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    1. 9/27/17 - Loving Silhouette

      by , 09-27-2017 at 06:54 PM
      I woke up and opened my eyes. I couldn't see because it's pitch black. but i felt that there was a person in bed next to me. They were in front of me, our faces inches apart. I have no idea who the person is but I feel comfortable. I don't feel like they are going to hurt me. And I feel like they love me. I close my eyes again and the person moves closer to me and puts their arms around me. I take a deep breath and go back to sleep.
    2. 8/19/16 - Fragments

      by , 08-19-2016 at 07:06 PM
      Fragment 1: I keep trying to catch up to this girl. It's important that she knows I'm like her. I finally catch up to her and tell her that I'm the same, that I'm of the blood too. She smirks and says, "Did you think we don't already know?".

      Fragment 2: I'm in Grandma's bathroom. The door is cracked open slightly so that I can see my older sister still, but I'm able to keep away from her. She keeps threatening me.

      Fragment 3: I'm trying to roll a giant bowling ball home. It's really heavy and hard to control. As I pass a boy, I grab onto him and have him help me roll it home.
    3. 8/17/16 - Fragments

      by , 08-17-2016 at 06:26 PM
      Fragment 1: I'm in the RV with Grandpa and a few other family members. As Grandpa drives down the driveway and out of the gate, I say something to him and the RV starts to tilt horribly to the right. I freak out at first, but it just keeps tilting and finally hits the ground on it's side.

      Fragment 2: I'm waiting at Grandma's gate with Julie. It's dark outside. A man is walking down the driveway to us. Once he get to us he puts the unlocked lock on the fence and attaches a large camera right next to the lock. I ask him about the camera but he doesn't answer. I already know that it belongs to Grandpa.

      Fragment 3: I dreamed about a school. High school.
    4. 11/7/15 - At Almond Drive with Gale

      by , 11-08-2015 at 01:48 AM
      I'm outside in the driveway at my old house with a few people. I think my little sister is one of those people but I'm not sure. There's a girl there that seems annoyed or even angry at me. Gale walks up to me and smiles. I smile back and grab his hand happily. He pulls me into a hug and I feel happy. After we pull apart, it's just us and the girl who seems angry. She gives me a mean look and pulls me away from Gale. He then turns away and walks back to his house without saying a word. I pull away from the girl and panic a bit. I look around and I feel like I need to be with Gale. So I start walking quickly to his house in the hopes of seeing him again. I can't find him so I pull out my old phone and try desperately to text him. But no matter how hard I try, I can't text properly and I keep messing up. I become really upset. I can't think about anything else but having him with me again.