I'm in the sea, there are big waves, people have fun with surfboards and jet skis, I also swim, when I see big waves approaching I let them pass over me, I dive in and I'm not afraid, after I take advantage of the fact that there are fewer waves (here it seems that I make an effort of will to control the situation and that the waves are smaller and allow me to get out) and I get out of the water, I think that I have to look for my phone to call home, they will be worried.
I am in the sea, swimming, there is someone on the shore, he warns me that there may be a big shark, I think I see it, I am a little scared, but I control myself and swim gently towards the shore so as not to stir up the water and call the attention of the shark, it seems that I control the situation, when I am reaching the shore I see something in the water that looks like the shark but later it turns out that it is a kind of cylinder that floats in the water, it looks like a bomb, and I don't know if it is active or dangerous, I get out of the water and walk through a rocky area, I look around me to observe the details, they are an interesting color, I have the feeling that I am in control and I know that I am in a special place, I think I am semi -lucid and about to realize it's a dream.
I go with a group of people, I think some of them are family, we have been to a bar terrace and we return for a walk by the sea, at one point I see a spaceship in the sky it has a strange shape and it is huge, I know it is a UFO, someone tells us and I feel scared, I want to take out my mobile to take pictures, but I only have a transparent plastic cover with the drawings of the keys of an old telephone, I think I have dropped my mobile or I have lost it and I return which way we came to look for him, but everything is closed and there are very few people left, I see someone I also knew as a relative but has already passed away, then I see a very thin young girl, she is dancing, she looks strange, with very short hair, she is wearing pants short and stares at me, at that moment a dog appears similar to my own dog, caressed it and comes with me. Note: It is a type of dream that is repeated at times and that tries to attract my attention with images, objects, situations and people that are striking. It happened in the first REM cycle, it was a long and interesting dream because of the number of symbols that were presented.
I'm with my wife, it's a strange house and she has a husband I don't know, but she wants to be with me.
I am with my wife and we drive to a house I do not know. When we are in that house began to prepare for a boat trip, we have to do many things and prepare lots of luggage. It is also in the house my cousin (who died long ago), and he is dedicated to sabotage all the preparations. It is assumed that we were going to take the car on the boat and there were more cars, but my cousin does something that prevents cars can get into the boat. In the end, because of my cousin, we can not make the trip and we have to stay at home. Then we start to do a job for someone in that house and when we finished, we sat at a table with my cousin and more people to chat. I realize that my cousin runs nasty looks at my wife (his eyes strikes me) and I get angry, I discuss with my cousin and scolding him for doing that. At the end I get it apart and we leave them alone. Fragment: I have done a great snack that has a very appetizing appearance. People who are me want to eat it, but I try to prevent this from happening.
I go to a place I do not know. There I meet a famous football (soccer) player who lives there, he's with some friends and his girlfriend. Although they speak a different language to me, we understand each other well. The site in which they live is something like a ghetto where people who are of nationality are, it is a dangerous place where those coming from outside can be assailed and attacked. I am safe because I am a friend of the player. We move through the area and talk to his girlfriend who is a very nice person and we become friends. When I decide to get out of there, she comes with me to leave the place and not have problems with people who live there.
I am with my mother, my father, my sister and a cousin. We have to go somewhere urgently. We go by car, I'm driving. At one point, I realize that we are all in the middle of an intersection which is dangerous, besides we're not in a car. So I insist that we should all get in the car again, although I do not see the car anywhere. I see cars going very fast down the road and afraid we run over us. Then I see my mother wears a strange hat, she decided to leave on one side of the road and my cousin climbs by an embankment very agile and quickly and incorporated into a wide road and in good condition. The rest of the party were on a narrow road and is spoiled, I see a big truck comes and I think it is going to cause an accident (I feel overwhelmed). The truck stops before arriving where we are and nothing happens.
I'm in a house I do not know, but it is where I live. I'm with other people and my mother (deceased) as well. A young man comes to visit us. Then he becomes a very annoying person, he is continually disturbing me. I try to throw him from the house and even get him out, he returns again and this time it's overwhelming, it sticks to me (I start to feel overwhelmed and on the verge of nightmare). Finally, I make an effort of will and get him out of the house. My mother tries to calm me.
1) In a way I do not understand very well know there is a person (I think it is a young woman) who is misbehaving in the future, I think it is committing a crime. This person has made a journey from the present to a time far in the future. She has used the information he has now to make the crime in the future. But I want to keep the crime is committed, I alert the police of time and give them the necessary information to take action. They detain the person and crime is prevented. 2) I'm in the garden of my house with my wife. I see her sister has a visit. I do not want to have to greet anyone and decide to go back inside the house. I decide that I have to go to the bathroom which is next to our bedroom, but no walls and I am in full view of anyone who passes by... At that time my wife appears with her sister and her visit. I feel very uncomfortable and ask them to leave, but they ignored me and start talking. Fragment 1) I've been partying with a group of people with a cousin of mine who had not seen for a long time. At the end of the party my cousin is drunk and I find that he has lost me a guitar that was mine and was very special for me.
