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    1. Part 4: Advice Received on Healing of my Son’s Plantar Wart – Dec 28, 2014

      by , 01-05-2015 at 07:54 PM
      In this dream, I was given some advice on healing from my daughter. I walked into my bathroom, off my bedroom, and a beautiful young woman was standing there with a hoodie on, and I didn’t recognize her, but as soon as she spoke I knew it was my daughter. We moved in behind the bathroom door out of site. She had the exact same voice and facial expressions. In spite of all this I wasn’t lucid yet, but I should have clued in since my daughter has passed into Heaven. She then thanked me for trying to be with her all the time, and constantly reaching out for her. We kissed and hugged. It was so real!!! I still wasn’t lucid (if you can believe it).

      She then said, “Dad, there are phrases in the Bible on light, energy, and healing you should read.” Then I became lucid, because I remembered my plan to heal my son’s wart in a lucid dream. I then said, “What did you say?” I was sort of shocked by hearing this, since I’ve never read the Bible to any extent, nor has my daughter. She then repeated it in a more clear voice, “Dad, there are phrases in the Bible on light, energy, and healing you should read. Read the Bible!” Several people, including my wife, walked into the bedroom, and then my daughter and I walked out of the bathroom, to see who was there. As she walked out of the bathroom, she changed into somebody completely different. Now she looked like a belly dancer, and done up in a gold dress, tasseled, and bikini top. My wife gave me a shocked look, hit me on the butt with her hand, and looked at me like, “What were you doing in there?” The other people in my bedroom were men, who I didn’t recognize, and my lucidity ended and I returned to regular dream mode. I then asked the belly dancer in the gold dress for her cell phone #. My wife hit me in my butt again, and then I woke.

      The following day I Google searched the Bible on healing, and found several of references to this. It basically said if you believe in God, and have faith, then you can ask God to heal people by placing your hands on the sick and they will recover. This does clear up a few things for me, and in particular, that it’s not me who’s doing the healing, it’s God. I’m not a strongly religious person, but I’m going to listen to my daughter because she’s always right. Anyway, so now I’m going to change my strategy on healing this wart in a lucid dream. Instead of saying “Through love and consciousness heal my son’s wart. “ Rather, I’m going to say, “Dear God, please heal my son’s wart.” I’m also planning on creating an energy ball in the LD, and then pushing it into my son’s wart with my hand, and holding it there until it dissipates (healing lucid dream style!).
    2. Part 3: OBE Healing of my Son’s Plantar Wart – Dec 26, 2014

      by , 01-04-2015 at 12:07 AM
      This is my 3rd attempt to heal my son’s plantar wart on his left heel. The first two attempts were during lucid dreams and this attempt was during an OBE at my father in-laws house. I’d like to point out that we’ve tried all types of medical remedies, but none have worked (so far).

      It was about 9:30 Am in the morning and I had just done another WBTB. I was consciously awake, but my body was asleep. I felt a couple of light body vibrations happen, and I decided to try an OBE exit. I really struggled and fought to get out, but it paid off, and I was standing beside my bed looking down at myself. I didn’t have any particular plan on what to do next, but I first checked around my bedroom to see if my daughter was there (visiting me). Nope, she wasn’t there. It was daytime, and there was plenty of light around, but everything looked black and white with a brownish yellow hue. My body felt sluggish. I carefully opened the bedroom door and crept out into the hallway. I saw the bedroom door open down the hallway, and I thought I’d go see if my daughter was maybe there, but before I made it two steps down the hall, somebody pushed me right into the wall from the back and held me there, and then let go. I quickly turned around to see who it was, but there was nobody. This was a sign not to go that way (I know, I’m brilliant ;P).

      Well, what to do next? Hmm, I decided to head downstairs. When I got downstairs I could hear my father in-law talking to somebody in the kitchen, and I thought it’s probably not a good idea to go in there. Everything was still black and white with a brownish yellow hue. Suddenly a glowing, bright pink toy monster appeared on the floor at the opening to the family room, everything else didn’t have any color. It looked like a toy my daughter use to have when she was a kid. Again, I took this as a sign to walk into the family room, so I did. When I entered the room, I was surprised to see my son sleeping on the couch, and then I remembered my plan to heal my son’s plantar wart while lucid. There was a Christmas tree in the corner of the family room, and I was surprised to see this because my father in-law hadn’t set one up this year, and in the past it’s only been setup in the livingroom. My son often sleeps on the family room couch, but with his head at the other end of the couch, so the sun doesn’t shine in his face when it rises in the morning. I found this odd as well. I then woke my son up and I really startled him, he retracted his legs and arms, and he appeared frightened. I told him we’re going to heal his plantar wart, and he relaxed back into sleeping position, and then I went and removed his sock from his left foot.

