...Now we are having some meeting down the hall. Our class, or group, or whatever it is, is raising money for some project. They are debating what to spend their money on. The general idea is to spend it on new buildings. I think this is a poor choice, because the college doesn't need the money for new buildings. I think instead they should put it towards scholarships for students who are in financial need. However, everytime I try to bring the idea up, I am interrupted and people talk over me. I get frustrated and start shouting over everyone else with my idea. One of the students looks at me reproachfully, and I feel a little foolish for losing my temper.
      Tags: college