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    Beyond the Horizon

    There is a city of glass filled with silence.

    1. Crazy Layered Dream!!

      by , 09-21-2010 at 12:06 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I went to bed after listening to some new songs, and the weirdest dream I have ever had.

      In a room in a warehouse with LostInLA and other church friends. I knew I was in a dream, but I wasn't lucid; it was part of the story. Me and LostInLA wanted to have a shared dream, so we lay on these reclined chairs and took a pill each. I bit into mine and tried to swallow the liquid inside it. As I did something was wrong; people said "No Kevin!"
      I think I took the wrong pill.

      I went into a dream, I felt like it was my own mind. I was walking around in my dream. It was a normal place and the dream was very stable and deserted. I was thinking about how I would be in this dream for ages because dreamtime is faster and I was supposedly two layers down.

      I was walking up this road toward the spot where I had my first lucid moment. I looked behind me and the sun was setting until it was night.
      *MEMORY GAP*

      I looked up and It was morning in my dream and I made my way towards where I entered this dream. I saw some stairs which I climbed. At the top there was a doctor's office. I asked the receptionist if I could sit here because I was tired of just walking around. She said yes.

      There were two other people waiting for the doctor. My church friend Rachael came out of the doctors office and I said "What are you doing here?" I thought it was just my dream. She said something like "I've been here since I got sick."
      *MEMORY GAP*

      I realized I was dreaming FOR REAL sometime later. Everything was white and I yelled "Increase clarity now!" three times and rubbed my hands, but again, it felt like I was doing it for real in my bed and that it was too late.

      I think that lucid dreaming feels so real that I think I'm really doing the reality check. Grr...

      I woke up into the first dream, after everyone was crowded around me shaking me to wake me up.

      Later, I showed LostInLA my cast coming off; I pulled my arm out of it and it was all sticky and gross. She was like "Ewwww..."

      I woke up.

      There was much more than that though. Something about a bus.

      Updated 09-24-2010 at 01:09 AM by 34314

      lucid , false awakening , memorable