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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. April 10th, 2024 8:?? pm (NSFW)

      by , 04-10-2024 at 07:54 PM
      A beat making channel I watch on YouTube was in a city around Central / South America to meet up with a friend there for a beat video. The friend's girlfriend mysteriously disappeared and they did a video on YouTube where they friend dates another girl in order to find out where she disappeared off to and they go to this sauna that is in a weird beige, backrooms-esque setting. The friend appears to be possessed by something and walks off with his girlfriend in the furthest room in the back. We then notice all guys and girls in the spa wearing their swim suits grab their towel and follow them in the room.

      As we enter the big room in the back, everyone is kneeling on the floor as the friend is laying on a massage chair, getting his privates licked by his missing girlfriend and the date.
      The beatmaker's beat start playing in the background and surprise, unbeknownst what's happening until he enters the room in silence, looks at me, who has the role of camera man. The guy who owns the spa asks what the hell is going on, ignoring the situation in the room and referring to the beat playing instead. Before any response, goes back to watching football in his office next to the room. The beatmaker, completely in shock runs out of the building as I follow him, initially outrunning the beatmaker and running out of the dark night street before noticing the beatmaker across the street by the subway entrance, signaling to follow me. I run across the street after him, as we enter the subway station, the metro drives off, leaving us behind. We sit by the platform as I say "At least that creepy owner didn't follow us" as we look at the apartment buildings across the platform and notice a guy looking exactly like the owner entering his balcony, telling us to quiet down. We then turn around to the TV screen behind is on the station looking at a news report where they're looking for a suspect who looks like the owner, reported by a newsreader who too looks like that owner.

      I then woke up from my nap.

      Updated 04-10-2024 at 08:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. November 14, 2023 10:?? am

      by , 11-14-2023 at 10:52 AM
      It was the last day of elementary school, a lot of festivities and performances were planned in the gymnasium, me along with three other kids, one being a girl I had a crush on during 5th - 6th grade, another being my current best friend I didn't even know back then, and I think the last one was the girl's best friend. We did a short skit, or performance that was maybe three minutes long or something followed by us dancing to either Barbie Girl or a song from the Dutch girlband K3 as ending/credits as the audience would give us an applause! However, we would just continue dancing for the entire song while they kept applauding. We would've done so for the entire 7(?) minute run of the song, but eventually decided to gather in front of the audience and bow, my theatre school instincts kicked in to say "Yes!" as we bowed.

      We then leave the gymnasium and decide backstage to hang out together instead of attending the rest of the event (considering it was primary school, it was literally early in the afternoon) We then decided to go to the city, my crush asking me where I live to see if it was possible. Although I was thinking like my current age self while supposedly being a prospective 7th grader, I was still convinced I lived in Utrecht rather than Berlin where I currently live so I'd be good. We went to a supermarket nearby to get some food, but I woke up.

      Curse you brain for finally letting me hang out with my crush ;_;
    3. September 3, 2023 9:?? am

      by , 09-03-2023 at 09:12 AM
      I was dating a bimbo character from a tween sitcom I used to watch when I was in middle school, we pull this prank where we start making out as I finger her in the car during a traffic jam in the highway. We then end up at a reunion of my middle school and we find this hidden room behind the bleachers in the auditorium, but the entire time we're distracted by classmates and such, all whom now grown up and have full-time jobs or do sick stuff like volunteering in Africa or something. Finally, there's a moment where the television sitcom girl and I have a moment to be together during which we have this really mature conversation realising that we're not compatible.
      I'm not 100% what the rest of my dream was about anymore but I think something with a DJ gig I had even though I don't know how to DJ.

