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    exdreamer's Dream Journal

    1. Dye Your Hair FFS, and How Can "She" be Your Boyfriend?

      by , 09-02-2010 at 09:55 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      My dream have been pretty short, boring and similar lately. I keep having school dreams, which I find pretty boring. It's hard to keep journalling when the results are so poor for so long. Anyway...

      Dye Your Hair FFS

      I was walking to a class at the secondary school I attended. I saw H, except her hair was red. She said hi and pointed out this girl to me and said she had said that she knew me. The girl had grey hair and I didn't recognise her at first because of it, but it was L. I was a bit confused, but before I could really question anything we were in class.

      I was in my old Geography class room except doing Maths. There was a diagram on a piece of paper of a circle that was divided up, it wasn't clear to me. I felt really confused. L came and sat near me and smiled. She said she'd help me out because I looked really confused. It was bugging me constantly that her hair was grey.

      How Can "She" be Your Boyfriend?

      I was at the local post office. I was asking the woman serving there where the attractive woman who used to work there had gone. She said she had quit. She then told me that the other woman was her boyfriend. I was pretty confused...
    2. Tree Beard Fragment, and Windows to The Other Side

      by , 08-15-2010 at 03:16 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid

      I really wish my recall would get back to some kind of consistency!

      Tree Beard Fragment

      I was looking in a mirror. I noticed that by chin and neck were made out of tree bark -- roughly in the area where my beard grows. It was all cracked and browny-green looking. I felt slightly shocked and uncomfortable.

      I had this brief dream the night before last, having just shaved my beard off a day earlier. It's really weird going clean shaven after having a beard for a few years -- although it's obviously even weirder in my dreams...

      Windows to The Other Side

      I was back at secondary school. C was there, and I think L, and we were standing near the main gates. There was a strange light coming out of nowhere and engulfing the area. There were spirits of some kind that we could see. It was some kind of portal or window to a spirit realm or so I figured.

      It ended and we went to another location in the school where it happened again. We gathered around it and watched. It happened several times in different places, and each time more people would come and watch what was happening. I spoke to M outside the canteen and explained about the strange spirit portals that were appearing around the school.

      The next thing I recall is entering one of the buildings. I was going to a math lesson, but wasn't sure where I was going. I walked to where I thought my classroom was and looked inside. For some reason I decided it was the wrong place and went up the the first floor instead. The first floor of the building was wrong: it was actually the first floor of the art & technology building.

      As I descended the stairs I started shouting at the people who were entering the building. I felt really pissed off. I walked in the the classroom I had left before and realized that was actually where I was supposed to be.

      I sat down. The room was configured a bit differently from how it was in reality. The teacher, Mrs. H, was asking if people had done their assignments. I knew I hadn't bothered to. I had very mixed feeling of nerves and getting in trouble and extreme defiance. Eventually she asked me, and I decided to go with defiance and told her I didn't give a crap.
    3. True Blood, and School Romance

      by , 08-11-2010 at 05:48 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid

      I finally had a long detailed dream that I recalled last night. I also recalled my first dream of the night pretty clearly. Hopefully my recall dry spell is over! Fingers crossed!

      True Blood

      I was Eric from the TV show True Blood. I was being hunted by Russell Edgington, also from True Blood. It was dark and I was outside in some kind of hedge maze. Russell was floating in the air, laughing. He was taunting me and had sent a really big pig to kill me. For some reason I was afraid of the pig. I killed it. I was trying to lure him in to a position where I could kill him, but he was wise to it.

      School Romance?

      I was a teenager. I was in some kind of bar or diner. It must have been a school trip because I was with my old school friends and there were lots of other people from school there. There was a girl with some of her friends there too. Somehow nobody in school knew her name. She was seriously cute, blonde, and had a certain innocent look about her.

      To make it clear at this point, the girl isn't a real person but a concoction of my imagination. I'm thinking it's a mix of two people from reality, although her appearance it totally unfamiliar to me.

      I told my friends that I was going to chat her up and get her to tell me her name. I went over and spoke with her. I was asking her questions and go the impression that she wasn't shy but just didn't like to tell anyone anything about herself. The only people at school who knew her name were her friends apparently. I said that I'd try to guess her name and I'd bet her that if I could get it on the first guess I'd get a kiss. Surprisingly she agreed and said I could have 5 guesses.

