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    The Labrynth of the Mind

    Here you will find the accounts of my para-conscious exploits. You will find that some are incredibly dull, and appear to represent an almost automatic screensaver of my mind. Others are rather interesting. It rather depends upon my waking life.

    Lucid dreams are the only ones in which I use a color scheme. I use the conventional Blue for Lucid and Red for Nonlucid in such cases.

    1. New Boss at the Greenhouse

      by , 01-29-2011 at 04:36 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Went to bed at about 1:00am, and took some melatonin to help me sleep. I remember having many dreams, but have a hard time recalling them. The following is the longest coherent stretch I can remember:

      New Boss

      I am working at the Greenhouse again. I walk in the door, and I see that our boss is there. In waking life, my boss was a big jerk. Here, however, it is Rand Miller, the creator of Myst. I wave hello, and walk up to the group of fellow workers. Rand starts to give orders, the way my old boss used to, and tells me to follow him. We walk down a narrow aisle of plants, and he shows me a spot where he wants me to wait. He points up into the sky outside, at either a large star or a small moon.

      "Line up your sight from this pole," he points to a support for the greenhouse roof, "to that star".

      He goes back into a back room somewhere, and begins fiddling with controls. I begin to hear a mechanical grating sound, and the sky outside of the tent begins to change. It changes colors, fading from the night sky to a lighter blue, then to a reddish pink as though the sun were rising.

      "OK, it's changing!" I call to him, thinking that it was my duty to let him know if I saw anything. Then I realize I have lost my line of sight with the star, and try to get back. Rand continues to run the machine, changing the sky outside. I think to myself how working for Cyan is a whole lot of fun. Apparently I am now working at one of Cyan's offices. Originally I thought it was their headquarters, but their headquarters is in Spokane Washington and we are in New Mexico...

      ... I walk down a hallway, and sit down in a chair. Barbara Eden, who played Jeannie on I Dream of Jeannie, sits in a chair next to me. There are a few of us sitting in chairs in the hallway, and we do something that I can't remember.

      Don't know if this was a lucid or not (fragment)

      I am somewhere. I am up high, I think. I am shouting "more lucidity!" and "more vividness". Meanwhile, the landscape gets brighter and more vivid around me.

      Note: The above fragment followed a visualization I did as I was falling asleep. An obvious incubation success, and possibly a successful MILD, but I don't remember if it was really lucid or not.

      Also, the appearance of Jeannie in my dream is interesting because this morning my parents were talking about their upcoming vacation. They are planning a visit to Cocoa Beach.