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    1. earth and cars; robot girl; detergent; maid's complaints; TV show; the dead speak

      by , 08-05-2011 at 01:00 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      There was a view of outer space, as if part of some documentary. The view swept between a bright star and, probably, two planets which were very close to each other. As it did, a narrator spoke about how the earth was in danger and how people should work to save the environment. But everything the narrator said seemed wrong. She seemed to mistake all the problems and come up with really silly solutions.

      As the narrator began talking about the problems on Earth regarding our water supply, the view swept down to "Earth," one of the two close-together planets. The planet was dark from high up in space. It looked like it was mostly dark, barren land with only a few wisps of clouds floating over it.

      The narrator's comments again seemed to annoy me with being so off-track. The view now seemed to sweep under some wispy cloud, possibly near a small, sharp mountain. I understood that I was supposed to be watching a space ship taking off somewhere.

      I was now on earth, at some place like an air base, looking up into the sky. It may have been late afternoon. The sky was cool, pale, tinged with pink. I seemed to have just finished watching a space ship or an airplane launching into the sky. I now turned my gaze back toward the ground.

      I was with two other "people." One of them was actually a computer-graphics car, like the red car from the movie Cars. The other person, and even I myself, may also have been CG cars.

      We headed across a stretch of concrete, over to a pick-up truck, which was not CG and not alive. We (cars) were apparently going to ride this pick-up truck away from the base. As we headed over to the pick-up truck, we talked about the environment, as if continuing the narrator's speech. I think I disagreed with everything said, but I spoke and laughed as if I agreed.

      We all got in the truck. I got in the bed of the truck, which was covered by a little shell. I got in by swinging myself under a horizontal bar placed just unde the roof of the shell. I'm pretty sure at this point I was a car. Even in the back of the truck I was continuing my talk with the other two people about the environment.

      Dream #2

      I was in a cluttered living room with two other people. I may have been kneeling before a couch piled with papers and other stuff, possibly including some kind of sheer or lacy blanket.

      One of the people, who I never saw, was my friend. I'd come to this place with my friend to plan some kind of party. The house bellonged to the other person, a tall, kind of skinny man with olive-colored skin, longish, frizzy, black hair, and plastic-rimmed glasses.

      We were looking through piles of photos or headshots. We were trying to match something about the headshots with something about the attitude of the party, to decide how to make the party and who to invite.

      I ran across a kind of strange photo of a girl. She was maybe ten or eleven years old, and she had a kind of nerdly look. But something else about her made her look like a robot. It was like I could see that under her short skirt there was a bunch of gears and machinery.

      My friend (a woman?) saw that I found the photo a little strange. She snatched the photo out of my hands. Something about the girl was a secret, and the woman figured I was just about to ask what that secret was. The woman said, "This little girl was his (the man's) daughter."

      The man seemed to understand that I had caught on that the girl looked like a robot. The man, kind of as a confession, told me that the girl had been a robot. She had been like a daughter to him. But apparently she was no longer alive.

      Dream #3

      I was in some strange, small space with my brother and sister and my mom's ex-boyfriend, TV. The place was supposed to be like a store. It looked like a mix between a sidewalk newsstand and an unfinished basement. The counter and front shelf were really small. The shelf area and the back area, behind the counter were lit with a kind of yellowy, fluorescent light. But evertyhing else was dark.

      TV stood behind the counter. My brother and sister stood before it. They were both little kids again. I stood off to their left, in shadows. I may have been a little kid, too.

      The shelves were all lined with detergent. TV had told us that he was looking for detergent so he could do our laundry. But, he said, the detergent he usually used was all gone. There were a lot of different kinds, but most of them were so different, they wouldn't work at all. It was like they weren't even detergent.

      TV really seemed to wish he could find the old kind of detergent. We kids were all hoping that TV could do our laundry. My brother handed TV a few different types of detergent. But TV rejected them. One of the detergents looked like a drink pouch with a big, thick, orange cap. Most of the boxes of detergent were yellow and orange.

      I was starting to think our laundry would never get done. But finally my brother found an old-fashioned looking box of detergent. The box was plain and yellow, and it had small writing, in a kind of old-fashioned font, all over each of its sides. This detergent was apparently the generic version of the kind that had run out.

