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    Yeye this is fun!
    [...] <-- This is a part of my dream that I have intentionally omitted, usually because it is inappropriate and/or embarrassing
    Although if someone really wanted to know what it was for whatever reason I'd most likely tell them.

    I refer to people in my dreams by their initials.

    1. Lucid Dream #4 and Oceanic Swimming Pool.

      , 06-30-2010 at 03:23 AM
      Non-lucid Part
      In my dream there was a swimming pool.
      I was swimming and it was half a pool half an ocean. The water was salty. There was a brick wall that I was near, which I think marked the boundary of land and ocean. It kind of jutted up from the water. Whenever a wave passed through I was afraid that I (or someone) may hit their head on the corner of the brick wall, but JS assured me that it was safe. The people in the pool (maybe about 20) were playing all sorts of games where they would react to different situations. One of the situations was armageddon-type where an asteroid or somteing would hit Earth. Everyone dived down under the water as deep as they could. This was probably about 8 metres. I couln't swim under though for some reason, and the seconds until impact was counting down in the fom of some erupting water thing on the side.
      However I think I eventually managed to and there was Marieke Hardy and the Doctor from Triple J (a radio station) and we were discussing her legging colours. She was wearing stripy black and white leggings.

      I had ran there with someone, I cannot remember who, after being on the bus with MB. She didn't want to run the path with me (which went uphill and through the woods) because she didn't orka.
      I ran the path and came to this uphill bit and decided to run up it fast whilst the other person just watched. There were these joggers in the way though and I had to say "Excuse me! " to get them to move and they did but unfortunately at the same time a car was driving downwards so we all had to give way to the car and I fell off the hill (jumped) and had to do it again.

      I woke up here, and then I fell asleep again.

      Lucid Part
      Holy shit.
      I had a lucid dream.
      I am just starting to remember it now. Maybe I didn't? It is hard to tell because it is so unclear and fuzzy...I can just remember checking my hands. I also know that there was some kind of factory and also my sister was in it. Argh ...@#$@#$&^#$

      Shit yeah I'm starting to remember bits now! At first I thought I was dreaming but then I didn't have much control over what I was doing. And then I checked my hands again and could walking around more freely and stuff. I think that this is separate from when I didn't have much control; that it is a "better part" of lucid dreaming.

      I got into the car with AK and DM and we were driving along the freeway and I was like, "Hey AK you should try to make the car fly!". It was awesome because she managed to do it. It was so fun. The car just started pulling upwards and going in the air. And then lots of other cars did this and we were like "Hey they're copying us >: (" hahaha. We drove to the factory and that part must've been pretty unlucid.

      I think before this, I was back in Australind and thought "I could try to do a backflip" and utilise my ability to float x)
      My dad thought it was super dangerous but that's because he didn't know I was dreaming I did it several times and it was fun. I also thought whilst in the dream that perhaps you could use lucid dreams to practice stuff you did in real life, like sports and stuff like that. I am unsure about this.

      Whilst I was running somewhere, I took note of how real the sensations felt as compared to being awake.

      Hmm. Even though it was lucid, it was so unclear that perhaps I was only dreaming that I had a lucid dream or something like that, lol.
      Hopefully it will be clearer next time!

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 09:21 AM by 33362

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Lucid Dream #3 and an Australian Skellefteċ

      , 06-07-2010 at 10:45 AM
      Lucid Part
      Yes, I most definitely lucid dreamt last night. It was so hazy though :/
      Kinda funny because I could only stay lucid whilst near my bed. Like, if I went to walk off it would stop being lucid. Because if I went to walk off, I wouldn't be able to see myself in the mirror and realise that I was lucid (yay dream logic!). But this sucked because I couldn't leave to try and go to Sweden, which I seem to always try to do xD
      It wasn't too exciting, I just did floating around things and backflips and stuff.

      I kept on slipping in and out of sleep paralysis (being awake). It was really hard to control.
      I took IE's advice and tried to feel how real breathing and stuff felt. It felt like the real thing.

      Non-lucid Part
      I was buying cake donuts (wtf are "cake donuts"? xD) in Skellefteċ lol on my way to see TW (!). There were lots of Australians at that shop and they were quite annoying :/ That cake looked so delicious though.
      Music by Karnivool (a damn awesome Perth band) was playing in the background of the shop.
      I was paying in Australian money, too. Wtf. I wanted four cakes and that would bring my total to $20.25. I gave the chick (who was also Australian) a $50 note (I gave this to her at the start, she wanted it first, and THEN i would buy the cakes) so then i gave her 10c so that she wouldn't have to get heaps of change. But for some reason she only gave me $10 change, as if $20 + $10 = $50.

      Oh yeah, there was this weird cat trick thing. And it looked after your household if some criminal was going to rob it. It could detect loud music. The cat had to jump onto the windowsill but do a twist on the way (like gymnastics). Then it would grab the ledge and look through the window. Its eyes started glowing and it was scary. It detected loud music or something.
      The cat was really cute and very well trained. It kept trying and trying to reach the windowsill, and I caught it when it missed. Eventually it grabbed it. Good cat :3 This part of the dream I associate with giants and other worldy houses for some reason. I also associate it with some map that helped detect the criminals.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 09:16 AM by 33362

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    3. Lucid Dream #2

      , 05-16-2010 at 09:33 PM
      I was having a pretty bad dream, where I got sent to jail for 7 years for doing something (I can't remember what). I was really sad and scared that I was going to be going to jail. I mean, I can still remember that sinking feeling I got, that such a large percentage of my life was going to waste.
      In the dream I was so upset that I was like "I hope this is a dream". So I did the hand-checking thing and they were morphing so it WAS a dream ^_^
      So I suddenly realised I was dreaming and became lucid, but not for long. Also, it seemed to be only half-lucid.

      Again like last time, I made the decision to fly to Sweden (lol this was only a half-conscious decision, half of it seemed to be an uncontrollable, automatic thought. like it's automatically the first thing i think of doing xP), and i flew around a bit (weeee!) but for some reason i couldn't get anywhere. Then I couldn't think of anything to do, and because of this I was slipping out of lucidity too. So then I started dreaming again.
      Tags: floating, jail, sweden