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    • Sivason's Avatar
      12-28-2024, 07:01 AM
      HI! I would suggest not doing the imagining part at first. You are trying to fall asleep while staying barely aware. Do this in the middle of the...
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      I love it, thanks .
      P.S: I miss you
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      I miss you!!
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      Happy Birthday Beauty!!

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      happy bday limit
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      Hey, happy birthday!!
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      DV needs more fun....quick! Do a dance in costume!
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      I'm pretty sure I deserved it.
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      the wallet you made for me fell in the lake when I went fishing. This saddens me.
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      Aww that's cute. I saw that sometime back too.
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    About limitless

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    Date of Birth
    May 11, 1990 (34)
    About limitless
    You arrived in my dream
    Beside me every night
    You and me, we explode through the scene
    We try to drain the night empty

    No one goes off in every way
    Like you do...

    We go out together
    We weave our own web
    Tangled in the waves with you
    We spray the scene in red
    We both erupt in colours
    Then carve out our names
    You keep me aroused
    I know you feel the same

    You arrive in my dream
    Beside me every night
    Just you and me, we explode through the scene
    We try to drain the night empty

    No one else has a hold over me
    Like you do...

    You open up the covers
    You lure me in
    Tackle me anxious back into bed
    Well I hope to discover all of your waves
    This place is death
    I know you feel the same

    You arrived in my dream
    Beside me every night
    Just you and me, we explode through the scene
    We try to drain the night every way ♪
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    Pennywise and the hole in the ceiling

    by limitless on 04-14-2012 at 05:14 PM
    Long, weird dream about being haunted by Pennywise.
    I remember having a hard time navigating around a weird warehouse that was full of old arcade games and large toys and figures that he blended into. I remember some explicit parts but i mostly remember the end of the dream:
    My family and i were having dinner in a tweaked version of my old dinning room. About half way through the meal we heard loud foot steps pacing the length of the upstairs, above us. After we all took turns staring at each other like RHPS (minus the name calling) mom was like, screw this, there is someone actually up there, im going to go see who it is. My dad was like *facepalm* it could be an intruder.. (and i think my older brother was like 10 in this dream) I followed mom half way up the stairs and as she entered the bedroom where the foot steps were, i woke up.. the first thing i heard in my house was mom's elephant foot steps in the next room. lol

    The dream i had after that had a reoccurring location. I was visiting my friend Nikki at her work while her coworkers were out for lunch. The skirt she was sewing was bizarre. I remember having to go pee but i needed to find another bathroom for some reason. So i down the hall between Dance With Me(nikki's work) and NoFrills'(from when i worked in another province) back room. I turned left and walked past a creepy statue that was in the middle of the hallway, at the end of the hallway is an office for the villain department of Marvel or something. I turn right and jump down a level through a hole in the floor, landing in a sketchy apartment above a bed, i cross the room and turn right, away from the other bedrooms, towards the bathroom. I cant go to the bathroom there, i look around and try to find toilet paper that is completely disgusting. It looks like homeless, filthy people had attacked the room. I leave the way i came, (this trip had happened 3 times, on the 3rd the guy is back in his room where the whole is, hes sorting laundry and i apologize for having to step over his clean laundry. He tells me he recognizes me and mentions an old coworker of mine. I tell him i dont work there anymore, that im just here visiting a friend for the day. I began to attempt to climb back up and im struggling. The guy asks me if its difficult to get out, i tell him: 'the first time was no problem, the second time was a problem and this time my whole body hurts." he laughed and said he can understand. At that, i climbed up from his headboard to the ceiling then i lift myself up and turn to flop down on my stomach so i can see him through the hole. I told him im really sore from working out two days ago. He laughed again and told me how he really thought he knew me. The conversation continued but i dont remember it, as i was navigating back to Nikki's work, i had the last of the convo with the room guy on a huge tablet kinda thing. When i got back to Nikki, her coworkers were back and she wanted me to hide. My perspective this time was from a wall view point instead of knowing im in the room. I faded from the dream and began my recall immediately.

