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    1. Helicopter, Lucids, Kitten & Bank Robbery

      by , 06-08-2014 at 08:06 PM
      So, I haven't been keeping very good track of dreams.

      About a week ago - had a dream I was in a helicopter with someone. I looked down and there was fog rolling across a field, rolling in waves like an ocean. There was a storm in the distance, I could see it across several farm fields, but it was beautiful. On the edge of the fields there was a forest. The helicopter flew down until it was only a few feet above the ground, and we flew through a forest. I had a vague idea I was dreaming, and I wanted to share this with one of my friends, so I tried to turn the helicopter pilot into one of my friends. I looked away and looked back. When I looked back, her face was blurred out, but she hadn't fully changed. When this stuff happens, you'd think it would be super creepy in a Silent Hill sort of way, but when I am dreaming it's just a "this didn't completely work" sort of thing and doesn't bother me. I woke up.

      I've had a few lucid dreams over the past 2 weeks but I've also been bad about recording those, so I'll just record last night:

      Woke up ~8 am. Got up to use the bathroom. Went back to bed with the idea that it would probably be easy to transition to a lucid dream at this point.

      Fell asleep, as normal. At some point, I became semi-aware while I was in the grey fog. I am familiar with the fog, by now. I knew that because I didn't "have a body" at the moment, I wouldn't be able to enter a dream (this is something it took a while to figure out, and it's just the way it works for me). I decided to do my technique of "walking" forward until my feet took form I could see my feet. I looked down at where my feet would be and began "walking". After spending a while doing it, suddenly my feet came into being. Once they came into being, I decided to try to bring an environment into being. Suddenly, the world popped into place. It startled me so much that I fell on my butt.

      I was now sitting in a yard in front of a house. It was very clear. There was a house behind me that I didn't notice very much, and trees all around me. The grass I was sitting on was vibrantly green and soft. I saw some little flowers growing in it (like little daisies) and thought about picking one. Before I did that, though, I decided to look around. Everything was crystal clear, no "dream fuzziness" at all.

      I heard a car in the distance. It stopped at the curb next to me. Curious, I stood up to take a look. I could see the driver inside, his features were quite clear without the "dream fuzzies" that sometimes happen when I see a dream character. He opened the door and stepped out and suddenly everything became fuzzy and gray again.

      My body had disappeared again. I began to rub my hands together. After a while of rubbing, they suddenly appeared in front of me. I was pleased and tried to cause the landscape to reappear. Unfortunately, I guess I hadn't stabilized enough because my hands disappeared again and I woke up a little bit.

      I settled back down and tried to imagine walking while looking at my feet again, and holding the hand of a friend to try to make them appear with me once I "existed" again, as sort of an anchor (I am holding onto them and they are in the environment that we are both in, so they stabilize me and vice versa). It doesn't really work and I feel like I can feel my feet shuffling in my bed (I'm never completely sure if they actually are or it is an illusion that they are).

      It doesn't really work. I give up and drift into deeper sleep.


      I dream I am robbing banks as an accomplice with a dream character (Caucasian guy with dark shaggy hair, thin and generally unhealthy and unreliable looking). At one point we end up in a production room where people are packing up cocaine for distribution. I have a tiny orange tabby kitten and I am worried about its welfare. I carry it with me at all times. We are going to go rob a bank and crash at a motel and my fellow bank-robber tells me to just leave the kitten outside and it will be fine. I start to leave it there but panic and come back and bring it with me. It's a huge inconvenience, but I cannot bring myself to leave my kitten alone outside where something may happen to it.

      I see on the news that I am being listed as an accomplice for murders, but I haven't murdered anybody, and I didn't know that my bank-robbing buddy has been killing people. I decide I need to get away now, that even if I'm on the hook for robberies I'm definitely innocent of killing people. I can't leave my kitten behind, though, I am too worried about it. I'm also worried something will happen to it if my bank-robbing accomplice or the police catch up to me. I run through the woods (I don't have the van/car) and come upon a house there. I know that one of my IRL friends, James, lives in it, and that it would be safe to leave the kitten with him because I trust him. He opens the door and is friendly, as if he doesn't know I've been robbing banks (or doesn't care), and happily agrees to take care of my kitten.
    2. Rocket Man

      by , 11-08-2013 at 09:31 PM
      I dreamed that I was part of a crew that was going to ride in a rocket to the moon. The capsule we were going in looked very old, like 1960s era Soviet technology, and it was very tiny. It had one circular room. 2 men were operating the actual controls, and I was supposed to navigate. For some reason, I did this with old-fashioned looking blueprints. Our first mission was successful.

