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    It's all about Awareness.

    Welcome to my dream journal

    1. Harry Potter Lucid Dream

      by , 11-21-2011 at 02:42 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Here I was at the store at Walmart talking to one of the Harry Potter characters, We were just discussing random stuff while I came upon a huge box where they usually display movies in, I went to put up one of the Harry Potter movies that came out and I picked up the movie and I was reading it and I noticed all the writing was off, It looked like it was in some different language but it was all in scribbles and all the letters were cut off. I was highly confused on what was going on until I just found out it was just a dream. After that I became conscious in my dream, I tried keeping as calm as I can in my dream so that I can just look around the dreamscape in the store.

      Everything became so real and so clear that I thought I was really there. The dream was amazing, I felt kind of heavy at first but I was keeping my self and my mind calm so I won't lose lucidity. I looked at the wall in front of the box and I have looked at the ceiling. I saw people walking around and I noticed some items on display where you usually go and buy video games, Everything was just so fantastic I wish I could stay in there longer, After that the entire room went dark, and I lost consciousness and the dream faded, I woke up after the dream when I became lucid.
      Tags: dream, lucid
    2. Yet another Lucid Dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 04:19 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Here I am waking up from along dream after I went back to bed earlier this morning, I went to sleep and had a long dream like I said, Woke up after that and I felt like I couldn't open my eyes, So I drifted back into a dream. So I was in the dream, I was in a bedroom. I noticed something was off. I saw some water falling down a door that looked like a shower from when you take a shower. It was falling and everything. I was thinking something was off. So I didn't know if I should walk through it or not but I did it any way. I ended up in the living room and I noticed a glass table with game consoles sealed in it. I went up to it and saw my parents around. I felt soaking wet when I walked passed the water.

      Any way. I noticed the glass table. I saw a purple PSP, it looked like a game boy colour. And something triggered me. I noticed. Wait a moment this is a dream! Then after that I begin to stabilize. Again with the hand rubbing technique. I got fully lucid. I saw my DC dad looking all mad at me, He got angry with me for no reason and came after me, He looked all pissed off, He tried to come after me, I got a Japanese fan with some rice in it. I tried to turn it into a sword but it didnt work, Instead it turned into a sword like stick. I got mad and when he was coming after me I told him I'm not afraid of you, He walked pass through me and I woke up. I woke up feeling with confidence and thinking wow this is really neat.