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    1. Part 4: Advice Received on Healing of my Son’s Plantar Wart – Dec 28, 2014

      by , 01-05-2015 at 07:54 PM
      In this dream, I was given some advice on healing from my daughter. I walked into my bathroom, off my bedroom, and a beautiful young woman was standing there with a hoodie on, and I didn’t recognize her, but as soon as she spoke I knew it was my daughter. We moved in behind the bathroom door out of site. She had the exact same voice and facial expressions. In spite of all this I wasn’t lucid yet, but I should have clued in since my daughter has passed into Heaven. She then thanked me for trying to be with her all the time, and constantly reaching out for her. We kissed and hugged. It was so real!!! I still wasn’t lucid (if you can believe it).

      She then said, “Dad, there are phrases in the Bible on light, energy, and healing you should read.” Then I became lucid, because I remembered my plan to heal my son’s wart in a lucid dream. I then said, “What did you say?” I was sort of shocked by hearing this, since I’ve never read the Bible to any extent, nor has my daughter. She then repeated it in a more clear voice, “Dad, there are phrases in the Bible on light, energy, and healing you should read. Read the Bible!” Several people, including my wife, walked into the bedroom, and then my daughter and I walked out of the bathroom, to see who was there. As she walked out of the bathroom, she changed into somebody completely different. Now she looked like a belly dancer, and done up in a gold dress, tasseled, and bikini top. My wife gave me a shocked look, hit me on the butt with her hand, and looked at me like, “What were you doing in there?” The other people in my bedroom were men, who I didn’t recognize, and my lucidity ended and I returned to regular dream mode. I then asked the belly dancer in the gold dress for her cell phone #. My wife hit me in my butt again, and then I woke.

      The following day I Google searched the Bible on healing, and found several of references to this. It basically said if you believe in God, and have faith, then you can ask God to heal people by placing your hands on the sick and they will recover. This does clear up a few things for me, and in particular, that it’s not me who’s doing the healing, it’s God. I’m not a strongly religious person, but I’m going to listen to my daughter because she’s always right. Anyway, so now I’m going to change my strategy on healing this wart in a lucid dream. Instead of saying “Through love and consciousness heal my son’s wart. “ Rather, I’m going to say, “Dear God, please heal my son’s wart.” I’m also planning on creating an energy ball in the LD, and then pushing it into my son’s wart with my hand, and holding it there until it dissipates (healing lucid dream style!).
    2. God Does Not Exist!

      by , 11-12-2014 at 08:25 PM
      Many people have asked in their Lucid Dreams to meet God, so I figured I would give it a try. During one of my lucid dreams last summer, I was trying to find my daughter, but I was having no luck, so I decided to meet with God instead. I’ve never attempted to do this before in my 40 plus years of Lucid Dreaming. Before I begin, I would like to point out that I do in fact believe in God, have faith, but I have not been a strong, practising, church going person, though I grew up in a strongly religious home. I have full respect for God.

      In a perfectly lucid dream I approached two dream figures. I said in a firm voice, “Where’s God? I need to meet with him.” They looked at each other, and the one dream figure said to the other, “What did he just say?” The other figure then said, “I think he said he wants to meet with God.” They chuckled at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and then looked back at me with a questioned look. I said, “Where’s God?” The first dream figure then pointed at a building that was under construction, and he said, “God’s in there.” I walked up some concrete steps and entered into a building that only had plywood on the exterior, and truly was under construction. It was a real mess. I searched for God room to room. Finally, on the second storey, I found a very old, withered man in a small, closet size, bedroom. The old withered man was under a tethered blanket. He was wearing an old blue parka and faded torn, blue jeans. His hair and beard were blondish grey, long, knotted and dreaded. He was wrinkled skin and bones. His eyes were closed, and he was unconscious. I felt sorry for him, whoever this abandoned old man was, and I scooped him up into my arms, in a cradled position, and I carried him out of the building. After I carried him outside I woke up from the dream. I was a little disappointed after I woke up that I didn’t find God in the building.

      The following week I had another lucid dream about God. Suddenly, in the lucid dream, this same old guy, from the prior dream I described above, appears right beside on a park bench. He even has the same blue parka and jeans, but this time he looks much healthier. He looks straight into my eyes, and then raises his head to the sky and shouts, “GOD DOES NOT EXIST!” His eyes were a glowing baby blue colour. I’m so shocked by this I wake up. I start to think about what these two dreams were about. Maybe I did meet God, and maybe he is saying to me that my faith needs a little bit of work?

      The following week, after the second dream, I was driving home from work (in the waking world) to have lunch. On the side of the road, sitting on a park bench, I see the same old man! He looked exactly same right down to the long greyish blonde dreaded hair and beard. He even had the same blue, winter parka. I’d like to point out, who wears a parka on a hot summer day? It was about 85 F. I drove right past him. He looked like a homeless man. That in itself is very strange, because there are no homeless people in this suburban neighborhood. I began to think that maybe God wanted me to stop and visit with this homeless man. Maybe that’s what these two lucid dreams were about? If there was some meaning behind these dreams, I didn’t want to blow it by simply driving by and ignoring him, so I immediately went and picked up ‘lunch for two’ at Tim Hortons. I have to admit I felt a little odd doing this, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He was the most humble man I’ve ever met. His name was Paul. He even had the baby blue eyes like my LD. We sat for a ˝ hour and discussed life in general. He was explaining how people are so busy trying to make money that they miss out on life itself. He said, “To enjoy life, you really don’t need anything. All you need is already here.” I asked him about wearing his winter parka when it’s so hot out, and he replied, “I never take it off.”

      Later that night, I’m heading out to the cabin for the weekend (in the waking world), and I see his blue parka lying in the middle of the road, not far from where we had lunch. It made me think.
      lucid , memorable