      Somehow I felt confident that I knew her name. So I listed off 5 guesses. The ones I recall were: Emma, Claire, and Sarah. It turned out my first guess was right, much to her surprise. A bet is a bet, and I won the kiss.

      The scene changed and we were travelling back to school on a coach. I was still chatting with Emma as we pulled up outside school. I asked her where she lived, and she just happened to live in a house right across from school. Anyway, I said goodbye and departed to catch the bus home.

      I think there is a piece missing here that I don't recall.

      I was at school in a room that was a hybrid between a science lab and the food tech. classroom. I entered the room, and it was dark. It was hard to see. There was a bug flying around. The teacher, who I couldn't really see, said it was dangerous. Everyone was looking around. I felt something crawl in my ear! I started freaking out and tipped my head to the side trying to get it to come out. The lights came on. It fell out of my ear. It was a small piece of blue plasticine. Behind me, N, was laughing. He told me that he had thrown it inside my ear. I felt stupid but was impressed that he was able to to that from such a distance in the dark.

      I was back at the entrance to the same room. It was light now and I was showing up for a lesson. I got the sense it was either a new room or it could have been the first lesson of term or something, because I was thinking about where to sit. I knew at this point that I was now dating Emma and wasn't sure if I should sit at the same table with her or not.

      It was the kind of classroom where there are large tables that fit about 8 or 10 people around them. When I was at school it was pretty typical for any science, technology, or art subject.

      Anyway, I was with some friends and we went and sat at a table. I was sitting next to T, who annoys me so much. Emma enters the room with a friend and sits at the table with us.

      The lesson isn't so much a lesson but some kind of weird assignment is being handed out. Rather than simply printing it out though it was being dictated. I, as per usual, wasn't really paying any attention to anything much. I realised I didn't have a clue what was going on. I also felt like since, as per usual, I hadn't been in school for a while I had totally missed out on something that was happening. I was trying to copy off of the people next to me, but I couldn't really figure out their handwriting. I was also struggling to write myself. It was really weird, because the assignment was to fill in some complicated insurance forms. It seemed as dumb in the dream as it seems writing it now.

      Things started to get more random. T, who was was sat next to me, was also sat at another table across the room. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and so did he. Then he started moving his eyebrows in to strange patterns. N started telling everyone that he had actually graduated from school at age 14 and that he was super intelligent. It was all a bit pointless and then I woke up.

      Updated 08-15-2010 at 03:00 AM by 32666

    4. Dig!, and The School That Wasn't

      by , 08-05-2010 at 01:49 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid

      A few dreams I typed up but didn't get round to posting from the last few days.


      I was at some kind of event outside. I must have been a pretty young kid of less than 11 because I was with a primary school friend, A. There were large white tents and infront of us there were arcade cabinets.

      The arcade cabinets were running some kind of retro looking digging game that looked sort of like Dig Dug. The object of the game was to collect items and combine them. I was aiming to dig up some items and make some kind of coffee.

      I also got the sense that there would soon be a tournament at the event of some kind.

      The School That Wasn't

      I was standing in front of the entrance to a school. Some girl walked up to me. I recognised her as someone I went to school with. She had a kind of mousey-brown, almost grey hair. She was quite pretty. She was either quite tanned or had a skin colour other than white but not very dark, her face is just a blur and a series of conflicting images.

      I've never seen this girl or school in reality before, but they were familiar in the dream.

      I had the sense that this was my old primary school and that I was there to find something out or something. The girl seemed to be there for similar reasons. I got the sense something had happened in th e past but do not have a recollection of what.

      We walked inside some kind of office. The girl started talking to someone, but my view was obcured by someone else. I was confused and unsure what I was doing. The person she was talking to was a man, I got the sense he was a teacher at the school. He led myself and the girl out of the room and began to show us around the school.

      It was a strange place, familiar yet not.

      Much of what I recall is actually a mash up of various schools and colleges I've attended. There was a car-park that was part of my primary school, the front gate area was from college, and the main buildings entrance was from my secondary school. There were also hints of the university I attended here and there.