    Updated 04-14-2012 at 05:24 PM by limitless


    Recap Nov 30th - Dec 23rd

    by limitless on 12-23-2010 at 07:18 PM
    30th- Had a longer dream about being chased by an old neighbour in a barn or cottage, and i escaped into the rafters. (nightmare)

    3rd- Had a dream that Moose and i were at a hotel together somewhere in europe, we were crashing after a long day of travelling. We had our own rooms within the hotel room we were in, but i fell asleep on the couch. Next thing i know, its early in the morning and i start to pack everything so we can head back out when Moose woke up. I went into her room to pack her stuff and she had a tent half set up in the middle of her room that i took down and i remember picking up socks that were everywhere. I finished packing and went into another room and watched a movie with my headphones on so i didnt wake her, and the maid came in with an open box of candy that i had, saying she had to take the rest back and gave me my weed stash that i had put in there for whatever reason. Weird dream.

    5th- My notes say: "McDonalds if Hitler was still in charge." But i dont remember that dream, just lulzy that it happened.

    13th- Had a dream that i was back in college, it was the beginning of my new semester and i was drafting bathing suits, and the teacher told me: "You have enough marks to graduate now, so you can stop if you want or you can stay and learn jackets." I agreed to finish the class.
    -Frag. about meeting a cousin of mine at a miss-matched subway station in Toronto. Almost didnt recognize him, gave him a hug and said: "Shall we go?" and woke up.

    15th- Had a dream that LimboCity was lost in my area and he found me at a bus stop so i could help him find his dad whom he left in Toronto. He tested me by sending me a txt and waiting for me to receive it, so he could make sure it was me before approaching me. I had never seen a picture of him before but i knew it was him. When i woke up i checked my inbox and he told me he had a dream about calling me. I told him about this and he showed me a picture of him, it was identical. Very weird, is that a shared dream?

    23rd- Some frag.s that i was having a bunch of online convos with people, i remembered who and some context when i woke up for a few seconds but not long enough to write them down.
    - I was part of a group of friends in the 70's and we were all getting ready (seperately) for a semi-formal or a prom. One girl was a dancer had a crazy reputation with boys, and i was with her -taking the bus to the dance. Some guys came onto the bus and it transitioned into the right place, the moms who were volunteering were on stage and were asked to lead the first dance, so everyone partnered up with whoever the came with and danced, guys were dancing with guys and girls with girls. I saw a DC version of a friend from my work walk by in modern clothing and called her name but she didnt hear me. I turned to my friend that i was dancing with and all of a sudden it was my friend from college, Val. I scanned the room in confusion and everyone was acting like it was Reefer Madness and Val kissed me. Then i woke up.

    Updated 12-23-2010 at 07:26 PM by limitless

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment

    5 dreams from last night/today

    by limitless on 11-27-2010 at 04:12 AM
    1: Frag- I was with two characters from a book(dont know what book) one was quiet and only mumbled gibberish and the other was a rebellious loud mouth. We had to crash together in a cabin, in sleeping bags. I remember one female DV who was fit but bald and she was 100% full of herself and snobby but we got along fine.

    2: I went to a live show that Jenn put on, she bought the place and organized shows there that were freakshow / burlesque. I waited for the intro and when the girls introduced Jenn i waved at her, she pointed at me and one of the dancers showed me upstairs to wait for her. I was dressed in sexy gothic clothes and had extreme shoes on, and the stairway was tiny and had very awkward stairs. I got up and sat on a couch to wait, and the next thing i remember is sitting in Jenn's lap. Dont remember much else, woke up shortly after.

    3: I found Akono, it was a pretty short frag of us slow-mo walking towards each other in a grey room when we got close i gave him a kiss and he held me until i woke up. :3

    4: I found out all my family were kinda like wizards. The dream took place in my friend's house down the street from my old house, it was kinda like a haven for my family and some outrageous gay group whom all had AIDS. Everyone looked really exaggerated and i knew i was the closest to one random DC cousin who i had a weird bond with. We held a ceremony to announce who had the strongest powers out of our clan. I didnt know until we were done that i had no power at all.

    5: Frag- Last dream i had, i was chillin with Moose. We were walking around a building in a country setting and we sat on some muskoka chairs and talked until i woke up. I dont remember our conversations tho.

    retracing 10 dreams since october

    by limitless on 11-27-2010 at 02:58 AM
    21st of October- end of the world

    Im at my old house and we heard something about monsters in major cities and decided we could make it if we stuck together as a family. Mom, aunt, grandma, brother, friend and his GF were there. Our neighbourhood became like a haven for people trying to get away from the city. So we threw a party before splitting up and heading further into counrty-like areas. A bus arrived and we thought it was just more people trying to escape. But it was full of government people in white military uniforms who were violently arresting, and sanitizing people. I remember hiding in a barn with a Velcro wall, eventually i was taken in but i didnt fight them so i wasnt harmed. I woke up when i was being hand cuffed.