      I could clearly see the plantar wart on his foot, and it was much more clearly defined than when I saw it in the previous lucid dreams. It also was outlined with a black line, and I found this a bit alarming. I then said, “Through faith, love and consciousness….” Everything went black and fuzzy, and then darn, I woke up! I immediately went downstairs to see my son. He was sitting in the family room reading a book, and told him what just happened. I asked how he slept last night, and he said he woke up early because he slept the wrong way on the couch, and the sun shone in his face when it rose, and it was too bright.
    3. Part 2: Lucid Dream Healing of my Son’s Plantar Wart – Dec 20, 2014

      by , 12-22-2014 at 02:53 AM
      This is my 2nd attempt to heal my son’s plantar wart using lucid dreaming. The 1st attempt is recorded in my dream journals under ‘Part 1’ (Dec 13, 2014). Apparently it’s possible to heal using lucid dreaming, so I’m giving it a try. I feel this attempt worked out much better than my first, but still needs some work, no doubt, so I’ll try again soon.

      After my 1st attempt I realized I needed to rehearse this with my son prior to attempting this again, because it was a little more involved than what I thought it would be. My son willingly went through a couple of rehearsals, so that my mind would be ready for the 2nd attempt. I have to admit, it came across as being a bit odd when we were doing these rehearsals, especially since my son is not a lucid dreamer. However, he happily accepted, because he’s been dealing with this large wart on his left heel for three years now, and no medical remedy has worked. Next step is a minor operation, which we’re trying to avoid. Here’s what happened in the lucid dream:

      I woke up around 7:30 Am for a second WBTB. At 8:00 Am I quickly fell back to sleep, ready to do some more lucid dreaming. Little did I know I was about to be involved in an exciting false awakening! Next thing I knew I was being awakened by some good old rock music. I sat up in bed and realized I was wearing my Sony Walkman Headphones and listening to an old cassette tape. I couldn’t figure out how that happened, because I haven’t used my Walkman in 10 years or so, and I certainly didn’t go to sleep with it on. I looked over and saw my son standing at my bedroom door. I got up and walked over to him, and asked what time it was? He said he didn’t know, so I reached into my pocket and pulled out my iPhone, and it strangely said 1:00 Pm. How could I sleep for 5 hours and not remember a single dream. I was also a bit disappointed that I didn’t have an LD.

      I went to ‘crash out’ in my bed, and sleep some more, because I was still really tired. Strangely my bed was covered in my daughter’s possessions. I carefully lifted them off my bed and placed them down, but more of her stuff kept appearing on my bed. I repeated and repeated, but more her belongings kept on appearing on my bed. Finally I got frustrated and started to sweep them off my bed using my forearm, but they still kept appearing! Finally, I figured it out! I’m having a false awakening! I'm lucid! How could my daughter’s possessions keep appearing on my bed, after all, she’s in Heaven. I then remembered my plan to heal my son’s plantar wart.

      By this point my son had left the room, so I quickly called him back. He instantly returned, and then he laid down on the floor with his left foot raised. I then called my daughter to come and hold his leg up, so as to free both my hands. My daughter walked into the bedroom and held his foot slightly off the floor. This was all going as rehearsed and planned. I kneeled down and removed his left sock, and I could see the plantar wart right there on his heel. Next, I sat down on the floor in front of his foot, and said, “Through love and consciousness we heal the wart on your foot!” I had both of my palms pointing at the wart. Nothing happened, no light, no nothing. I then remembered the Kami Hami Ha I did in one lucid dream, so I took this approach, and cupped my hands together as if I was holding an imaginary volleyball. I focussed and concentrated on creating a healing light. A warm, white, fuzzy, light ball, with hues of yellow, appeared in my cupped hands. I then focused this light ball into two beams of light projecting from the palms of my hands, at my son’s plantar wart. This was working! I was really excited! Then my vision went dark, I couldn’t see anything! Darn, I’m losing lucidity!

