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    1. Acting Lucidly When You’re Not

      by , 12-19-2014 at 08:35 PM
      In this dream I stopped a tsunami by simply running up to the wall of water and debris, and touching it with my point finger. The tsunami instantly stopped, froze in position, and didn’t move, until it finally it disappeared. The strange thing is, I wasn’t lucid when I did this, so why did I act this way? I’m became lucid shortly thereafter, because I was questioning how this could all be possible. There were also some interesting dream figure comments. Here’s what happened:

      I was in a large, heavily treed valley, standing in dry, gravel river washout. Rough cut lumber was piled everywhere, and there were random piles of sand dug from the riverbed, scattered here and there. A couple of men were standing close to me talking, when suddenly, a roaring wall of water, approximately 30 feet high, came rushing down the valley. Trees, debris, and rough cut lumber were mixed in and tumbling. It's a tsunami! It looked similar to what happened in Japan. There was no place to hide! I then decide to stop the tsunami by simply touching it. This is what I would normally do when I'm lucid, but I wasn’t lucid. I quickly ran right at the wall of water and debris, and touched it, before it mowed us down. The tsunami froze in its tracks. I turned to face the two men to see if they were okay. They looked at me with in a casual manner, and one said to the other, “The hammer’s broken.” The other fellow replied, “I told you this would happen.”

      The tsunami disappeared and the rough cut lumber was all neatly stacked again. I walked away from the men trying to comprehend what just happened. Then, Utopia, I realized this must be a dream. How else could this be possible! A feeling of excitement and adrenaline rushed through my body. The dream became very vivid, as I hopped and bounced across the washout, and landed on top of a gravel pile. One of the men said, “Hey, what’s he doing now?” They stood back about 50 yards and watched.

      I wanted to visit with my daughter, but I’ve had lots of trouble with this recently, because dream figures keep appearing and chase after her, and ruin the dream. I decided to ask for backup first to keep my daughter safe during our dream visit. I asked for a Defender Angel to appear and protect my daughter from the hooligans. I waited patiently, and waited, and then nothing. I asked again for a Defender Angel to appear. This was odd, no Defender Angel? Dream figures usually appear when I ask, so I found this very odd. I then felt like I was being held in position, and I couldn’t move. I struggled, wiggled, and zaggled, but no luck, then I got frustrated and woke up.