      Dream was in English with the sitcom girl and Dutch with the classmates.
    4. August 27, 2023 7:58 am

      by , 08-27-2023 at 06:44 AM
      Graphic warning

      I was at the grass field of my old primary school with my friends, hanging around and observing the sky. We all appeared to be students again, either at our own age or as teenagers, but we we having a break outside.There were more people outside as well as teachers supervising. My friends and I observe the planes in the sky when I notice one plane in particular moving around oddly in the sky as if it was a stunt plane of some sort, except it was a legitimate airplane of which the captain seemed have to lost control over the yoke. The plane then seems to curve to the right and fly closely over the grass field before flipping forwards into the forest into the distance, crashing and leaving an enormous explosion coming out of the trees in the distance! This causes everyone, including my friends and I, to run away as far as possible while screaming, seeking shelter in the building as we fear getting hit by debris and airplane parts.
      This all went by so fast that I didn't even have a moment to grasp what was going on. Things finally cool down and we are going outside. A teacher is speaking to the students to calm them down. For some reason my journals, stored in a fancy looking folder, were lying on the table as if I foreshadowed something scary in my notes. However, the teacher does not address this, or me. While this was taking place, I wonder where my phone is. I walk into the classroom and notice my phone in the closet, charging. I check my phone and discover that, to my surprise, I had filmed the entire plane crash and accidentally posted it to Snapchat. I check the story and it has over 400 views, my first thought was if some news reporter has come across my footage and used it for the news.
      I try checking my WhatsApp or anything for messages, but there's no signal. The interface of my WhatsApp is the 2000s / early 2010s Mac OS X Aqua style and there's even an option to change how much "water" the scrollbars can contain. A middle-aged grumpy looking Dutch woman messes around with these settings in the metro asking "Well, who wants some more water?" to which a dog jumps up and excitedly walks up to her.
      I then get home, my mom and a friend of her who owns a big dog looking like Scooby Doo for some reason are watching the news about the the crash featuring a clip of the crash in slow motion as seen from the city. The shockwave causes a climbing frame from the McDonald's to fall over with people still hanging on it to lie underneath it. To my relief the people survived that fall as they're showing crawling out of the climbing frame. We then go to a spa where the big dog from my mom's friend gets a comically cartoonesque massage. At this point it finally hit me that I was dreaming and woke up automatically.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    5. August 21, 2023 5:55 am

      by , 08-21-2023 at 05:17 AM
      Sleep: I had a crazy weekend, it started with me waking up around 7:30 am on Friday, going to work, then have a dope project I can't disclose yet afterwards until midnight, then with an hour and a half worth of sleep I go to the airport and travel to Manchester, didn't sleep in the plane even though I tried. I stay awake in Manchester for the full 24 hours as I go drinking with my intrrnet friends, and go to an ambient festival from 7 pm until 4 am. I have a few moments where I put on sunglasses and sit down, closing my eyes for a bit. After the festival, without any accomodation, I just stay awake, getting to that hypnagogic hallucination stage, getting to the airport, having some brief 5-10 minute naps followed by some sleep in the plane, to arriving home and sleeping for 13 hours

      My friends from high school are sitting outside ln a bench in the snow, arguing about a New Year's themed film featuring Timmy Turner's parents where the dad has an argument with the mom and he replaces the mom with a robot clone and it starts a discussion between my friends about what would be a great ending until one of the friends tells that the discussion is pointless saying it's not possible to have an ending that would please everyone for a story like that.

      I ask my friends about their new year's plans, and they told me Tinder date now became Tinder dates because Tinder added a group chat function.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    6. July 12, 2023 8:00 am

      by , 07-12-2023 at 07:21 AM
      I snoozed several times as I set my alarm hours before work started.