      I wanted to go somewhere or talk to someone, but we never did. Eventually I was back outside at the gates with the girl.
    5. Nothing but Fragments of Dreams Gone By

      by , 08-01-2010 at 11:27 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i Inner Awareness, a Action, f Form, c Context.

      I really need to stop being so lazy about writing down my dreams ASAP. The first fragment was a long dream that I recalled fully but have forgotten over the course of the day. Silly me! The second I also recalled fully, but can only remember the end.

      Cousin Fragment

      I had a dream that featured my cousin C ( c ).

      I haven't seen said cousin for a long time so I think I'll mark her as a dream sign.

      Barter Fragment

      I was walking with S, a hot redhead. I got the sense that she was my girlfriend ( c ). We looked over and saw my old school to the left ( c ). There was a old guy in a blue suit selling clothes ( c ). She wanted me to go and buy her a horrid looking purple knitted cardigan. I went over to the guy and haggled with him for a while ( a ). A moment later I returned to S without the cardigan but I had made some kind of deal with the guy to get it later -- I don't really recall.

      I find this dream interesting because the girl in question I have never been especially attracted to despite her objective beauty. It's just weird to me that I would be dating her in a dream.
    6. Park Fragment

      by , 07-27-2010 at 12:07 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i Inner Awareness, a Action, f Form, c Context

      I was trying to get in touch with an old friend I haven't seen in a few years. I emailed an account I'm pretty sure he doesn't use any more and got a response ( c ).

      We were then in the park down the street from my house and another old friend I've lost touch with was with us ( c ). I notice a group of girls in front of us. They were all wearing baggy white blouses. I suggested we go and chat to them because I know them. There were 5 girls, but I couldn't make out two of them because they were somehow indistinct and undefined ( f ). The girls were a group of friends I used to go to school with ( c ). We spoke for a bit, and I was flirting with K much like I would when I knew her. I struggled to remember the other girls names, but eventually did ( a ). One of them was constantly blushing when I spoke to her.

      I really should try harder. There was more to this dream that I remembered as well a another dream that I forgot. Being cocky, I thought I could remember it 'til I got round to typing this entry up, and have forgotten all but the most memorable bit.
    7. Bus Brawl, and Shootout

      by , 07-25-2010 at 01:43 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i Inner Awareness, a Action, f Form, c Context

      Bus Brawl

      I was a kid again on the school bus ( f,c ). My friend M was there ( c ). We were arguing, I think. I beat him up quite badly ( a ). Everyone I knew on the bus was angry at me. I went to talk to the driver, and saw that it was M ( a,f,c ). I made fun of him and everyone was mad at me again ( a ).

      I was really upset, but didn't want to show it. I lay down on one of the seats and closed my eyes. Everyone was getting off the bus and I sat up and turned to T in the seat behind. He said he was getting off too, even though he was always the last to get off the bus and it wasn't time for him too ( a ). I got the impression that nobody liked me very much.


      I was just a spectator, and not present ( i ).

      There was a large open area. It was somewhere industrial. There were three groups of people. A group of three or four were in the centre of the wide open area. A group of two were couched by a wall, and another group of two were hiding just around a corner.

      Shots were fired. The first group of two were aiming their weapons at the group of people in the centre. However, I thought I noticed that one of them was pointing his gun to his right which would have been towards the other group of two people. In the other small group one was some guy lying on the floor, and the other was Patrick Stewart ( c ). He was wearing a blue jumper with a high neck and a black blazer type jacket. He had a silenced pistol pointing at the large group.

      After the hots were heard I saw Patrick Stewart had a bullet wound he wasn't expecting. He had shot someone in the central group. I could tell that he was wondering if he had been shot by one of them, but he examined the wound and determined that it must have come from his left somewhere.

      I remember looking at a map view of the scene with the people expressed as dots. However there were no landmarks of the surrounding scene. The dots were being circled, and I felt like I was trying to figure something out ( i ).

      The part where Patrick Stewart was shot replayed, but I knew it was a replay ( i ). I thought to myself that it was a cliffhanger and it would be revealed that he was shot from the left by the other gunman ( i ).
    8. Escape: Death Bus, and Escape II: Paddle for your Life

      by , 07-22-2010 at 03:47 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i inner awareness, a action, f form, c context

      Escape: Death Bus

      I was on a bus headed in the direction of my house. I was on the back seat next to the emergency exit. Next to me was N, an old fr-enemy from my school days ( c ). Next to him there was a Chinese man -- some kind of guard I thought ( c ). Walking up and down the bus was another Chinese guard. Also on the bus was C, an old friend also from my school days ( c ).

