• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Welcome to my Dream Journal! I'm afraid it's backed up with years of mismatched dream clusters, but if you'll allow me to start anew, much more sense will be made.

    My current goal with lucid dreaming is to embark upon a journey of self-discovery. I seek not just an escape, but a learning and growing experience. I hope you will enjoy following me on this quest.

    Some of my goals include:

    Control over surroundings
    Evidence of shared dreaming
    Improved flying ability (erase "swimming in air" effect)
    Alter appearance/physical form at will
    Familiarity with supposed dream guide
    Convincing out-of-body experience
    Successful wake-induced lucid dream

    I'll be editing and updating this list as I progress. All are welcome to comment and message me about anything, anytime.

    1. Narrow Bridge

      by , 05-31-2013 at 03:21 PM
      I was with Hannah in some kind of small stadium full of girls from my school. In the center of the stadium was what seemed like a tiny, treeless island, and the only way to get there was to cross a narrow metal bridge. Hannah and I went over to the island out of curiousity, and many others followed. What we found there was a large group of young children, apparently on a field trip, and a bunch of bushes shaped like Disney characters. We decided that was enough adventure for one day and went back. Almost immediately after we did, the bridge got so crowded that everyone still on the island was stuck. Hannah and I sat and watched as those in charge attempted to sort out the situation.
    2. Curse of the Shadows

      by , 05-13-2011 at 02:59 AM
      5/12/11 - Curse of the Shadows
      Dream Non-Dream Lucid

      I was at my house, but in a more woodsy setting, with tall trees all around and a single dirt road cutting through them. It was past nightfall, and I was with my cousin and two little girls that we were supposed to be babysitting. The dream became sort of like a horror movie; there was something that we could not see inside of the house with us, and it was going to kill us one by one until there was only one girl left, to whom it'd pass on a curse. Everything happened quickly. Before I knew it, everyone in the house had seemingly disappeared, leaving me alone with something unseen. I panicked, and ran outside. I saw a man standing across the road, and sprinted towards him. As I was doing so, I could see the sun beginning to rise in the distance, and the man smiling victoriously. Suddenly I realized what was happening, and tried desperately to run past him so that the sunlight might hit me first. Too late, rays of light passed over him as he turned and started walking away. The light was coming towards me now, and as it did I could feel it pushing me back, almost burning me. I ran back towards the house to find shade, and ended up huddled in an odd dent in the roof. Apparently, the man had been invisible and unable to go into direct sunlight for many years, and had finally freed himself of his curse by passing it on to me.
      When my parents arrived home, they freaked out because they could not find me. It seems we all forgot about the other missing people, myself included. I ended up yelling down to my mom until she came outside and I was able to explain what'd happened. She was angry, saying it was my fault and she should've expected it to happen, wondering what she was supposed to do with an invisible daughter. She also suggested me stepping into the light, which I refused immediately because I knew it would harm me. My mom then basically left me on the roof.
      I then found myself in a large, mansion-like house with my cousin(yes, the same one from earlier) and many of her friends. They thought my curse was "cool" and we basically just talked for awhile.
      Later on I was with Hannah in a car, her driving and me in the passenger seat. We were talking about the curse and how it was weird that she could see me while no one else could. I told her that if she wanted to know what it was like, I could pass the curse to her the next morning and we could trade off again a day later. She agreed, and as she was driving in silence the thought of leaving her with the curse occurred to me momentarily, but I knew I could never do something like that to a friend and dismissed the idea.
      When we reached her house, I scooted over to the driver's seat after Hannah got out of the car, and remembered that Hannah had no licence and I didn't even know how to drive.

      I recall nothing after this.
    3. Quarter Pieces

      by , 01-17-2011 at 09:04 PM
      1/17/11 - Quarter Pieces
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I was with my dad at a little bookstore, somewhere downtown. I was looking around in the manga section. I didn't see anything really interesting, so I wandered around the store until I found a room seperate from the rest of the store. I went inside, and found shelves filled with books from a single manga series. I was amazed; there was only one copy of each volume, and yet there were enough to fill all the shelves. I loved the way the covers looked; each had a sparkly design on the front that glittered even in the store's dim lighting. I started reading them, and was about halfway through the seventh book when my dad found me. He said we had to leave, so I left with him, reluctantly.

