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    1. College in the 18th Century

      by , 01-22-2011 at 08:59 PM

      I dreamt I'm visiting a foreign town far away. I vaguely remember driving up with a friend or two, though I'm not sure exactly who. When we arrive I learn that there is a strict curfew rule enforced by the "adults" who all appear to be scholarly women and men with 18th century facial hair styles and demeanor. They ring a bell and promptly close the doors shutting everyone inside.

      One night, a friend and myself decided we had better plans for the night and, instead of going inside when the bell tolls, pose as "adults" and walk the streets. We wander the town to the outskirts search for a gas station where I have a run in with a man who knows me not to be an "adult." He makes passive threats to me, asking if I can run to a building in the distance faster than him in a less-than benevolent tone. I'm frightened, but pass it off and continue walking.

      My companion has now assumed the spirit of my girlfriend in real life. At one point I remember holding hands. She has visited the town many times before and maybe even had lived here in here childhood for many years. She points out a bed of cushion and tarp which, she says, is used for dancing on. At that moment, I living severed head walking on crunches comes over the to tarp and begins to dance for us. Afterward, we're greeted by a man who is giving "free" things in return for our mailing address. He offers us an Xbox 360, but I tell him I'd rather fill out the one for free chicken wings. My girlfriend ends up filling both of them out.

      Next, we're back in the town center were we first started. The place now reminds me of a college campus than it does a small town. The bell rings again, signaling the beginning of curfew. As the "adults" are ringing the bell a woman in man-made wings, designed to look like a butterfly wing and a sparrow wing, flaps her way to the top of the building. She perches and then takes off through the roof like it isn't there. Her wings are exceedingly more vibrant and magnificent on the other side. I soon realize it is merely a trick caused by the reflection of the water.

      Updated 01-24-2011 at 08:51 AM by 33186

    2. Keyhole Vaginas

      by , 07-10-2010 at 09:15 PM

      The dream fades in very faintly. I leave my dorm room and head towards the lecture halls in search of a bathroom. Turning in towards an open door, I notice the room is filled with students and their parents sitting and socializing as though the class hadn't yet begun. I walk to the back of the room, where the teacher is seated, shuffling through papers.

      "Mind if I use the bathroom?" I ask.

      He looks me in the eye and asks me straight out if I am stoned. Immediately I respond, "How about I pee on your face?" The room fills with laughter as I explain to the instructor's shocked face "If you have no problem asking if I am stoned in front of an entire classroom, then you certainly shouldn't have a problem with me asking to pee on your face."

      At this, he stands up and directs to the corner of the room where we meet with my friend Victoria. He proceeds to ask me a series of questions to determine if I would be a suitable candidate for his advanced music classes. For the first question he asked me to identify the significance of a several sets of numbers divided by colons. Victoria tries to answer in my place, but the teacher glares at her. I answer, time signatures. The second question he asks is more of a riddle than a question.

      "What is an abused ukulele?"

      "A cello!"

      He seemed thoroughly impressed and dismisses his class and myself. I walk back to my dorm room and run into my in-dream neighbor. In order to open our locked doors we must fuck them, as though the keyhole is a vagina and my penis is the key. It feels great and we both continue to fuck our keyholes for several minutes, never climaxing. I open to door to find a gigantic mess of puke and blood. The door and room are the size of a crawlspace, but in a desperate panic to save my roommate I crawl in until I realize he isn't inside. I look out the door and see him half asleep under a bed in the common area.


      Updated 07-10-2010 at 09:39 PM by 33186

    3. Doctor, I Have Flaming Lips!

      by , 07-06-2010 at 10:30 PM

      I walk into a large, open doctor's office with my mother, dressed in a heavy green dress which makes it almost impossible to walk normally. I'm dressed as and acting like a woman, though I know I am a man. I can feel people's eyes or me, but I'm used to it. I have arrived for some sort of surgery that will make me feel more "normal" than I do right now.

      The female doctor walks off with a shopping cart and my mother walks off in another direction. I follow the doctor, who is now walking down a grocery store style aisle collecting the items she will need to perform the procedure. As I follow, I pass a woman who deliberately brushes against my stomach with her hand. This confuses me somewhat. I then part ways with the doctor walk to a tunnel-like structure where I notice my youngest brother of about ten perched. He is being reprimanded by a teacher figure for refusing to behave. I continue to walk on where I notice my mother going up and extremely steep escalator, waving casually to me like we will see each other again in ten minutes or so.

      I continue to walk around the now high school-sized doctor's office where I come across and large line of soon-to-be students waiting in line for something. There must be five hundred of them. However, I know why I am here and it is not to wait in line for whatever it is they're waiting for. I move on.

      I am now in the same doctor's office, though at an extension that reminds me of The Museum of Science I've visited as a child several times before. I notice there is are multiple groups of children from different elementary/middle schools touring like I had some years before. I recognize one of the teachers as a lively, older man with crazy white hair and glasses. Still, I continue on noticing a friend of mine walking away from a booth where Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips is handing out free t-shirts and CDs with several other people I don't recognize.

      I walk over to notice he as aged much more than I expected. Another volunteer asks me about my favorite movie. I explain to him that I've been asked this question before by my father, thought about it, but simply cannot remember which one I chose. There are just too many to choose just one. He decides to give me what I came there for anyways. I thank him and go on my way.
