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    1. At the kitchen

      by , 10-25-2014 at 10:52 AM
      I was on the ground floor of my house, in the room where the washing machine and dryer are, my dog ​​was wedged between the two machines, and it seemed that there was not possible because there is not enough space for him to enter, I was worried and wanted to stroke his head, then his head rolled on the ground and again felt fear at the sight, I went into the kitchen and saw my dog was there without any apparent problem... Then I thought "how strange, this must be a dream!" and indeed it was. I felt euphoric and happy, I wanted to look at my hands, but I stopped and thought I wanted to fly, I tried but could not, so I decided I had to wake up and it was.

      Updated 10-25-2014 at 06:21 PM by 68319

      Tags: dog, fly, kitchen
      lucid , nightmare
    2. With President Obama

      by , 03-13-2014 at 02:13 PM
      I'm with B. Obama. It is very nice person and gives us a cupcake. Then he ask for chocolate.
      Then I'm coming home with a briefcase and a guy tries to steal it, but I avoid it.
      I come home through a restaurant kitchen.