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    1. March 15, 2024 7:44 am

      by , 03-15-2024 at 08:43 AM
      Sleeping in a comfy hotel bed in Berlin with complete privacy instead of having family or roommates.

      My dream initially started with me entering a hotel room, much different looking than where I'm currently staying. Kinda like a building you'd create in Minecraft and somewhat reminded me of the hotel in Wijk aan Zee where I stayed at with my family in 2010 and drank coffee for the first time at the age of 12 which then became my to-go drink for the next 12 years.
      I constantly remind myself to not forget my card as I leave my room. Exploring the area around the hotel, it's a flat grassy land like those old videogames had, colours resembling that of retro Halo grass maps.

      I go outside and I'm in this "space park" with climbing frames and rocket statues that double as bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom so I climb up the ladder with one hand while holding my pet cat Luna in the other (while somehow maintaining my balance and not falling off while letting go of the ladder to get the next step. Each bathroom I'm attending I'm surrounded by people outside and despite the toilet being inside a spaceship cockpit with those one way reflective windows, I feel like I'm being stared at and don't go. I walk out of the space park and end up in this street from Amsterdam which is set in the 70s-90s as sound has a VHS quality and everyone speaks in a much thicker Amsterdam accent. I then see this man walk into an alley which I magically remember (in dream universe) as this back entrance for a theatre where I would go with my theatre group from 2017-2019.

      I then woke up from my alarm clock with 7 hours and 58 minutes of sleep!
    2. April 15, 2023 10:16 am

      by , 04-14-2023 at 09:42 AM
      Working late shifts this week, they may start three hours later, but for my routine and body clock there's not any more difference other than the day being three hours longer. Woke up tired yesterday, and went to bed right after the shift ended which caused me to wake up at 2 am and stay awake until 6 am. I then set alarms for an hour every hour until my shift started, I woke up before the alarm went off each time.

      The first dream I've had convinced me that my roommate was a fish, I woke up confused because I have nothing seen him in water at once. Although he does work in the kitchen and occasionally goes to the bathroom...

      I can't recall the second dream, but the last dream consisted of me playing in a Dutch television series. The series was set in the 80s about a white wealthy family who owns a bed and breakfast at the beach. I play their adopted son. My "sister" was played by a theatre student who actually came from a blue blood family.
      The show was a mystery show, a boy and his monkey (probably the son of the family) go treasure hunting. He tells his friend and shows him a book before running off with his monkey partner. The friend reads the book and discovers his own family owns treasure here at the beach. He goes to the spot and discovered that his friend with the monkey partner already dug it up. He then angrily runs and climbs up the sand hill where the BnB is located.

      Meanwhile, my character wakes up and walks towards the elevation to go to the cafeteria. His sister asks him from the stairs if he thinks peanut butter is good for you. Confused by the completely random questions say "sure" before getting handed a breakfast coupon by her just so I can eat the hotel breakfast.

      I then zoom out of the world map from the 80s to which I started using Photoshop's magical wand tool to highlight Northern Europe. It keeps messing up and then I go to Wales before I wake up in real life.

      I don't know anything about Wales, might be an interesting vacation destination.

      Dream was in Dutch, the second one at least as I don't recall any dialogue in the first dream.