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    The Labrynth of the Mind

    Here you will find the accounts of my para-conscious exploits. You will find that some are incredibly dull, and appear to represent an almost automatic screensaver of my mind. Others are rather interesting. It rather depends upon my waking life.

    Lucid dreams are the only ones in which I use a color scheme. I use the conventional Blue for Lucid and Red for Nonlucid in such cases.

    1. 12/29-30/2011 (Various things, and a brief WILD)

      by , 12-30-2011 at 11:01 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      75mg vitamin B6 before bed.

      My friend the spy

      I am visiting with my brother's fiancee for some reason. As we are visiting, people start chasing us. It turns out that she is some kind of a spy, and there is an organization out to get her. We go running across the rooftops of some city, chased by people who are shooting.

      Later on I am discussing this adventure with someone, and reflecting on how I didn't mind running along ledges and other death defying stunts when I was being chased. I also wonder if this girl has a sister that might be single.

      Grandfather falling on hard times

      My Grandfather has lost a lot of money somehow, and is trying to raise money. Some creepy looking guys show up, and they begin discussing the possibility of him selling the grandkids as slaves. After the creepy guys leave, I make sure that my Grandfather really isn't planning to sell us to them.

      I solve a mystery

      My family and I are standing outside watching an airplane. The plane is flailing around strangely in the sky, flying way up into the air and then back down. Then it starts to shake, and fall apart. It breaks into pieces, and falls to the ground. Actually, it falls into some kind of water because it creates a small tidal wave that I am concerned will hit us. By the time it reaches us though, it just makes our feet wet.

      We are seperated from the airplane crash by a bunch of shelving, or something like that. As I examine all of these things, I (or we) are reminded of something that happened that is in some way related. I crawl under the shelves to examine the wreck (which is now part of a satellite), and poke around looking for bodies, I think. I don't see any, but I do find an electronic device that makes something important click in my mind. I've solved the case! I seem to recall the dream starting to get creepy around now, but when I solve the case everything brigthens and becomes cheerful. I think I become Monk again, or at least I pretend that I am. "I've got it!" I shout behind me. "Here's what happened," I begin, but I don't remember what happened.

      Small WILD

      I wake up in bed. As I usually do any more, I do a nose pinch RC. I can still breathe which puzzles me at first. But as I realize that I must be dreaming I also seem to become aware that I am waking up, or am awake already and I haven't even pinched my nose. I don't know if this part happened or if it was a false awakening, but I decide to try a WILD from this point. Or maybe it's a DEILD, I forget what the exact technique is here. Anyway, a dream forms around me within seconds. I find myself walking into an electronics store with a friend. I'm not very satisfied with this dream, although I don't know why looking back on it. I try to find ways to anchor myself to the dream. My friend sits down with a sort of Iphone or IPad. I look around, trying to hold on. I can't remember what happens after this.
    2. 12/11-12/2011

      by , 12-12-2011 at 03:36 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I have been experimenting with peanut butter, of all things. In previous night I was taking vitamin b-6 as well, but last night I decided to just try two tablespoons of peanut butter before bed. I may not get a chance to journal for a long time today, so here are some quick notes.

      Successful WILD?

      I was attempting a WILD here. Realizing how fast I slip into a dream after the first hints of HI, I decided to forgo counting, relaxation techniques, or mind alertness methods and focus on myself in a dream. At some point (I don't remember exactly when, it may or may not have even been part of this but for some reason I thought it was) I wake up. Or I think I wake up anyway. I look at my hand as a RC. I have 6 fingers. A classic RC.I realize that I'm dreaming. I sit up in bed, and things look completely normal except that I know it's a dream. I throw off my blankets, but I can't remember anything else.

      A series of false awakenings, and some lucidity

      I have some long involved dream with gangsters. There are fish in the back of a car, and I make it seem like they have been dead a long time. Kind of weird, but it seemed vitally important at the time. After a while, the adventure takes us to an old building with stone steps. I know that if one of the bottom steps is removed, another set of steps will show up leading down into a passage in the ground.

      Somehow I find myself back in bed. The gangsters are in my bedroom. I don't know if I thought I woke up or not. The light is on, and think I had better turn it out. I turn it off, but one gangster tells me I had better turn it back on again. I try, but it won't come on. I think it must be because I turned it off and on so fast, and the bulb is burnt out. I try the switch on the wall. Nothing.

      "Must have blown a fuse," I think. But I also remember that lights not working right is a dreamsign. I plug my nose and try to breathe. At first I am confused, because I actually can still breathe but I could swear I was awake. I pinch my nose harder, but I can still breathe.
      I realize I am dreaming. I walk out into the livingroom, and look around. Things are fading a bit, but I hang onto some things to try and stabilize it. I keep saying "increase stability" over and over. I hang onto an open door, which helps a bit. But when I let go, the dream almost ends. I become dangerously aware of my body asleep in bed. Trying to forget that, I try a technique of slowly spinning and looking at all of my surroundings. This helps somewhat.

      The dream is still threatening to break up. I pace up and down the living room, shouting "increase vividness" and "increase lucidity" over and over. I walk into the kitchen, and think maybe some excitement would help. "Create monsters!" I shout, but then think better of it and say "well, maybe no monsters." I walk into the living room, and try to summon someone but it fails.

      I find myself in bed. I get up and walk out into the living room, remembering my dream. Things are decorated for Christmas, which they are in real life but not as much. I look at the computer clock, but interestingly it seems normal.Somehow though I realize this is a dream. I can't quite remember what I did in this dream (I'm losing recall the longer I am awake) but it wasn't much anyway.

      I find myself awake in bed. I get up and walk into the living room. My mother is sitting there, and I tell her about my dreams and false awakenings.

      "I just kept thinking I was awake!" I say. I make a joke about an alarm clock, and how it would be good if I had one set in case this was a dream also. How would I ever know when to wake up for real if I thought I was awake already? I don't seem to doubt that I am actually awake this time.

      I realize I need to get ready for school. I have to leave by 6:00 or 7:00, but I can't remember exactly when I have to be there. I thought for sure I didn't even need to get up until 8:00, but my mother thinks differently.

      I wake up again. There is a single mother in my room. For some reason, I don't know anything about this woman but I know that she is a single mother. She is also a pillow. It's kind of weird. I don't even know if I'm lucid or not at this point, things are a bit confusing.

      Eventually I wake up again. Unless this is also a false awakening, which RC's tell me isn't the case, I actually do need to leave. Needless to say, I woke up again from that last false awakening, and no reality check has failed so far.

      Updated 12-14-2011 at 04:40 AM by 31914

      lucid , false awakening