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    My Dream World

    This is my dreamjournal. Since it's not my main dreamjournal, I won't post here daily. This one is mostly for dreams that I consider interesting and want to share with people. I'll also be posting TOTM's here.

    Basically, this is a little space where I post interesting dreams. I do this mainly as a means to further improve my dream recall and to practice my english. I hope you have a nice read! Comments are also welcome if you feel like saying anything.

    In my dream journal, black means it's not part of the dream, blue means non-lucid and red means lucid!

    Recurring Characters/Things/Places

    1. Tried to fly again.

      by , 07-15-2016 at 03:12 PM (My Dream World)
      This was a dream that I had after waking up in the morning, lying lazily in bed cause I didn't wanna wake up and then eventually falling back asleep. It was pretty detailed and vivid and I have a pretty good memory of this one.

      I was in the house of a colleague from school called P (I'll be shortening names here for privacy). Another person from school, D, was here. I hadn't seen both of them in a long time (about 3 years I think). There was also a friend from college, PH, there with us. I was in P's room, which looked a lot like mine, with a few differences. For one the walls were all completely white, I think the beds were larger with some weird decoration on them, there was a werid bronze decoration with a "C" shape coming out of the ceiling and the TV wasn't there. I'm not sure if the wardrobe was there as well. This confused me but I just assumed that we lived in the same building and so our apartments have similar rooms/layouts (not true, I have visited his house in waking life). D and PH were talking about random stuff which I don't recall very well.I remember getting up and hitting my head on some weird decoratin on the wall. D and PH would sometimes make jokes and I would just stare blankly at them until I got the joke and they laughed me. I had noticed PH's finger looked weird, it kinda looked like it had been chopped off. I was hesitant but asked him what happened and he just said it was just something he put on his finger which made it look like it had been chopped off.

      I made my way out of the room and everything looked very similar to my own apartment. I went to the room with the balcony and looked out of the window. It was the building which I lived in with a few differences. There was an additional floor which I assumed to be the roof. I was confused but I just assumed we were neighbors and just never spoke to each other because I don't know my neighbors very well (false, since I know everyone who lives in my building which is rather small) I could also see some people and I was trying to figure out which floor this was. I think I eventually decided it was the third floor.

      There was some sort of skip there and suddenly we were in another room, which was somehow moving on the streets like a car. It was quite a bumpy ride. D and PH were there again, chatting. I remember someone who I assumed to be P's father walked in and told me something. PH then commented about how he was sit on the bed I was on right now but he sat on the other one instead because mine was directly in front of the window and there would be a lot of sunlight there. In the end it didn't really matter because the blinds on the window were blocking the sunlight anyway (I hadn't noticed them beforehand). Eventually we were nearing the building I was in and I wanted to walk out of the room
      . At this point, I was kinda lucid but I was also half-awake and trying to stay in the dream. I remember think to myself "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming..." which was the mantra I used for my MILD earlier.

      At this point everything was really dark. The dream was barely there. I kept repeating the mantra as I walked out of the room and went down some steps. As soon as I stepped outside, BAM! I was in a very vivid dream and was fully lucid. It was late afternoon, shortly after sunset. I was in the street that I live in. I noticed I had a backpack for some reason, hanging on one shoulder and I put it on. I tought to myself "Now I'll fly with my wings.". I looked back and I could kinda see them (they looked like reaper wings from the game The World Ends With You). I've never actually flew in my dreams, only levitated above the ground. Every time I flew I would become afraid and fall, so I was trying to overcome this. I started flying up and I was kinda afraid of falling, as usual. I heard some guy say "You can do it!" and gained some confidence, but as I distanced myself from the ground I became more and more afraid of falling. I eventually tried to fly up really fast, but that woke me up.

      Updated 07-15-2016 at 07:27 PM by 36767