      I knew we were being held captive by the Chinese military ( c ). Looking around the bus I saw more prisoners and more guards. I knew I wanted to escape ( i ).

      I realised that the emergency exit had not been secured, so I could open it and escape if I dared. The bus was travelling pretty fast. I turned to N and whispered my plan to jump off the moving bus to him. He was hesitant. I felt guilty that C probably wouldn't get off the bus with us due to the exit being blocked by the guard sitting next to N.

      Somehow I managed to open the emergency exit without anyone noticing ( a ). I looked out on to the road. There was a lot of traffic coming in the other direction, and a lot of traffic behind the bus. I felt as thought the bus was moving in excess of 100mph ( c,f ). I closed the door. Nobody had noticed, and the door alarm hadn't gone off, but I didn't find it odd at all. I was afraid to jump, knowing that my chances of survival were slim.

      The bus slowed. A chance to escape had now presented itself. I quickly opened the door and jumped out. N followed me, and somehow C was also able to escape the bus ( c ). We were near the primary school I attended, not too far from my house. I pointed in the direction I thought we should run: towards the railway running along side the school.

      We ran in that direction, followed by a number of the guards. N and C were ahead of me as we reached the houses that back on to the railway. N and C hopped the fence, but I was caught! The guards wanted me to point out where they were running to, but I refused. They made me stand on a bush, which I struggled to do because... it's a bush ( a ). Eventually I stood on it and I could see that C was still there and hadn't run off. He was hiding behind a low wall in the next garden. I didn't know what to do so I just pointed in a random direction and said they had run that way.

      Escape II: Paddle for your Life

      I was on a beach with several other people. We were being pursued ( c ). Quickly we jumped in to the longboats sitting there ( a ). I and some others ended up in the water because there was not room. I held on to the side of one of the boats near the front.

      Our pursuers were in boats behind us despite all the boats having been taken a moment earlier ( c,f ). At this point I noticed that myself and everyone else was dressed as a pirate ( f ). I was afraid that we would be shot at but then realised that nobody had guns ( c ). I looked back and could see some of them had swords. I knew that all we had to do was stay ahead of them and find land to escape.

      Now there was somehow room in the boat and I climbed inside ( f ). The perspective shifted to third person briefly and I was somehow in mental control of the rowing ( i,c ). I remember thinking about it. I realised that everyone had a single oar out of the right hand side of the boat, and I knew that it would just make us go round in circles despite the fact that we seemed to be going straight ( c,f ). I was able to change it so that there was a balance that I thought would produce a straighter heading ( i ).

      Back in first person now, we neared land. It appeared to be a small island with a large walled town on it taking up most of the land ( f ). We landed on the beach and headed for the gates. Most of the others trying to escape must have been captured because there were four of us. Upon reaching the gates, the people inside wouldn't open them for us. The gates were constructed of steel railings but I knew we couldn't squeeze through.

      Myself and the others turned in to twist ties ( f ). Yes, twist ties. and slipped through the bars. Back as a person now, I looked around at the townspeople ( f ). Everything looked like a cartoon ( f ). Thinking on it now, it all looked a bit like the style in the Professor Layton games. The people were just standing there staring at us, expressionless ( c ). It seemed really creepy. I decided to run further in to the town and asked the people not to say which way I had run. Somehow the pursuers had also got through the gates and I turned to see several of them standing there ( c ).
    9. Prison Complex, Soylent Green is People, and Puppy Cake

      by , 07-21-2010 at 11:56 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i inner awareness, a action, f form, c context

      Prison Complex

      I was in some kind of prison complex ( c ). I felt as though I was trying to or wanted to escape. Briefly the perspective was third person and from a 2d side on perspective like a 2d side scrolling brawler or platform game ( c,i ).

      Back in the first person view I was standing in a hallway. The walls, floor, ceiling, everything was grey concrete. There was a large dark window on the wall looking in to a room and a mop and bucket next to me. I moved forward slightly and as I passed a corner I noticed there was a prisoner next to me. I knew he wasn't a real prisoner. I had a sense of injustice, and I think I said something to the effect of it being unfair. The fake prisoner punched me. He had a silver coloured ring on.

