• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Welcome to my Dream Journal! I'm afraid it's backed up with years of mismatched dream clusters, but if you'll allow me to start anew, much more sense will be made.

    My current goal with lucid dreaming is to embark upon a journey of self-discovery. I seek not just an escape, but a learning and growing experience. I hope you will enjoy following me on this quest.

    Some of my goals include:

    Control over surroundings
    Evidence of shared dreaming
    Improved flying ability (erase "swimming in air" effect)
    Alter appearance/physical form at will
    Familiarity with supposed dream guide
    Convincing out-of-body experience
    Successful wake-induced lucid dream

    I'll be editing and updating this list as I progress. All are welcome to comment and message me about anything, anytime.

    1. Magic, It Happens

      by , 02-23-2013 at 05:13 PM
      We were at a place that resembled Hot Topic, but it wasn't a store, it was the home of a race, a race that horded mainly magical objects. I was there with Kyle and another boy, perhaps Tristan or Linkster, and some others may have been with us at some point.
      The "people" living there, though human in appearance, were certainly something else, something alien. They started out as hospitable as could be, but quickly proved to be manipulative and devious. They would not let us leave.
      We had to fight our way out, or rather, I did. Kyle and friend made it outside and I then proceeded to make several trips back to retrieve our belongings as well as some others that looked useful. Kyle had a huge pile of what appeared to be trading cards which the race's leader had taken, presumably because of their magical properties, and the stupid things took me two trips to save. Kyle was relieved to see them, but he was being too useless for me to care.


      A child needed to be created. In a bathtub was a clear liquid in which he would be born. Next to it were two loofahs, one of which contained the DNA of the parents, and one of which contained unknown DNA. I placed both into the tub, but nothig happened. A young man who was with me stepped into the tub. I knew him, but I don't believe I've ever seen him before in my life. He knew, apparently, how this worked, and had Will step into the tub with him. I closed the curtain, because often in dreams what keeps things from working is that I'm staring at them. A few seconds later though, Will told me to open the curtain, that I had to see it. I did, and before my eyes a child of about four was growing out of nowhere. It was amazing to watch. Another few moments of this and it was finished. A strong little blonde boy stood there in the tub. The young man said that he was made from four different people's DNA, but that he was to be my brother.


      I can fly. I can always fly. It's my favorite thing to do. In a field with my friends I was demonstrating my skill, and trying to teach them.
    2. Rocket Boost

      by , 12-18-2010 at 05:40 PM
      12/18/10 - Rocket Boost
      Dream Non-Dream Lucid

      I was at my house with a bunch of other people, and I could sense it was turning into a nightmare. Apparently, some creatures were trying to get into the house.
      I decided to leave and change the dream altogether, so I went out to the screened back porch with Will. I told him to focus on being weightless and he started levitating. I grabbed his hand, crouched, and jumped high up. We broke through the porch roof, but I felt like we were going to fall, so I gave myself a boost and shot flames out of my feet to shoot us up higher. We went far out into Earth's atmosphere, and I contemplated going to the moon, but I figured I'd do it another time and dismissed the idea immediately. I focused on landing safely, so I turned off the "rocket boosters" as I referred to the flames from my feet, and we began hurtling towards Earth. It was really amazing to look down at, there were colors rushing everywhere and although I seriously doubt it would really be like that, in the dream it was very realistic. I slowed us down by willing gravity to let up a bit, and we ended up gently floating back down to the ground... specifically, my back porch. Epic fail...

      My cat, Patches, woke me up at like 7:30. So early!
    3. Enchanted Retreat

      by , 05-28-2010 at 04:37 AM
      5/27/10 - Enchanted Retreat

      Dream Non-Dream Lucid

      I was on a class trip of some sort to a week-long retreat. It wasn't anything to do with school; this retreat was to help us learn magic. The building reminded me of a boarding school without classrooms, if that makes sense. It also had a pool out back and was near a beach and some marsh.

      The girls and boys were split up. There were about ten in each group. I don't know where the boys went, but the girls just went on a random walk on the beach.

      On our way back from the beach, I noticed some black sand. One girl explained that it was black because a giant squid had exploded.

      The next day, we learned to fly. All of the girls were standing around the pool with broomsticks. We were supposed to concentrate on hovering.

      Hardly anyone could get it right. Mary and I were somehow able to fly around a bit. Apparently we were "talented."

      I was so excited that I started flying around the marsh, dipping down low and then flying high. It was difficult but I somehow managed.... until I landed. When I got back to the pool, my broom snapped. Whoops. Apparently, it had been given to me by a kind neighbor of Hannah's.

      Oh well.

      On the third day, the entire class just hung out by the pool while we waited for our parents to come pick us up. When mine arrived, they wanted to see what I'd learned.

      I went to the broom closet and found a new broom. When I came out, I noticed Mary showing off her skill and smirked. I could do better. I pushed off the ground hard and flew high over the marsh. I circled a few times before landing in front of my parents. They looked impressed, but not entirely shocked. I guess they've seen flying broomsticks before.

      I woke as we were driving home.

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:47 PM by 29318

      non-lucid , memorable