      I sit on my train to class, and a bunch of girls sit with me, giggling. I skip class and end up going to the Bahamas instead, I meet an American internet friend whom I share memes with every day as well as my friend from the Bahamas. We have a deep amd personal conversation together with a lot of laughs. we have our our photo taken together, but the guy we ask to take a pic of us Snapchats himself instead. A photographer then takes a poor quality pic of us. I then go home. My mom asks where I goes because my teacher from 3rd grade said I apparently went to "Monaco" that day, I laugh as I knew she'd say something like that, giving a speech about how I'm misunderstood by the people while cycling home, but she's too far away to hear me and stopped listening as she came across a friend and had a long conversation with them instead. My imaginary friend Elise makes a cameo and takes a photo of me as a robot part, saying "You're my little screwdriver, aren't you?" while winking at me before I wake up.
    7. July 12, 2023 6:35 am

      by , 07-12-2023 at 05:47 AM
      I went to elementary school where I, because I apparently kicked over their drinks at one point, kept getting beaten up my this group of very big and strong men. This would occur every lunch break for weeks and I'm pretty sure people ssw me get beaten up but we're too afraid to interfere. At some point I was considering getting my strong friends to become my bodyguard and help me. I was sitting at home on a rainy day, about to have to leave for school when I told my parents, who looked like Boards of Canada for some reason, slowly what was going on, I was building up slowly to that part when I suddenly woke up.

      Dream was in English
    8. June 20, 2023 9:25 pm

      by , 06-20-2023 at 09:00 PM
      Three hours of sleep before work, immediately went back to sleep after work. I never plan to, it's just a bad habit and an unfortunate effect from being overworked. If all goes to plan, I'd have a month of 40 hours/week left, hopefully!

      Also, I drank more apple juice, two bottles!

      I dreamed that we had a school project about New York, and were paired up to do an assignment about New York in Utrecht. This girl was grinding her back against me the entire time the teacher explained the assignment while another teacher tried offering me Disneyland tickets which half of the class had except for me because I was broke. This girl I paired up with briefly looked like my colleague from my job, before looking like this girl from 4th grade that I was constantly beefing with (it was one-sided and I'm very embarrassed about how I behaved towards her) she randomly brought up that I should visit my dad with her and watch his surprise seeing me with her.

      We briefly stop at a McDonalds with a terrace looking exactly like this open air club I was at the other day, because she wanted to return food she ordered or something. Meanwhile I'm taking a nap on the backseat of a car I borrowed, but didn't lock. I wake up and noticed that, although no damaged windows, the car was broken into and things beneath the chairs were taken.

      I also notice that the car barely starts up and look for a gas station nearby, after my brain errors in my dream and refusing to let me look at my phone screen property with Google maps glitching and zooming in and out too extremely, I finally see a gas station nearby at the end of the park road I was parked in. However a conflict comes up which I have had multiple recurring dreams about: I am left alone with my parent's car at a random place and need to move it, but I don't have a driver's license as I don't know how to drive! I keep thinking about whether I should take the risk and just attempt to drive that last bit of the car and hope I don't get caught if I drive correctly.

      I call my mom to explain the situation of me having to move the car. I leave the car behind on the park while another car in the background ironically gets towed, I go to my family home andy mom made a plan which includes a living Golden Retriever dog hidden in a statue made out of apples as a distraction decoy, while a fictional old antisocial neighbour I have gets in the car and drives it away. The neighbour dislikes going outside and this whole detailed plan was made for him to get into the car while avoiding any form of social interaction. My mom then tells me to bring a college essay, I quickly print one before leaving the house.

      I for whatever reason had this small model of office buildings in my home office in my apartment where I kept my work supplies, which was a visual I briefly saw moments before realising I was dreaming and didn't have to go through with the extremely detailed plan.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    9. June 20, 2020 3:50 am

      by , 06-20-2023 at 07:45 AM
      I live with two guys, one plays musical instruments and talks about his synthesizer while grabbing his saxophone, I think they might be robots.