      Soylent Green is People!

      I was at secondary school sitting in the boys changing rooms with the other people that were in my year and a few years either way above and below ( c ). We were going to be turned in to some kind of stew to feed to the current generation of kids at the school. It was supposed to make them more intelligent by absorbing the knowledge of those who had come before them, and thus raise the status of the school ( c ). I recalled that they must have done this back when we were at school and thought of S's eldest brother being turned in to a stew and having ate him.

      We were being led out of the changing rooms towards the main entrance and outside when myself and some others were removed from the line by Mrs. M ( c ). Apparently we were being spared to be part of some special group. We were standing around outside of the main entrance. I only recognised L ( c ). She was standing across from me looking disinterested. Mrs. M explained that we were going to have some special procedure done that would make us unable to hear a certain frequency of sound. She ten revealed that I already naturally was unable to hear the frequency, and I recalled that this was true ( c,i ).

      Along with the ability to hear the particular frequency, we would also gain the ability to not be detected by a certain scanning device ( c,f ). I imagined a strange hand-held device with a blue light on top of an antenna that would beep faster when it was facing its target person. I was then talking with L and explained that the downside to not being able to hear the frequency was not being able to hear some alarms.

      I woke up with tinnitus...

      Puppy Cake

      I was in a supermarket. Everything looked like a cartoon ( f,c ). I was looking over at an aisle with cereal on the shelves. There were men dressed like superheroes. One in particular was dressed in a purple suit. He was wearing glasses over the face mask. and had regular looking shoes on. I knew he wasn't a real superhero but was doing some kind of promotion related to the cereal.

      I was in a queue for the checkout with Joe from Family Guy ( c ). He was still a cartoon but his hands and arms looked real ( f ). We shook hands -- his hands were extremely sweaty and it was kind of gross. I could see the sweat on his palms. The superhero guy shouted over to us that the cereal Joe was buying wasn't as good unless you ate it where it was made. It was some kind of chocolate based cereal in a yellow box. Joe replied that Quahog was where it was made, and that was where we were ( c ). Then we high-fived, and again his hands were really sweaty.

      I was suddenly holding a blancmange and cake based dessert ( f ). It was in the shape of the face of a dog. It was white with brown ears and had it's tongue out. The eyes were not quite on centre, so it looked a bit retarded. I placed it on the checkout conveyor. Joe's wife commented that it looked just like a dog they used to have that died. We started to eat it then and there. When we bit in to it, it made a strange noise ( f ). Joe's wife commented that the dog they had made the exact same strange noise...
    10. Yet Another School Dream

      by , 07-15-2010 at 12:02 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      This is all I can piece together from a rather uneventful dream. Maybe something exciting happened in the middle that I don't recall... heh.

      It was the first day of term. I was back at secondary school, although I think I was in my final year. I walked through the front gates and looked around at all the people. School sucks, I thought. I was looking around for familiar faces but couldn't see anyone. The only people I recognised were P, G, and B. I never liked G and B much, but P was an all-right guy so I had a chat with him. Then I remember being in my old geography classroom briefly.

      I was hanging out with some friends at J's house. I left my coat there, but didn't realise until I was getting on the bus home. I had a carrier bag with change in it, and I fumbled around to find money. When I got home I realised that J was going away on holiday the next morning so I got my dad to drive me back over to his house to pick up my coat. It was important since my wallet and keys were in the pockets.

      Yeah... what an exciting dream... -_-'
      Tags: school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Clone Dance, Cornered, and Taking the Fall

      by , 07-13-2010 at 12:36 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      Three dreams recalled from last night. It's been a while since I've had multiple recall! I should have written down the second one during the night because there was so much to it, but oh well, you live and learn.

      Clone Dance

      I was watching people dance. They were on a stage and all were men. One of the men was there three times. He explained that one of the other two identical people was his son -- who was identical to him but about 2 inches shorter -- and the other was just doing a very good impersonation of him. The original guy and the guy doing the impersonation laughed and started to do a rather complex dance routine, which was pretty exiting to watch.