      My brother handed this box to TV. TV accepted it, possibly a little reluctantly. It was good enough. So he'd be able to do our laundry. But TV still seemed like he'd rather wait until he got the kind of detergent he actually liked.

      Dream #4

      I was living with my family. We had just gotten a maid.

      I had just come back from something like work. I was kind of excited to see how well the maid had cleaned the house. I may also have had a little bit of an arrogant feeling that the maid would say my room had been the cleanest to begin with.

      But my mom told me that the maid said I needed to clean my room better before she came to clean it. My mom said that the space under the bed had stuff under it, so she wasn't able to clean it.

      I seemed to be going up a stairwell to my bedroom. I was holding onto the straps of a backpack I was wearing. I slowly entered the room and looked under my bed. The carpet was really dusty. A crumpled pair of khaki slacks lay on the carpet.

      There was also a strange coffee cup which appeared to be either styrofoam or paper. But also seemed to be made of glass or ceramic. It had a white base, which faded up into a watercolory blue and green. There was a glass or ceramic flower with green petals and a pink center attached to its side.

      I could see how this stuff could have blocked the maid from cleaning under my bed. I was a little ashamed for not having realized I'd left this stuff here.

      Dream #5

      The opening credits for some TV show were playing. The TV show was about some kind of normal American town, where all the characters were really normal and plain, except that they all seemed to have some sort of magic power or another. Each person had a different magic power.

      The opening credits gave a screen shot to each of the main characters, giving the actors name, the character's name, and a short description of the character. Most of the characters have escaped my memory.

      There seemed to be one blonde woman who looked like an average young mom. She wore a green cardigan sweater with a cherry-tree-branch design on it in black and white. She also wore skinny, black slacks. During her screen shot, she was doing something like shifting a pile of clothes from one place to another.

      The final person also caught my attention. He was by far the gaudiest person in the town. He may have been gay. He worked at some department store, like the store in the British sitcom "Are You Being Served." He had feathery, platinum blonde hair and tan skin. He wore some kind of flowing white shirt and a black vest. He also seemed to be adorned with huge, cubic, shimmering crystals.

      As well as being gay, he may have been the most "out" about having magic powers. His screen shot showed him in his department store, throwing his arms up in the air in some dramatic, magic gesture.

      The show now began. There were two women and one man in a very stage-like setting. The space was supposed to be a beauty salon. But it was just a huge stage with a polished white floor. One the right side was some scenery like neon cut-outs of trees and vegetation. But this was supposed to be the real outdoors. The man stood out near this area, wearing a white terry cloth robe and sipping some kind of fruit drink.

      The two women were near the center of the stage, by two chairs like dentist chairs. These were for beauty salon customers.

      There was some kind of contest. Whoever won would get a free treatment at the beauty salon. One of the women was the worker at the beauty salon. The other woman went to the salon all the time.

      The man began to mock the contest a little. He said, "Well, what happens if I win and I get to go to the beauty salon? What do you do to me?"

      The man was suddenly in one of the chairs, naked. As if he were asking if this would happen, his body was suddenly slathered in a bunch of white, painty material. The man was wiggling back and forth, making throaty "Agh!" sounds, as if he were digusted, but also acting like he loved whatever it was he was going through. He asked, "Is this what you would do to me if I won the contest."

      The customer woman now stood where the man had previously stood, by the neon paper vegetation. The man asked, "Is this what you do to her when she comes here?"

      The customer woman was really pretty. She was blonde, heavily made up and dressed in the style of a 1990s business woman, with a red dress exposing a V of chest. But now she was naked. She walked to the chair to the man's right. She got in the chair upside down and facing in toward the chair, so that her really nice rear end just kind of stuck way up in the air.

      I was hoping that the worker woman (red-haired, pale-skinned, with glasses, done up partly like a 1990s business woman and partly like Diane Keaton in the movie Manhattan) would start rubbing the naked customer woman down with whatever kind of white gunk the man seemed to be coated in. It felt like it would easily turn into some kind of erotic lesbian scene, which I would love.

      Dream #6

      I was in a morgue, which looked a bit more like some kind of crafts workshop, or theatre's backstage construction area. The place was full of tables and equipment, most of which seemed suited to a factory. There was a mortician somewhere for a little while. But after a while, he was gone.