Updated 04-15-2016 at 08:47 AM by 68319
1) I work with a partner to fix something that does not work for a company. Although we know how to solve the problem there is a big mess and very difficult to work well. Here works a woman who already know and we decided to leave work for another day and go for a drink with her. I have the feeling that we do not do well and do not like. 2) I'm at a school in which teach young kids programming on computers and perform various technology projects. I see the teacher and students are seated at several tables, there are computers in all of them and see some of the notebooks in which students are solving math exercises that seem very complex and do not quite understand. Then one student tells me that a 3D printer is available for testing designs. The printer starts running, do not know if I'm the one that has launched, but performs a design of an object (do not know what exactly) and when finishes the student tells me that I must destroy the design with the same printer and start to use it like a vacuum cleaner sucking and is destroying everything that had been done.
I am in my workplace, I decide I have to go outside. I'm walking down a nearby area, it looks very little activity on the street, although usually there are many people, cars, noise. In addition it's all rather dark, there is little light, I see some nearby bars where there are some people, but they are closed. Everything seems a little strange. I decide to go back to my workplace, at the entrance I see a co-worker with another person I do not know, my partner asked me what time we finished work, but I can not respond to him. I walk into the office and see the boss who is very well dressed, I was a bit surprised by their clothing. Also in the office it is pretty dark. I sit at my desk and hear the fellow who stood in the doorway talking about a client of our company that I do not know either. Fragments: 1) I'm in a house I do not know, but it belongs to my family. PG appears, he is a friend of the family and we start talking. He tells me stories of his life and I recounts an anecdote about a friend of his who went to see him to his city to watch him play a game, but he was not there, the friend was wrong date and was alone and made a little ridiculous. We believe that the story is very funny and we laughed a lot. 2) I'm in a beach area that is known to me. I accompanied a coworker, we have to look for a flat for another partner who has to go and live in that place. We teach an apartment overlooking the sea, but it looks like it has some drawbacks.
Updated 04-13-2016 at 09:13 AM by 68319
1) I'm walking down the street with my wife, we dressed very well, I guess we have to attend a party or something similar. We go for a well-known street of my city. A little later we see a large excrement in the middle of the street and then I remember that our dog has been loose walking down the street and has been all the time alone, I am afraid that something has happened to him and start to look for him. I still walk with my wife and when reaching the end of the street, I think we will not find him and start to feel bad about it. At that time, I see that, after a few trash cans, is our dog, he is looking at a group of dogs that are on the street. I feel calmer. Now I must go for our car which is close to go somewhere but can not remember where. 2) I'm in a strange house, everything seems to be made of stone, furniture, door, and all is large or very large. There lives a man, he is a serial murderer, but his appearance is that of a good person, does not appear to be evil. Suddenly, the police try to enter through the entrance door which is huge and made of stone as well, but is very difficult to open it because it is too heavy and they get open just enough to pass one policeman only. He is wearing a fire suit. It is a very bright silver suit. Just right, opens a large hole in the wall. I can see that something like a great furnace is running, it is burning at a high temperature because the fire is white. Then the policeman is introduced into it to put out this fire. I think it will not get, but gradually he progresses and it seems that it is getting. Fragment 1) I will do the shopping in the supermarket where I usually do. I have some difficulty in getting the products I need, but people who work there help me filling the shopping cart. Then I have to go pay, but I'm confused because I dont know very well where I have to go to be told the bill.
Updated 04-12-2016 at 09:29 AM by 68319
1) A married couple who are friends of mine and my wife have been separated for some time, and have now reunited. They talk about having a child, he does not want. She has been out traveling for a while and now we want to go to see her, but we are not sure that we can see her. We decided to wait on the street, while she appears. I see several people walking and all wear sunglasses, I see a girl wearing glasses that are too big for her face, she is very thin and looks very sad. 2) I am in my work, comes a couple to ask for information. Then I realize that the girl who has entered seems sick and call my wife to come with a car to take her to the doctor, but when we got in the car not find Dr.
There's a party on a terrace in a bar on the beach that I go on vacation. I'm sitting at a table with several people and I know that at least two are vampires. One vampire is a woman and I can see something strange in his mouth and I fear that at any moment she starts to attack, but then I think that until the night comes no attack will occur. Beside me is the other vampire, he is a man and I also know that he is very powerful. At that point I decided I have to go from there to somewhere else and find some shelter when night comes. Again I am overwhelmed, feel fear and then I wake up!
Updated 04-09-2016 at 07:57 PM by 68319
1) I'm in a bank. There are many people celebrating something, they are also the heads of the bank. I'm with a small group of people, one of them is famous. No one has noticed, but we've done a robbery at the bank, it has been some kind of operation performed using computers, I have not actively participated in the robbery, but I'm an accomplice. Now, for some reason I do not know, may they discover us and we must flee and leave the building. We got out and the other attendees seems a bit strange that we are gone so fast. When we left, we are in a beach area with palm trees and the group of people who was with me get into the sea, they are very happy because they have managed to make the robbery and escape, but I will not go into the sea and I keep walking because I think we have not really escaped and at any time they are going to arrest us and I'll get in big trouble. I have a pretty big feeling of being overwhelmed! 2) I bought a car. Although it is powerful and is in good condition and also looks nice, I realize that it is an older model and when I start to drive it I realize that the engine fails.