      I was in my brother's room. However it was lined with a rusty metal tank. The corners of the tank had been cut away. One by one they were covered up by objects that fit into the specific sized holes in corners. The final hole was filled by the top of a man's head. He was bald. I recognised him as Jesse from Burn Notice. I felt like he had betrayed me. It went dark, but then I remember being outside of the tank.

      Taking the Fall

      I was in one of my old science classrooms at back at secondary school. Three kids were there who were in the year above me, L, N, and P.

      For some unknown reason they were coming at me as though they were going to beat me up. I told them that they were mistaken if they thought it would be so easy and that I could take all three of them. I quickly dispatched L to the ground and then tussled with N. P was about to attack me when he was struck down by a stool. I dropped N to the floor and turned to see that Elliot from Leverage was in the room and had helped me out. Turning to P I saw that the stool legs had impaled his chest and he lay dead, oozing blood.

      The door to the classroom flung open. There was a man demanding to know what happened. I explained, but said that I had picked up the stool and killed P by accident during the fight.

      Now the room was full of people. We had to stand in a line around the classroom, almost like we were soldiers standing to attention. I was told I had to stand at the end because I has a disgrace and that my future at the school was in question. I felt really sad. I looked around the room and caught Elliot's eye. He looked grateful by also very sad.

      Someone was droning on about something. Most people were bored of listening and started leaning on the walls and desks.
    12. Immolation

      by , 07-10-2010 at 01:31 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      I was on my primary school playing field, although everyone around me was from my secondary school. A kid I used to know, T, was kicking this other kid who was on the floor. Then T set fire to him! Everyone who was nearby was totally shocked at what had happened.

      Somehow he managed to get away with it. I was aware it was now another day and I was in the same place. T was again kicking the same kid, except he was covered in burns. Again he set fire to the kid! Nobody had grassed him up before, but I decided I was going to. The kid who was burning slowly turned black... it was quite horrible to watch.

      I was then in a class room talking to one of T's best friends, S. He was pissed off that I had grassed up T, but kind of understood. He was more interested in trying to get me to burn some DVD for him though. S was trying to convey the title to me as a code so nobody listening knew what it was. I had no idea what he was on about.

      The next thing I knew I was in a different class room talking to another of T's friends, D, who used to be a good friend of mine. He was super pissed at me and called me a grass. I just told him whatever and that T was a psycho.

      Then I was talking to someone about various TV shows, movies, and games and it was like a debate of some kind, but I can't remember any details.
      Tags: school, violence
    13. Catching Up with Old Friends

      by , 07-09-2010 at 12:19 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      To preface, this was one of the most vivid dreams in a real setting with characters from my own reality that I've ever had. Aside from some minor dream weirdness it was so very realistic.

      It was a normal day. I was on my daily trip to the post office. Just as I turned the corner and approached the entrance I realised I had forgotten something. Damn it! I decided to go back and collect it and return to the post office later.

      I was hurrying back when I saw two familiar faces coming the other way: two old friends L and S. I let on to them but I was in a hurry so didn't stop to chat. A short way down the road I ran in to another two old friends from my school days. Technically it was one old friend, R, and a guy I never really liked, G. This time I decided to stop and catch up with them.

      They told me they were on the way to our old secondary school.
      Although they were in the totally wrong place and going the opposite direction. I asked them why and they told me that they helped out there. I wasn't clear on what they meant, but they said I should go with them and I agreed.

      Next thing I knew we were in our old secondary school. We reminisced a bit.

      We were standing outside of the main entrance and there were school kids all around in massive lines, shuffling along. It was hard to move. Some of my old teachers were standing around. One of my science teachers, Mr. M, one of my maths teachers, Mrs. H, and my design teacher, Mrs. M, were just standing around. I went up and said hi. We talked about stuff and they asked how I had got on since leaving school 7 years ago
      (Wow, it seems like forever ago now... I feel so old.) They were all so extremely vivid. I noticed that they were really tall and I had to look almost straight up to see their faces. They had to get on with whatever they were doing, so I said bye and walked back towards the entrance gate.

      I ran in to another teacher who was a pretty regular substitute. I always got the feeling he didn't like me and so I was surprised when he let on to me and recognised me. We had a brief chat.