      I stayed perfectly still and asked my daughter if she was still there. She replied, “Yes dad, I’m still here.” I replied, “I love you! Please help me out, I can’t see anything.” I could feel my legs, arms, and shoulders being pulled all at the same time. At this point I had no idea what was going on. My vision slowly came back, and I was surprised to see that several kids, including my son and daughter, were spinning me in a circle, as I sat on the floor. I couldn’t believe it. They were spinning me, like lucid dreamers do, when trying to improve clarity. This was very cool.

      We reassumed positions, and I recreated the light ball in my cupped hands, and again focussed the beams of light back on the plantar wart. At this point there were several dream figures standing around watching. One of the younger kids then jumped over my right arm and sat down on my left thigh, with both my arms reaching around him, as I was projecting the light. I guess he wanted a front row seat? I was waiting for my son’s heel to start glowing before I stopped, but then I unexpectedly woke up. It was 9:00 Am (WBTB was at 8 Am). This was one cool lucid dream! I went and got my son a Timmy’s hot chocolate, woke him up, and told him about the LD I just had. I said next time, we’ll have your heel glowing and that should do it! He enjoyed his Timmy’s hot chocolate and my enthusiasm to help out with his plantar wart in this unconventional way. Strangely enough, his wart did look a little bit better today!

      Updated 12-22-2014 at 03:04 AM by 71173

      false awakening , memorable , lucid
    4. Part 1: Lucid Dream Healing of my Son's Plantar Wart - Dec 13, 2014

      by , 12-14-2014 at 07:25 PM
      Apparently it’s possible to heal using lucid dreaming, so I decided to give it a try. My son has had a plantar wart on his left foot heel 3 years now. We’ve tried everything under the sun, except the surgery, to remove this wart, and it’s still there. It’s about 8 mm in diameter. Last night I asked my son if he would agree to let me try and heel his plantar wart in a lucid dream tonight. He was surprisingly real receptive to the idea, and was excited about trying this! He’s 17 years old, very open minded, and trusts me. Here’s what happened:

      In this dream, I was hitch hiking on a highway, when I came upon another hitch hiker who had a data transmitting device for the military. It had water damage, and we were trying to fix it. Suddenly a brand new military truck appeared beside us, fully loaded with electronic equipment to send, receive, and relay data. Several dozen people also appeared. The dream was crystal clear and extremely vivid. I knew instantly I was dreaming. I remembered the mantra I said before I went to bed, “I will realize when I’m dreaming, and I will heal my son’s plantar wart.” I had repeated this for ten minutes, and then turned the lights out and went to bed.

      A dream figure came right up to me smiling, while I was holding my poodle in my arms, and I said, “I have to find my son, so he can help me do something.” He nodded and continued smiling. I called my son’s name once, and he instantly came walking around the backside of parked truck. I immediately handed our dear poodle over to my son, and asked him to follow me over to a grass clearing beside the highway. When we got there my son took off his left shoe and sock. I didn’t even have to ask him! I got so excited about doing this I woke.

      A couple of hours later I was having another lucid dream, where I was showing my son how I could push Netflix movie icons out the top of the flat screen TV and turn them into CD boxes. My son was looking at this with amazement and curiosity. I then remembered my mantra, so I told my son, ”Let’s try this again!” He immediately sat on the floor and took off both shoes and socks. I grabbed his left foot and held it in my right hand, I then said, “Let’s heal the wart on your foot through consciousness and love!” I tried to shoot a beam of light from my left hand at the wart, but all I got was a small ball of light that stayed cupped in my hand. I focussed and concentrated to create the beam of light, but then the ball of light disappeared. I lowered his foot to the ground, and felt where the wart was, but it wasn’t there. I asked my son if the wart was on his left foot (I started to question myself)? My son lifted up his left foot to feel for the wart, and he said, “I can’t feel it.” He seemed frustrated, and then I woke up.

      I went and described to my son this morning what had happened during the two lucid dreams last night. I felt that I hadn’t done the healing correctly and I’ll try again in the next lucid dream. We did some rehearsals too, so I’ll have it all straight in my mind. Next time, he will hold his left foot in the air, so I can shoot light beams from both my hands at the wart. I still need to figure a better healing phrase to say while I’m doing this. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

      Updated 12-21-2014 at 11:52 PM by 71173 (Tried again)