      I stood surrounded by a few work tables, like for cloth cutting or some other kind of craft. Across the way from me, though, a line of bodies were laid out on tables. The tables were all low, maybe knee-height. They all looked like work tables, and they were all separated from each other by kind of bulky pieces of equipment or machinery.

      I saw four or five bodies in the line. Two bodies to my right were of men wearing soccer outfits, as if they had been soccer fans or soccer players. One of the men wore a green uniform. The other wore a yellow one. Both men were short, a little stout, and Latino. They had slightly cut up faces.

      A woman's body was just off to my left. She was white, middle-aged, pale skinned, a little overweight. She had shoulder-length, red-brown-dyed hair. She lay on her back and seemed to be frozen in the position of taking a picture with her phone, which she held with both hands.

      Something like narration ran through my head about how every person dies frozen in the position of whatever they were doing the instant they died. The woman now turned her head toward me and said, "Yes. That's true."

      I was surprised that this dead woman had just spoken to me. But the narration said, "The dead can come alive to speak to the living when they have questions."

      The woman was struggling to sit up, but she seemed more like she was sliding off the table. But, still, she was cheerfully confirming what the narrator had just said. She told me she could stay alive long enough to answer my questions.

      I felt like it was really important to ask good questions and to focus on what was being told to me, because you don't get to talk to dead people every day.
    2. japanese german robot toys; porn, hysterical mom, and henry darger

      by , 05-02-2011 at 12:22 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was watching a commercial that looked like it was from the 1970s. There was a black bakckground. In the foreground was a side-lit vending machine. The vending machine was basically a clear, plastic bubble atop a red, rectangular stand.

      Inside the vending machine were little robots. They were toy robots. An announcer said that the robots were made in Japan. There was a close-up of the robots. They looked like they were made of wood rather than plastic. They seemed to have been made in two or three pieces. A main piece was c-shaped, like an old telephone receiver. Then there was a rectangular shape that revolved within the c-shape. Atop the c-shape was possibly a small, marble-like head. The toy was red with yellow squares running down it.

      I found something wrong about the toys. They seemed to be projecting a strange message about the body to children. I couldn't believe that the toys were made in Japan. So I tried to get at the toys, for a closer look.

      I was now on a stage, where there was blue light, like a fake sky, somewhere in the distance, blocked by a number of black scaffolding pieces and stage walls. I walked into a dark, black corner of what now may have been a room. I saw a vending machine. It was huge, and the top half of the sphere was missing, so I crawled right into the bowl of toys.

      Somehow I found out that the robot toys had actually been made in Germany. But I didn't seem to be able to grab any of the robot toys. Instead I grabbed what I thought was a robot toy, but which ended up being a thin, long pillow with a pink, plushy casing around it. The pillow actually spoke if you either pressed some part of it or pulled a string.

      The pillow had said something strange, so I tried to make it speak again. I pressed the button inside it and bent it and played with its string. I may finally have gotten it to say something, again something strange.

      Dream #2

      I was in a car with my mom, possibly on a grey day. We had driven up to some hotel, which looked more like a series of townhouses. I was apparently going to stay here for some amount of time, for something like a vacation involving my family, but not quite with my family.

      We walked into the front office so I could get checked in. Along the left wall there was a whole display of pornographic programs for sale. I picked out one that looked particularly interesting to me, a lesbian porn flick. Apparently you had to get a big card, which was like a DVD, and then a smaller card, which was like a calling card.

      The larger card was yellow. The smaller card was purple. On its front were photos of pin-up style girls. On it back was a description of the film. Some of the language was porn-like and hot. But eventually the language became the description of some piece of classical art in a museum. I thought, Don't they think that kind of language is a real turn-off?

      I had walked up to the front desk, where my mom was talking with the worker, a pretty, Asian girl. Behind the desk and in some rooms off to the left, everything was dim. I was suddenly on the phone with my grandmother. I was telling her about some kind of bad thing that had happened in my family, something involving either my brother or sister getting really angry.

      I was walking around in one of the side rooms, which was now like my mom's living room and kitchen combined. I was kind of getting sick of telling my grandmother about the incident. So I told her that my mom had lunch ready, so I was going to go and eat it. I could see the lunch -- something like a birthday cake with white frosting and blue sprinkles -- being set on a counter cluttered with books and other things.

      My grandmother was already pestering me to call her back in five minutes. I told her I probably couldn't.