      The next thing I knew I was talking with R and G again. We were standing on the edge of the playing field. We reminisced some more about our school days. I asked R if he had kept in touch with any of our group of friends from back then. He hadn't. I told him I was still in touch with our friend, A pretty regularly as we had attended college and uni together.

      I asked for each of their email addresses. G didn't want to give it to me, but I didn't really care as I never liked him anyway. I wrote R's down on my hand it was something "@easyeasy.net" but I can't remember the first bit.
      I wish I could so I could send an email! I gave R my email address too. He tried writing it on his hand but the pen he was using didn't work, so I wrote it for him with my pen.

      I used to write so much stuff down on my hands back in school -- they were always covered in ink. Interestingly I gave him my actual real email address and I wrote it down accurately and it was right! It was a bit of a mess, like I couldn't control the pen very well, but it was legible. I had to pause and check that I was giving him the right email address and I remember saying, "yeah... that's my real email address" as I was really struggling to get it right and write it down. I think that maybe it was a very good time to have done a reality check and tried to become lucid, but my dream self obviously didn't think so. Oh well, always next time.

      Edit: And I just realised that the pen I was using was the same pen that I use (or should use if I could be bothered) to write in my hard copy dream journal. Nice detail.

      Updated 07-09-2010 at 12:23 PM by 32666

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Unreality Check, and Implausibly Plausible Explanation / Bark at the Moon (6-7 June 2010)

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:39 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Colour Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes

      Dream 1 - Unreality Check

      I only recall doing a nose pinch reality check to find that it worked and that it didn't prevent my breathing. Then I did a finger count reality check and had trouble counting all 10 fingers. I kept losing count and found that by the end of the second hand I was up to 6, but was sure I'd counted even more than 10 -- it was odd. I woke straight up and didn't realise I was dreaming and become lucid. I am unable to recall anything about the scene I was in, if there was even a scene at all.

      This is how I do my reality checks when awake. I usually do a nose pinch followed by double checking with a finger count. It's bloody annoying that I seem to have done this in a dream and didn't become lucid. I do wonder if it woke me up though... hm...

      Dream 2 - PART 1 - Implausibly Plausible Explanation

      I was back at secondary school sitting a History GCSE exam. It was a two part exam, and I was sitting the first part. I was at a total loss trying to answer an essay question that I knew barely anything about. I hadn't done any revision or really paid any attention to anything over the course of the school year.

      Much like my real life self back at school, except I wasn't able to wing it in the dream and do alright despite my lack of preparation.

      Anyway, it was now some days later on a Friday morning. I had a History lesson that morning and the History second exam was coming up soon. I was determined to do a ton of revision and no balls up the rest of the exam.

      I went downstairs to the kitchen and my mum was there. We spoke about how I had just been off school all week and had to go back -- what a drag. I asked why I had been off from school for 4 days of the week since it seemed odd. She said that the Monday had been a bank holiday. I asked about the rest of the week and she told me that I had just stayed off for a little holiday and that the school had still been open.

      Suddenly I realised I'd missed a Maths exam and an English exam during the week. Shit! My mind flashed to scenes of friends at school wondering where I had been. Then I paused for thought and realised I'd already been through school years ago. Why was I still there? My mind seemed to explain this by somehow convincing me that I had just gone back there voluntarily, as had several other people. I was relieved that missing these exams didn't matter because I'd already done them years ago and decided to quit going back to school voluntarily.

      Curse my dreaming mind for creating an implausible plausible explanation. I wonder if my mind questioned that looking for dream signs (of which I identify anything relating to secondary school as) and my mind managed to explain it away? Anyway, another lucid opportunity lost.

      The scene changed at this point in to something totally different, but it was still part of a single dream period...

      Dream 2 - PART 2 - Bark at the Moon

      I was living in a village with my family (mum, dad, and elder brother.) Somehow it was revealed that myself and my brother, G, were adopted. We were still biological siblings and had been adopted at the same time when I was a baby and he was a young kid.

      In reality my brother is 10 years older than me. In the dream I got the sense he was more like 3 or 4 years older.

      We also discovered that we had another biological brother called Jason. He had just moved to the village with his adoptive family.