      We were having dinner in the dark, I'm not sure if they noticed that the dinning room lights weren't on, I forced myself to wake up when ot became super dark.
    10. June 19, 2023 9:0? pm

      by , 06-19-2023 at 08:33 PM
      I was hungover all day from partying with my friend the day prior where I had two beers and did a shot with her. On my hungover day I went on a run in the hot sun and bought apple juice because I once read it gives you vivid dreams, I took a nap and you can judge the apple juice effects for yourself:

      I was in a diner themed McDonald's, I had a call from my employer apparently, I don't know what it said. But someone did an in-depth analysis about Chickie's dad from Rugrats in which he held a gun to his head and asked "What's a drama that makes you fall in love with life again?" it featured a 90s cartoon style scene of Chuckie, disguised as Elisabeth Thornberry, running away from home, and his dad getting depressed. The families from Rugrats go through the city to search for Chuckie, it shows a really cartoony montage of everyone's houses chasing around the city like cars. Spinelli from Recess makes a cameo appearance as older homeless woman punching the dad from Phil and Lil.

      I wake up in the McDiner again forgetting about my order, I see an invoice letter with my name on it wilth the receipt attached saying order 97, I then see the take out bar with a bat with my order, I grab it and this mysterious black girl sitting by the bar who follows me on twitter apparently tells me I "shouldn't let that girl control me" referring to some random meme I got on my birthday on twitter within the dream canon. A girl tried to order a burger but with nothing but the "banana sauce" the black guy working there looks at her with this "really?" smile on his face.

      Dream was in English

      Edit: (and TW: Suicide) during that Rugrats bit I had a dream of a vine type of sketch featuring a group of black guys in which one of them holds a gun to his head and shoots himself then drops to the chair, his friends jokingly re-enact his dropping motion as he just lands sitting down with a funny bounce, the guy from the gun was still concious watching bis friends and laughing along and playing along with them followed by his POV of suddenly noticing his vision going dark and blurry.

      I should add that the reason I added everyone's race is because they were all black just like I am, it reads a little weird to me as well, but I wanted to remember that detail. Reference was probably because I went to an African festival yesterday and hung out with people from the festival at an after party.

      Updated 06-19-2023 at 08:46 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. May 23, 2023 8:25 am

      by , 05-23-2023 at 01:49 PM
      I was at primary school when we went to gymclass where we were all strapped onto some chair like those swing carousels had, I was at the front and was the first to leave, it was some sort of underground rollercoaster. When I was done, I didn't bother waiting for the rest of the class and snuck off to the classroom, grabbed my stuff and saw this kid from my primary/middle school who used to be a class clown back in the day and now does nothing but smoke weed all day, he suggested we ditch the class and he snuck out, I was about to follow him but my high school sociology teacher stopped me, he sent me back to the classroom and I was waiting for him to leave so I could sneak out but woke up instead
    12. May 18, 2023 10:15 am

      by , 05-18-2023 at 10:17 AM
      I fell asleep after work yesterday and been taking weird short naps throughout the night as my sleep schedule is once again screwed but saved by having a day off today meaning I didn't have to set an alarm. I fell asleep shortly after messaging Adobe's customer care team who said I have to pay a cancellation fee but told me they could waive it once

      In my dream I'm in an industrial area which is apparently the headquarters of Adobe and I misread the message from the customer support saying they're gonna force me to have a vasectomy/castration and take one of my testicles in exchange for getting my Adobe subscription cancelled. I spent the entire dream running away from them and my fellow Dutch colleague from my job was also there for some reason.

      Second half of the dream consisted of standing in a large, acoustic, cardboard coloured box with a bunch of friends who resembled the travel buddies I made when stranded at the Bad Bentheim station in Germany. My high school friend was there as well and we made a song of which the drums consisted of my high school friend getting hit in the head by a bag of nuts.

      I woke up laughing, I recorded that drum loop in my voice notes and will open my music software later to recreate it hahahaha
    13. May 14, 2023 9:34 am

      by , 05-14-2023 at 08:59 AM
      My roommate and I went clubbing last night, dope venue but the DJs sucked ass playing the most slow, random, and rhythm lacking music and there was no door policy so everyone was allowed into the club leaving the place crowded with some occasional indoor smokers and zero vibes.