      I had hung up the phone. My mom, my brother, and I were all in a room like a living room in an apartment. My brother pointed to a picture on the wall and asked if that was by Henry Darger. I said it was and then looked over my right shoulder at it.

      The painting all seemed to have been made on wood. It looked like it was four large fragments, not quite the whole painting, all within a wood frame of the same thickness of the wood on which the painting was done. The painting was mostly white, and it depicted little girls on a battlefield.

      My brother had been concerned that this was a fake Darger. I tried to assure him it wasn't. On the opposite wall, right near a corner around which was a dim room, was another Darger fragment. This was painted on a huge block of material that looked like cardboard. The painting depicted two children in a deep, green forest. But the two children were just bellies and legs -- nothing else. They looked like the bottom half of Homer Simpson, except shorter and with green pants.

      The fragment was shaped like a patch of camouflage, and it hung like a lone puzzle piece in a much larger, rectangular frame of the same cardboard material. I looked closer at the thick fragment. All the colors of the painting appeared to go straight through the carboard, as if you could slice the carboard at any width and find the same picture.

      My mom started getting hysterical. She said I wasn't paying attention to her problems, and that I'd pay for it. I acted like I didn't care. But then she said something like she had a lot of ways to make me pay, such as getting me arrested.

      I turned away from her. We were now in something like a subway car. Three kind of trendyh, young men all walked up to me. I thought they were going to start trouble with me, as usual. But they asked me if I wasn't the guy who "that tall, blonde guy had hit on the head on the train." I said I was. They all kind of cheered me on. They said they had all been watching me, and that they thought I'd handled the situation really well.

      I was trying really hard to remember the situation. But all I could remember was that I didn't get intimidated and I was ready to fight the guy, but that he had walked away. I made some body motions, swinging my body back and forth and holding my fists up. The guys mimicked me.

      I was kind of hoping the guys would get off the train. I felt like the situation could easily change and that the guys would decide they didn't like me. I tried to change the subject. One of the guys was wearing a t-shirt with the Superman logo on it. So I asked the guys about Superman.
    3. lucky boss and tractor robot; weeds and slavery

      by , 02-20-2011 at 03:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some kind of building construction setting. As I was in this setting, I had some kind of conversation going on in my head, probably just a conversation with myself, but possibly a "remembered" conversation between myself and some person I looked up to.

      The conversation had something to do with the way capitalists exploit people, and how anybody with a conscience shouldn't be part of the corporate system. Of course I felt bad, thinking about my own life in this context.

      The building construction site was enormous. It was almost like some kind of futuristic landscape, where everything in site was part of one kind of building complex. But the whole area seemed to be under construction. But it was in complete disarray, as if things had been destroyed, or as if the place, instead of being a construction site, were just a gigantic dump.

      I was now either swinging on a huge crane or watching some kind of robot swinging from the crane. The crane had a red metal frame. It swung back and forth in front of a half-built building.

      As the crane swung back and forth, I heard the voice in my head talk about my boss, referring to him as a "lucky boss." Something about the way this had been said made me feel bad about myself all over again, as if I were part of some awful system where the bosses were all "lucky" and everybody else was being exploited.

      I was now definitely watching a robot swinging from the crane. The robot was yellow, like a tractor. It may even have been made out of old tractor parts. But it had cute, big eyes that looked half like oogly eyes and half like empty headlights for a car.

      The robot dropped itself off the crane. It fell down toward a huge pile of other tractor-like robots. I knew that the impact of the landing would kill the robot. But I knew that the robot had meant to do this, and that it had wanted to die.

      Dream #2

      I was in some kind of forest or rural area. I was in front of a cabin. It was a warm, partly sunny day.

      I jumped up into the air and flew over toward a dirt road or dirt path. As I did this, I thought to myself something about the history of the United States and slavery.

      I landed on the path. The path was blocked by a patch of weeds, some of which were quite tall, even flowering. I jumped up into the air again and flew over the weeds. There may have been another patch of weeds not too far after the first one. So I may have decided to keep on flying.

      As I flew over the weeds, I continued my thoughts on slavery. I thought to myself that African Americans had been kept down first by slavery. But then, even after slavery, they had to deal with so much oppression. I thought to myself, Well, I shouldn't be surprised if there's resentment because of all this. But now the situation is definitely changing.