      It was all over the news and in the papers about how my grandfather (mother's father) had been running some kind of dodgy adoption racket before. There was this woman who my grandfather was in cahoots with being interviewed about it and she explained that just before the whole thing went tits up my grandfather still had 4 children, all siblings, in his care. They were each a set of twins, one older set and one younger. One of each of the sets of twins were given to different families and the remaining two, myself and my brother, were given to my parents.

      There was also another story getting a lot of attention. A local legend about "The Wolf Mama". The Wolf Mama was said to be a half-woman half-wolf creature that bore 4 human children. She was described as having the body of a wolf with the torso of a human woman (like a centaur, but a wolf.) Her head was also that of a wolf. Her torso was split open from top to bottom, gaping wide open. Protruding from inside of her were 4 straight "horns". Two went through each of her nipples, pointing upwards, and the other two protruded from the sides of her abdominal area pointing downwards. Horrific, but also a legend... a creature of myth... right?

      I went to see Jason. He wasn't interested in talking. I found him in a field putting up a fence. I stayed to help him, trying to get him to talk about it. He said he had a younger brother and sister and was happy with the family he had -- he didn't want his life to change.

      It grew dark. The mud was thick on the ground. The moon began to shine... a full moon. Jason turned and stared at the moon. Suddenly he bolted off. I turned to see him running up a small hill. He stopped. I chased after him, and when I caught up I saw him staring up at the moon intently. I looked up and in the moon I could make out the image of The Wolf Mama! I was shocked. Turning to Jason I sensed he was about to transform -- probably in to a werewolf!!!


      I was pretty pissed off. My heart was racing and felt like it was going to rip through my chest. Why oh why did I have to get woken just at the big reveal! Now I have unanswered questions like why wasn't the moon affecting me? What would Jason have transformed in to? Where is the 4th brother? Gah![/QUOTE]

      Updated 06-08-2010 at 10:48 PM by 32666 (category & title)

    15. Forest Fragment, Ducking Nonsense, and WTF Are you Doing? (5-6 June 2010)

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:29 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Colour Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes

      Dream 1 - Forest Fragment

      I just had a flash of a memory when I woke in the night. I was too tired to force myself to remember and dozed off.

      I was in a forest. I think it was dark.

      Dream 2 - Ducking Nonsense

      I was back at school and felt that I was also school age, around 14. There was some weird kindof charity promotional thing going on in association with the BBC. My school picked me to represent it, which I was pissed off about.

      Heh. My school was a bit like this in reality. Pushing people in to doing things which also pissed me off and made me rebel (or at least try to.)

      I had to show up somewhere and sing a verse of a song. However, I decided that because the BBC is a bias state run media company, I wasn't going to take part. There was some other kid from somewhere else who thought the same and egged me on. I was determined to wreck it.

      Pretty true to my views on the BBC in real life.

      So, me and the other kid ducked it somehow. One of the other kids was a bit of a smug git and told me I was a bad person for ruining a charity thing. I told him that I did it out of principle. However he told me that I had apparently done some TV commercial in the US for some product sold by some company that was a known human rights abuser in some part of the world so that meant I was un-principled. Nice argument, but I replied that I also held the principle that if you're giving me money, I don't give a shit who you are or what you do.

      I don't really think that!

      Dream 3 - WTF Are you doing?

      I was a footballer and I was stood in the dressing room with my team. The dressing room in the scene was the boys dressing room from my secondary school. Another player was trying to tell everyone that drinking a litre bottle of apple cordial (squash) and pouring a bag of crushed crisps down your pants will make you play better.

      For those of you in the US, football = soccer in this instance. Oh, and crisps = chips.

      I just remember thinking that it would just rot his teeth and make him look silly. Anyway I refused. The guy next to me said he'd drink the cordial for the sugar, but the crisps sounded weird. There were no other takers.

      Anyway, the crazy footballer tells to the guy next to him to fetch the stuff. He downs the bottle in like 2 seconds and then tells the other guy to crush up the crisps really small. He then pours the crisps -- which appear to be an enormous packet -- down his pants. I realise he has these massive black clown-like baggy pants on.

      I hate football so I don't know why I had this dream. Maybe it's because of the constant bombardment of World Cup nonsense on TV.[/QUOTE]

      Updated 06-08-2010 at 10:33 PM by 32666 (wrong title)

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