      I found myself in an abandoned building, with a single floor, holes where doors and windows should be, and graffiti covering the walls. Two boys walked in, one about my age, and one about ten, both with dark, shaggy hair. I hid myself from them, and my view of the room was switched to third person. The older boy was looking at some of the graffiti. I noticed one in particular - it said "iJustine" in big letters. The boy also noticed it, because the paint used to write it was dripping down the wall. It was still wet. Suddenly, I was seeing in first person again, and Justine and I jumped out from our hiding places. (I hadn't noticed before, but Justine was also hiding in the building.) The two boys were shocked. We started beating the crap out of them, especially the younger one. Afterwards I felt bad, so I asked them how I could make it up to them. The older boy asked for "two quarter pieces," so I reached into my pocket and pulled out a wad of money. I had ten bucks and a bunch of quarters, so I gave them one quarter and Justine gave them another. The two boys then ran off with what we'd given them.
      I realized that, because I had $10, I could go back to that bookstore and buy a couple volumes of the manga that I liked. I ran out of the building and down the street, suddenly finding myself in a different scene. I was in the sparkly manga room in the bookstore, picking out which ones I wanted. My dad came in again. He told me that we were late for something and that I'd have to buy the books some other time. We both left.

      Hannah was with me then, and we were sitting on some rocks by the ocean. It was just past sunset, and a bunch of other teens were with us, but I don't think I knew any of them. We decided to go swimming, so we all jumped into the water fully clothed. It was a little cold, and the current was strong. A boat passed by, and a big wave rushed over us. I found myself being pulled under, and I thought that Hannah was on top of me. I struggled to swim to the surface, and in doing so found that it wasn't Hannah pulling me down; I was tangled up in something, probably seaweed. When I finally freed myself and swam to the surface, I found myself looking up at an old Inuit woman. The current had somehow carried me far away, under ice, and into this woman's igloo. The hole in the floor that I was looking at her through was supposedly used for ice fishing. I scrambled out of the water and onto the floor, and collapsed, panting and shivering. I think I blacked out. From what I could figure out, the old woman used magic to heal me, but it also caused me to change into a white leopard, and though I could change back and forth at will, it would always be a part of me.

      The scene shifted to what I think is a week later. I was staying with the Inuit woman. The view was third person.
      Remember the dark-haired boys from earlier? The older one had, apparently, been injured on the ice and abandoned. The old woman had found him and brought him back to her igloo. He was unconscious, and the woman was using some healing spells on him. It must have been similar to the ones used on me, because he kept shifting forms, from human to wolf and vice versa. When she finished, he was human, and seemed to be asleep. She put a blanket over him, and left the house to gather food or something.
      The boy soon woke up. He seemed really confused. He got up and looked around. He noticed a leopard's tail(mine) flicking back and forth, sticking out from under a blanket on a cot by the wall. He crept over to it slowly. I switched back to first person, and rolled over on the cot. The boy froze. I stretched and climbed onto the floor in front of him. He looked as though he might try and attack me. He also looked... really hot. I could see the wolf in his eyes.
      I stood on my back paws, and transformed into my human self. "It's just me," I told him. He looked really shocked, and a little nervous too - probably because of how I kicked his ass before. I tried to make it clear that I liked him now and wasn't going to hurt him.
      I woke up then. Darn, he was so hot too...
    4. Walking in the Dark

      by , 01-15-2011 at 04:29 PM
      1/15/11 - Walking in the Dark
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I was on my front porch, standing under the little light in the ceiling, talking to someone. I told them to stop talking, that I needed to examine the dream some more. I looked around and stepped outside. It was pitch dark out. I walked further and still could see no light, all I knew was that I felt concrete beneath my feet. I held onto that feeling.
      I looked up, and could barely make out the outline of the moon. I decided that it should be daytime, and willed the sun to rise. An orb of light rose up into the sky, but it faded away quickly. I tried saying it aloud, "Sun, rise." Nothing happened. I turned around and looked back at my house. All I could see was the small glow coming from the front porch. I walked in that direction...
      and I don't know what happened after that.

      I remember being in a classroom, with a bunch of kids from my old school. I was with Mary and Hannah, as usual, and we were talking about something. Just when class was about to be let out, there was a loud booming sound. Rain was pummeling down outside, and lots of water was blowing in through the open windows. Everyone crowded together on the floor, in the middle of the room, as the booming continued and be could see sparks of electricity right next to the windows. It was a really bad lightning storm. After several minutes of sitting there and witnessing the storm, it died down, and the thunder and lightning stopped. The teacher told us we could leave. I was pissed because the book I'd been reading was soaked. Then I woke up. I wish I'd remembered the task of the month!
    5. Awkward Lawyers

      by , 01-10-2011 at 02:03 AM
      1/9/11 - Awkward Lawyers
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      Me, Mary, and Hannah were working together in my old school's gym. It was apparently a law firm that we ran. I saw Mary sitting on the bleachers, talking to a couple of custmers. I went up to her and asked, "Comfortable?" She sighed and said, "Not really." I sat next to her and put my arm around her. "How 'bout now?" I asked. She smirked. "Oh yeah."
      We giggled hysterically.
      The two customers glanced at eachother. "Are you gay?" one of them asked.
      I laughed again and said, "Psshh! Yeah RIGHT!"
      Mary chimed in, "Because guys are fucking sexy!"