      Things went a little wrong during the 2nd mission. There was another woman, Sophia, who was training to be a navigator. They assigned both of us to the capsule for the next mission, but it was far too cramped for 4 people to fit inside... when all 4 people got in, I didn't have enough space to actually do my job. Finally, it was decided that Sophia would stay behind.

      Eventually, we docked at a tiny space station with a room with several beds built into the wall.

      Then, a perspective shift. I'm now a spectator, and Captain Kirk is leading an old-fashioned-looking starship. He's only doing it temporarily, until they pick up the "real" captain. They run into a very strange colony/organism, it's a giant, translucent, organic bag of liquid with worms and snake-like creatures inside of it. It reminds me a lot of looking through a microscope at a slide full of tiny creatures. Anyway, it engulfs the ship. Kirk leaves the ship and floats into a little air sac/bubble in order to try negotiating with the creatures, but they're sort of evil. Eventually, he decides it can't be done, so he punches a hole in the side of the sac and all of the fluid drains off into space.

      Then I dream that my mother gave me 2 bowls of popcorn. One is smaller than the other. I sit and pet an orange kitten, and we both eat popcorn.

      Dream clues:
      - I do not normally operate rockets
      - It is not the 1960s
      - "Spectator" perspective
      - My mother is 2000 miles away
      - I don't own a kitten
    3. Kittens, Beads, D&D

      by , 05-07-2013 at 03:22 PM
      The night prior, I had a dream about superheroes. And then there was a tall skyscraper, and I put some of the windows out with my mind from a distance. Then I was caught in a huge wave, that was rocking me back and forth with each surge, but even though I was immersed in it I did not drown. There was a really old guy who was supposed to be a villain.

      Last night I dreamed I was on IRC, only IRC was set up more like an image board. Anyway, I found a channel I liked that was full of a bunch of other gamers and role players. There was a kid on there obsessed with Yu Gi Oh to a really annoying degree who kept challenging me to fake "fights", and then cheating terribly. I commented that he was taking an awful lot of Free Actions (for some reason we were playing by 3.5 Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules) and then beat him up with a pair of giant stuffed foam thumbs. A toy he was using as a prop to fight with exploded into a bunch of glass beads, and then he turned into a kitten. I felt bad about wrecking his toy and being so mean to a little kid/kitten, so I picked up the toy (it looked like a doll head, only made out of beads) and began trying to repair it.
    4. Old Dream: Song and Baptism

      by , 03-02-2004 at 03:17 AM
      Jan. 31, 2004:

      I had this dream that George Bush got turned into a kitten, and that while he was trying to give the State of the Union address, all of these cartoon characters kept trying to kidnap him. A 2 lb. George Bush swore in a squeaky voice while getting chased by a chihuahua, and seeing a tabby kitten go ballistic was well worth my time spent asleep.

      Then I had some weird dream about how all of the cartoons were getting uber-stylized, a la Samurai Jack, with nothing but straight lines and squares and angles.

      Feb. 9, 2004:
      I miss Abby a lot. I dozed off in my chair a little bit while M__ and T__ crashed here this morning and I dreamt she was in my dorm room.

      March 1, 2004:
      I had one of the freakiest dreams in a while. I dreamed there was this big war, and I fought in it, and I did something really important but I got injured. And something about me being topless because of the injury. And I dreamed that I sort of turned into a skeleton quasi-death thing, but only if you looked at me the right way. So my uncle drove me to this place... only he wasn't my actual uncle and had long hair, and he sang really well... he stood outside singing until a woman inside noticed, so she treated my injuries and baptised him.