      I dreamed about working as a Junior Software Engineer at this company in Luxembourg with my friend there.
      In our spare time, we would pull out 3D software similar to Bryce 3D and create some 3D environments for future animations. I tried to design the indoor of a church-like mansion with statues of a man and woman that took the role of special church bells clocks as a hammer would hit them on the head and they would chase each other before going back into their "stereotypical gender pose" (I can't remember what it was, they just stood like a "typical woman and man")
      The whole "scene felt like a Point and Click game cutscene.

      This company reportedly in Luxembourg was in the middle of a tropical forest on a hill, covered in fences and reminded me of a hospital for some reason. I sat in a regular city bus home with this girl I met at an art gig a few weeks ago. She apparently had a boyfriend for some reason who had blonde hair and a mustache, resembling an actor I've seen in a theatre play a few years ago. I fell asleep on the girl's lap. The guy woke us up a while later saying we were getting kicked out of the bus because the bus was covered in what looked like feces you'd find at the farm meadows. We left the bus through the back and even though we were still at that forest during daytime, I suddenly was at Rotterdam at nighttime while protests were taking place there.

      Male and female television reporters covered in pink and white Frutiger Metro like shirts and sparkly face paint were being harassed by protesters who asked them for glitter in a mocking way before trying to assault them. I punch this one punk guy in his face and accidentally break one of his teeth. He tries to kick me but I dodged it and woke up.

      Dream was in English up until Rotterdam when it turned to Dutch.
    14. May 13, 2023, 8:00 pm

      by , 05-13-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Nap dream after 3 hours of sleep followed by work and watching videos about the SEGA Dreamcast.

      I was with a group of friends, allegedly my roommates/high school best friends, but the people looked very different and cannot recall whom they actually looked like, but the friendship was clearly there.
      We got tickets for the Beyoncé concert in a small Y2K chrome blue looking discotheque and entered the club (I couldn't actually see Queen B, but the vibe and crowd were there and I could recall single ladies playing vaguely.

      My friends were all dressed in their "coolest" clothes (the clothes didn't match with eachother, things like black cap with a green spencer and white tennis blouse sweater, Osiris type of shoes and there was this huge 2010 vibe going, they generally looked like they were around 13 years old)

      They all entered the venue which was in the middle of this suburban neighborhood in what could be both my hometown as well as Berlin.

      Halfway through the show, they changed outfits (like legit went home and back to put on different quotes) and we returned to the club where Beyoncé and her fans had now moved into the basement stage, which was accessible through a hidden trapdoor and staircase on the stage she was performing earlier. This whole club, even the staircase and basement had this dark blue/Indigo and black colour scheme.

      My friends sat there chilling with girls, meanwhile I was thinking about cutting my dreadlocks, something I have been occasionally thinking about as well in real life, especially after seeing people I know as well as this musician/YouTube channel I've been watching regularly called Ocean did the same.

      There was also this older woman from Tumblr who briefly appeared in my dream because she knew about the SEGA Dreamcast of which I was talking about on Tumblr. And apparently I had once again posted work info on my Tumblr which made me search through hashtags in a state of small panic despite my workplace not knowing about my Tumblr blog.

      Dream was in English I think, maybe briefly in Dutch.

      Thanks Beyoncé for guest starring, my subconscious couldn't afford you but it was cool thinking I was in the club where you played.
    15. May 1, 2023 8:15 am

      by , 05-01-2023 at 07:35 AM
      Cannot legally disclose the contents but I basically dreamed I was at work, updating my IMDb and used [redadted] from my workplaces as proof and verification.

      Sometime later my supervisor comes in, asking me if I have an IMDb profile and shows me [redacted] which I apparently had uploaded to IMDb instead of proof. I immediately try to log in and delete it.

      I woke up relieved lol
      English dream
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