      We were closing for the day. Hannah, for some reason, wasn't there. Me and Mary were about to walk out the door when this blonde girl from my school stopped us. She challenged me to a "dance battle", and started dancing like a maniac. I just shrugged and started dancing too. About halfway thru I had to stop because I felt like my hoodie was choking me. It was fine though, because the girl was so amazed by my dancing that I'd already won. Then we all just... left.

      I also remember a teeny fragment.
      Before going to bed, I was thinking about how I wanted to find my dream guide. I'd imagined him as a huge gray wolf with unusual markings. Here's the dream.

      It seemed everything was going super fast, and all this happened in a single moment. I became lucid, met a big gray wolf, supposedly my dream guide, hopped on his back, asked him to take me somewhere, and he took off into the sky at incredible speed. I could see stars zooming by as the moon got larger in the sky... It freaked me out and I woke up. It was exhilarating and frustrating at the same time.
      I'm not counting this as a lucid due to its short length, and the overall confusion/"collapseness".
    6. Corny Carnival & Gift Contemplation

      by , 12-21-2010 at 03:59 AM
      12/20/10 - Corny Carnival & Gift Contemplation
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I vaguely remember being at a carnival with my friends Mary and Angela, along with some girl who I think was Angela's friend. The fairgrounds were more like a big lot with a fence around most of it, and makeshift rides and games set up in a kind of half-circle formation. We went from ride to ride, and hoped to get through all of the rides, but after only about five of them it was time to leave.

      There's a small fragment of another dream. I was with my 9-year-old cousin and we were looking through a book of my old drawings. They were all anime girls and I noticed that a lot of them were posed with their fists in the air.

      Finally, I remember being at Barnes & Noble, looking for gifts for Hannah and Mary. I figured I'd look for something I knew they hadn't read before. Eventually I found a 3-in-1 book for each of them; InuYasha for Mary, and Sailor Moon for Hannah. I figured they'd like them since I knew they each loved the anime versions of their books.

      I was actually planning to go to B&N today for their presents. I don't know if there is a manga of Sailor Moon, but it's a pretty good idea for Hannah's present. Maybe I could get season 1 of the anime. Mary's already read some InuYasha, though, so I need to think of something else for her.
    7. Enchanted Retreat

      by , 05-28-2010 at 04:37 AM
      5/27/10 - Enchanted Retreat

      Dream Non-Dream Lucid

      I was on a class trip of some sort to a week-long retreat. It wasn't anything to do with school; this retreat was to help us learn magic. The building reminded me of a boarding school without classrooms, if that makes sense. It also had a pool out back and was near a beach and some marsh.

      The girls and boys were split up. There were about ten in each group. I don't know where the boys went, but the girls just went on a random walk on the beach.

      On our way back from the beach, I noticed some black sand. One girl explained that it was black because a giant squid had exploded.

      The next day, we learned to fly. All of the girls were standing around the pool with broomsticks. We were supposed to concentrate on hovering.

      Hardly anyone could get it right. Mary and I were somehow able to fly around a bit. Apparently we were "talented."

      I was so excited that I started flying around the marsh, dipping down low and then flying high. It was difficult but I somehow managed.... until I landed. When I got back to the pool, my broom snapped. Whoops. Apparently, it had been given to me by a kind neighbor of Hannah's.

      Oh well.

      On the third day, the entire class just hung out by the pool while we waited for our parents to come pick us up. When mine arrived, they wanted to see what I'd learned.

      I went to the broom closet and found a new broom. When I came out, I noticed Mary showing off her skill and smirked. I could do better. I pushed off the ground hard and flew high over the marsh. I circled a few times before landing in front of my parents. They looked impressed, but not entirely shocked. I guess they've seen flying broomsticks before.

      I woke as we were driving home.

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:47 PM by 29318

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Theatre

      by , 05-22-2010 at 04:22 AM
      5/21/10 - Theatre
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I was with my friends Hannah and Mary and some huge, expensive-looking theatre. We were waiting in the entrance hall, which was bigger than my house, and from what I could see the entire building was constructed of marble. There was a huge crowd of people waiting with us for a colossal set of doors to open, so that we may be seated for the upcoming performance. Somehow I was lucid. I turned to Mary and informed her of this. "I know that already," she told me. "We planned to meet here, remember?"

      Mary and I made numerous reality checks while Hannah just stood around. I really wanted to go off and explore, but I decided to wait with my friends since they'd bothered to meet me in the dream.

      Sadly, I woke up before anything interesting could happen.

      I should've realized that Mary and Hannah were DC's and gone exploring like I'd wanted.

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:59 PM by 29318
