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    High Quality Head Movies

    This is my dream journal for anyone to read. I have lots of random quests, adventures, and sometimes just normal dreams (well define normal). Most of the time however, zombies will just take over my dream and it will end with destruction.

    Adventure Time!!!


    1. Lucid Zombies and the basic task of the month with false awakening

      by , 04-08-2011 at 04:26 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      *I tried to post this on 4/7/2011 at 6:30AM but the site wouldn't load*
      Small cabin on a hill
      It started with a small cabin on the hill that was supposed to be my Aunt Christine's house. Many family members were at the cabin. The setting was a bunch of hills and a road going through the bottom with a big open field at the bottom. We rode in the truck around the hills and rode ATV's a bit until the zombies showed up to wreck the day.

      The zombies just appeared at random. The zombies were stupid and slow thankfully. They walked slow and were shriveled up with pieces of their body missing (kind of like a cemetery zombie who has decayed overtime). I then got a gun from the cabin and a long thick stick from the ground. I killed every one of the zombies near the house, in the field, but the road was as far as I went. I then left the field and walked up the hill to the cabin and told everyone that they were gone and they said well that's a relief. They all went back outside. I went inside and talked to Aunt Christine and my cousin Rhonda who were washing dishes from lunch (which I must've missed while killing zombies). They asked me about how I was doing and I said fine (just a normal conversation).

      I went back outside and in the field the zombies were back. I was mad. I went over there and kept saying out loud I already killed you, NOW DIE! As I was killing the zombies I got way too close. I looked at them and I suddenly realized Holy Crap I'm dreaming! *now lucid* I then raised my hand and said STOP and the zombie froze in place. I looked around and I was still dreaming so I continued with the others saying STOP to make the last 5 or so zombies STOP in place.

      I then went back to the house and noticed this man named Veskov or Resnov or something (probably Resnov because of Call of Duty) and he was walking around talking to people and writing on a clipboard. Anyway, Resnov looked like a therapist. I asked my Aunt Christine who it was and she said it was my dream doctor. She said he was using my dreams for research. He glanced at me from the corner of the room, not in an evil or angry way just looked at me. I followed him outside and he was writing things down about everything from trees to chairs. I asked him why are you in my dream? He said that I wasn't dreaming. I said okay then explain this and I pointed my hand toward a table and chairs and hoped to levitate a chair and suddenly the clouds off in the distance morphed into master hand from super smash bros and came towards me and I could freely move it. It formed into the master hand and started doing movements in midair until I let go and it disappeared into a mist. He looked at me and wrote on his clipboard while saying Very Impressive, Not Bad. I asked him more details about his research and he said we were in his office right now asleep and hooked up to a machine. I said well okay I guess I'll let you continue and I will look around a bit.

      I was walking around thinking what do I want to do now that I am in a dream and then remembered... TASK OF THE MONTH!!! I was then looking for flowers everywhere but couldn't find any... I checked inside for vases or pots and then went outside a while until finding a small garden pot with tulips in it. I picked the Red tulip and couldn't smell it. I examined it for a while and noticed it had very defined lines and had a solid metallic look to it. It also had sharp looking spikes all the way around it sticking out along with the very sharp looking pointed petals. I thought, I wonder what you taste like... Then, I took the flower off the stem and threw it in my mouth. It tasted like red dry icing and had this strong vibrating feeling I can't hardly describe. It felt like bees were flying around in my mouth.

      I then walked it off and went on to talk to Resnov about my flower adventure and I falsely woke up in his office and continued the dream unlucid in the doctors office explaining what I had just seen and talking about dreams. I don't recall anything after that but woke up soon afterwards.