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    1. 9/8/2012: fragments

      by , 09-08-2013 at 03:41 PM
      Can't remember dreams from yesterday (the 7th) at all, just making note of it here. I woke up in bad shape that morning so it probably killed any recall I had. All I have from last night is fragments and impressions.

      I was in some nice coffee shop and my little dog Rat was there too, nuzzling into a doggie bed on the floor by my table.

      Something about Disney World Mario???

      I was making cheese-filled manicotti on the floor. It had some strange ingredient but I can't remember it.

      I was looking at a Tumblr blog for Homestuck but all the images on it were disturbing, and there was an autoplayer on it playing creepy music.

      Some kind of foursome relationship going on between Karkat, Gamzee, Kanaya and Dave (Homestuck). They were all lying together in this big bed holding hands. Not sure what quadrant Kanaya was in there but she was between Gamzee and Dave.

      I was trying out some game with a Skyrim flavor but it had Varric (Dragon Age) narrating the opening scene and the last thing he says is, "This...is my story." I don't know what was going on but hell yeah, I'd like to play a game all about Varric!!

      Can't remember this one too clearly but Keitorin and I were in some club at a not-school along with Fili and Kili, and we were...ahem, 'taking turns' with the guys for some reason. No really, there was an actual reason, we had pamphlets and everything but I can't remember!! It was real fun though, we were all joking and laughing, treating it like some goofy science experiment. Then the dream kinda changes after I look out a window onto this area just outside some castle walls and we're all out there and in some run-down buildings being attacked by dudes on the wall and I'm trying to keep these two kids inside so they don't get hurt.

      notes: *big shrug!* I dunno, but I'm glad there was so much fandom in there. One of these days, I WILL have a chat with Dave, mark my words!

      Updated 09-08-2013 at 05:38 PM by 22511

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 9/6/2013: fragments: drawing rocks into being, game mod and mom's job issues

      by , 09-06-2013 at 02:29 PM
      No entry for yesterday since I'd rather it not be public, but for documentation's sake I did dream about Dave Strider again like I'd intended! Bro, too! I also became lucid briefly to change the scene twice so I was pleased about that :) Tags/categories for that dream are: lucid, memorable, nightmare, fandom: Homestuck. Now for last night's:

      Jake trying to get our mom to buy him a subscription to something on the computer, a game? She won't because she's too busy with job stuff at the moment, and Jake harasses her, asking exactly what she's been doing this whole time since she has yet to gain a single client.

      After/at the time this is happening (idk) I'm looking at a Dragon Age mod for a new character race called 'Fajjyn'?? The character is a slightly creepy-looking female with deep eyes, grey skin and bright red hair. Then I hear a short police siren and when I look outside I see the light from a flashlight shining on houses, but the light is pink.

      I'm on the floor drawing with Brandie, using paper and pencils. Somehow she is really fast and near-perfect, and I get frustrated because whatever I draw isn't that good. She tries showing me her technique by drawing a rock, and I copy it but the rock looks too flat. We practice more til I create some decent-looking rocks, but unlike her small, smooth stones, mine are large, black and jagged things that pile up in sheets, literally! As I keep drawing, the rocks become real.

      notes: During 1, I was feeling upset with Jake for acting that way but I wonder if it's my subconscious worrying that my mom will back out on everything after she's put in so much effort. The drawing dream definitely came from my worrying about being good enough when it comes to my art. But it was cool to draw something into existence, I'd like to try that again sometime!

      Also, I had intended to dream about Dave again, but if it happened, I don't recall it.

      Updated 09-06-2013 at 02:34 PM by 22511

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable