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    1. April 10th, 2024 8:?? pm (NSFW)

      by , 04-10-2024 at 07:54 PM
      A beat making channel I watch on YouTube was in a city around Central / South America to meet up with a friend there for a beat video. The friend's girlfriend mysteriously disappeared and they did a video on YouTube where they friend dates another girl in order to find out where she disappeared off to and they go to this sauna that is in a weird beige, backrooms-esque setting. The friend appears to be possessed by something and walks off with his girlfriend in the furthest room in the back. We then notice all guys and girls in the spa wearing their swim suits grab their towel and follow them in the room.

      As we enter the big room in the back, everyone is kneeling on the floor as the friend is laying on a massage chair, getting his privates licked by his missing girlfriend and the date.
      The beatmaker's beat start playing in the background and surprise, unbeknownst what's happening until he enters the room in silence, looks at me, who has the role of camera man. The guy who owns the spa asks what the hell is going on, ignoring the situation in the room and referring to the beat playing instead. Before any response, goes back to watching football in his office next to the room. The beatmaker, completely in shock runs out of the building as I follow him, initially outrunning the beatmaker and running out of the dark night street before noticing the beatmaker across the street by the subway entrance, signaling to follow me. I run across the street after him, as we enter the subway station, the metro drives off, leaving us behind. We sit by the platform as I say "At least that creepy owner didn't follow us" as we look at the apartment buildings across the platform and notice a guy looking exactly like the owner entering his balcony, telling us to quiet down. We then turn around to the TV screen behind is on the station looking at a news report where they're looking for a suspect who looks like the owner, reported by a newsreader who too looks like that owner.

      I then woke up from my nap.

      Updated 04-10-2024 at 08:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. March 24, 2024 7:02 am

      by , 03-24-2024 at 08:24 AM
      I subscribed to a Patreon type of service from a Dutch musician I like, it came with a perk that gave me access to a wooden chair that would float up into the sky. It didn't have straps or anything, I just had to hold onto the chair as it kept floating higher. Eventually it would reach the stratosphere where I would feel the burning sensation in my body as I felt my bones freeze for a split second before the chair would turn right back down, landing as if nothing had happened.

      10/10, would subscribe again!

      As I landed, I went to a German thrift store where I apparently worked as a cashier where they still paid with cash out of a small box instead of a cash register and had to calculate the change while a large queue of people was waiting. A customer gave me €150 in cash for a €38,40 book and I had to pull out my phone calculator. I woke up before I could finish calculating.

      Cashier experience was definitely influenced by my one German speaking job in Berlin where I worked at a classical music festival as a bartender where I had more problems with calculating the change than I had with speaking German.
    3. May 18, 2023 10:15 am

      by , 05-18-2023 at 10:17 AM
      I fell asleep after work yesterday and been taking weird short naps throughout the night as my sleep schedule is once again screwed but saved by having a day off today meaning I didn't have to set an alarm. I fell asleep shortly after messaging Adobe's customer care team who said I have to pay a cancellation fee but told me they could waive it once

      In my dream I'm in an industrial area which is apparently the headquarters of Adobe and I misread the message from the customer support saying they're gonna force me to have a vasectomy/castration and take one of my testicles in exchange for getting my Adobe subscription cancelled. I spent the entire dream running away from them and my fellow Dutch colleague from my job was also there for some reason.

      Second half of the dream consisted of standing in a large, acoustic, cardboard coloured box with a bunch of friends who resembled the travel buddies I made when stranded at the Bad Bentheim station in Germany. My high school friend was there as well and we made a song of which the drums consisted of my high school friend getting hit in the head by a bag of nuts.

      I woke up laughing, I recorded that drum loop in my voice notes and will open my music software later to recreate it hahahaha
    4. March 15, 2023 5:28 am

      by , 03-15-2023 at 05:48 AM
      I can't even tell whether I was asleep at the first "dream" or just half asleep "daydreaming" just being relaxed enough to vividly see my thoughts as I was relaxed enough.

      First dream I was meeting up with an alt girl named Hotdogs and we went to my apartment.

      In the second dream, I dreamed about having apparently finished an entire song a recording a music video for it. The song in question was mainu sun 找路 by the Taiwanese artist ABAO. The music video in my dream was then uploaded to a YouTube channel, but they had credited the artist under a different name and featured a married artist duo whom had no idea that their song just got leaked.
      It wasn't my song after all, it was theirs.
      I then woke up.

      What I'm surprised about the most is that I was able to unconsciously remember the entire mainu sun 找路 song as a whole as it's performed in indigenous Taiwanese.

      I moved to a new apartment in Berlin that has a super comfy bed, but I have not yet found a comfortable sleeping position as well as a healthy sleep schedule in general which is why I haven't really had any interesting dreams yet but rather half asleep dream remnants. My alarm is set to go off in an hour, but I don't even know if I have any sleep left.

      On the bright side, my new full-time job starts today, which means I finally start to have a routine again after three years which will guarantee me going to bed earlier due to all contact and exhaustion, gotta love capitalism innit.

      idk why the girl's name was hotdogs either
      I should also mention that this dream was surprisingly in English with Dutch names and characters. I never mention language on here, but most of my dreams are usually in Dutch with some exceptions. But now that I'm in Berlin that might change to dreaming in English and German.