    28th of October- F.A

    I was dreaming that im awake, chatting with Akono and all of a sudden i fall.. or get sucked into my bed, happened really fast and i crash land on the couch in my living room. I sit up, confused, and a hand reaches around the corner and picks me up by the front collar of my shirt and drags me back into my room and pushes me onto the bed and i immediately fall through again. The first time was shocking, but fun, crash landing on the couch a second time made me mad and i had concluded that it was Akono's hand, so i storm back to my room and find him on msn and yell at him, i remember he was proud. And i woke up.

    31st of October- reg dream

    I was living on a house boat, i got the feeling i was in Norway or Finland, i was with a DC family. There was a seamless glass sun room on top of the boat where i was. There was a lot of snow on the boat but i was looking at the sky through a clear part of the ceiling. All of a sudden the room shattered over me from the weight of the snow, my DC brother pulled me out and handed me a parka. Our DC father was fighting with a neighbour boat/ family, i didnt understand the language everyone was speaking. I knew i needed to start packing. When i finished i saw my father figure had stolen some important statues, and rushed me into a truck and lit our boat on fire. We drove to the airport and when we got there i woke up.

    5th of November-
    Had a really long dream about Akono :3

    11th- was posted in the "Post Your DV Member Dreams" thread
    My best recall since the 5th: Slash112 and some old guy and I were running a store inside of some huge, really old building. I think we sold random stuff that we found, like "pickers". I remember vividly, on break we went out back to a swing set that had two sets of handles and one chain that was attached at both ends to the top. And when we got there a young Will Ferrell was swinging by his neck and laughing really creepily. I probably should have RC'd cause irl, he'd die from that..
    Same night- I was standing on a beach with 4 or 5 random DCs, we were all facing the water, staring at a camcorder that was on a tripod. We had the preview screen tilted towards us and we were taking pics or a vid of us. I looked over at one of the DCs and watched him look up at the water and his jaw drop because of what he saw in the water. I also looked up but couldnt see it until all of the DCs were looking at it. When everyone noticed and started at it, i looked up again and saw now that it was a massive ship that was only about 10 feet away from us. It was at least 8 stories tall, i got too scared and tried to wake up but i just saw the ship from a top angle instead and saw my helpless friends on the beach. I couldnt do anything but stare at it until i woke up.

    12th- reg dream

    Had a dream that my mom and two of my friend's moms were at the kitchen table in my old house, stuffing a garbage bag with something and singing Orestes - A.P.C. "And I don't wanna feel this overwhelming hostility.."

    Same night- was also posted in the "Post Your DV Member Dreams" thread
    One of my shorter frags from this morning was about me mailing Akono a chistmas present. hehehee
    17th- end of the world

    Zombies had taken over and one man was plotting to use them to take over the world, humans weren't in danger of being pillaged by the zombies because this politician was controlling them. All i remember is being at a live theatre and the politician was leading an orchestra of the zombies, sounded fine but when i woke up i laughed.

    24th- end of the world

    Pt 1: I was at my old house with all of my family, but i knew (for the first time) that it's not my house, i think it was for a wedding. Pt 2: Kinda like i was knocked out and woke up and all of my family is dead or missing. I vividly remember trying to bail from some industrial building, stepping over bodies that i knew were my family but didnt recognize. I headed for my dad's standard truck with a plan to save as many people as i could and pull them onto the truck bed. But there were about 6 too many options on the gear shifting area, so i tried my best to pull the truck out and woke up as i was trying to park.


    by limitless on 10-17-2010 at 11:33 PM
    I finally had some recall this morning for the first time since the 12th.

    I dreamt i was at some kinda cottage with some family friends. I remember having conversations with my friend and his step dad, but dont remember the dialogue. There was a storm happening and i saw a family from the neighbourhood on their boat, bracing for the waves from the storm. I was watching from a view that a camera would have if it were a movie. As if i was watching them from the middle of the water. The waves lifted their little speed boat and dropped it, rocked the boat until the middle daughter fell into the water. At this point i was at the "beach" and helped her fight off a huge fish that looked kinda like a 2' long black piranha or one of those deep sea fangtooth fish. And helped her back up onto the deck. Woke up soon after.

    I had a short dream before and another one after this one, where i was on msn with Ninja telling him i dreamt about some guy, and he told me he did too. We compared details and it was the same person in both our dreams. But i cannot remember any specifics. (also, don't have ninja on msn irl)
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable