• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions

    This journal is dedicated to my more memorable dreams; either vivid, lucid, or just a favorite of mine. Whenever an especially vivid memory or scene occurs, I'll try to create an image of it to tag along with the dream description. I find the idea of using an AI like Midjourney to create images from a text prompt really exciting.

    1. Getting Dam Educated

      by , 09-16-2023 at 04:33 AM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm at a river with another person. They are explaining how they are making a makeshift dam. A center block of concrete has already been poured and water running around it has washed out any loose rock so it is now just a solid part of a much larger rock. He triggers the buildup of water by moving a log over the remaining stream and the dam is put into action. I take a small boat over to one side of the water, but he releases the stream at the dam, so I'm pulled with the current back towards it. I narrowly escape capsizing and falling into the water with the help of the builder who pulls me out. Later, I'm with a group of guys who don't have a place to stay for the night up in the mountains. A couple offers beds to us in the loft of their house. I am very grateful to them but everyone else just walks in and finds their bed.
      Tags: dam, house, water
    2. Waterslide River Run

      by , 09-19-2018 at 07:11 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm spending the entire dream trying to find something. I'm picked up in a limo with a bunch of rich characters going to some cool waterpark right by the sea. As we drive up to it, I see that the slides start high above the sea on a pier looking structure, and dump you right into the ocean. Everyone in the limo wants to go, so we all get out and head over to get tickets. Surprisingly, one girl says she's got this and approaches the ticket guy saying that she doesn't have enough money and hands him a fourth of the money needed to cover everyone. I say I can pitch in as well, but the guy accepts it as it is and starts handing out the tickets. The ticket is in the shape of a pamphlet and opening it shows that there are 3 different slides, each one varying in intensity. I start to walk to the slides, but realize I have to walk through a club with a ton of people. As I try to maneuver through the crowd, I get handed items, including a necklace of some kind. The club is narrow and facing diagonally from the orientation that I thought it would. Someone comes up to me and asks where I got the necklace from, and I tell them I don't know. They take it away from me and I go to try and find people I know. Later, I'm watching something about a river flowing down through some mountains with snow banks on either side. People are tubing down the river while a skier dude is skiing down the bank of snow. He eventually jumps off a ledge and into the water. I am suddenly there in a tube going along for the ride. Around a tight bend, I fall out of the tube and try to get back on. I swim as fast as I can, but can't seem to catch up to it. Instead, I get trapped under some rocks in a small air pocket struggling to get out. I'm not panicked, but just want to get away from this area. I take a deep breath and dive underwater. I emerge in a city falling from the sky, but I can use my left hand to shoot a grapple onto buildings to swing from, like Spiderman. I get myself under control and swing between a few more buildings before setting myself down softly on the ground.